
Thug History

The word Thug actually comes from the word in India "Thuggee". When the British Colonized India, they found that there was a group of people that were not afraid of death, sometimes seeking death in battle or by running off cliffs, and they were known as the "Noose Operators" because they were very good at the art of "Strangulation" which in modern terms would be recognized as "Going for their neck". They would often work as organized Gangs, with district leaders and things like that (Police and Gang structure is pretty much exactly the same if you don't know). They would often split up and line up miles apart on a road way, then they would slowly join a traveling group, each of them pretending to be alone, until they were all together at which time they would lead the people to a killing spot.

The word made its way to America, and Tupac made it popular by inventing "Thug Life", people were already being called and calling themselves Thugs or Gangsters, but 2Pac put it in everyone's face. It originally made its way to America via the Italian Mob, which used their "Thugs" to do leg work.

Tupac realized that his people were afraid of/Believed in the Illuminati, and he wanted to Squash that, and once the president said his name on TV he had the platform to do it. I am not exactly sure who educated Tupac, but he was very inspired by Niccolo Machiavelli, Tupac was even known as "Makaveli". Machiavelli is the founder of Modern Political Science (Called PoliSci by students) and Political Ethics. He grew up in a time when the Pope of Italy would constantly declare war on the Italian city states, and many of the politicians were bought off. A Politician who has been bought off is known as a "Condottieris" or "Contractors", which in Ancient Italy was done openly, not as Bribes or Political Donations.

Machiavellianism is the concept that comes out of Machiavelli's book "The Prince". This book was written as a "Mirror's for Princes" style, which means it was meant to be read by kings and rulers. It is basically a book about how people use political power for personal gain, and it shaped much of the modern western thought as far as "Politicians". If you have ever heard "Politicians lie", that is common knowledge because of Machiavelli's book.

There is something known as "Malevolent Creativity". We all understand normal creativity, where someone uses their imagination to create something, or when someone puts 2 things together and makes something new, or even when someone just does something out of the norm to see if they can. That is normal creativity, Malevolent creativity is different. For example, if someone says "We have a drug problem in our town" and you say "Lock them all up" or "We need to crack down on our people" this is Malevolent creativity, a simply online example, would be if someone was annoying you in a forum, instead of being "creative" and finding a way to ignore them or deal with them, the "Malevolently creative" thing to do would be to Ban them, for being annoying. Most people have the ability to do complex problem solving and be creative, but this other route is taken by people who are more self absorbed aka Low Emotional Intelligence, or No Empathy which could lead to worse, more sociopathic behavior.

Many people think Tupac was trying to hurt people, but he was not. He was trying to teach people about Politics and how bad it was in the streets. If you listen to his music he is never saying like "Go kill people" he is saying "Why are we shooting each other" and "Why are our women getting raped by our men" and "Why do we let ourselves think there is something holding us down". Everyone should listen to "Changes", "Mama" and "Keep Ya Head Up".

And while listening to these songs, remember Tupac lived in and was talking about the early 90s and late 80s. Not the 60s. Since a lot of people like to pretend after the 60s everything was cool with race relations.
Some stuff about Brains and how studies are done

Cognition: A Cog in a machine is the gear part. And when your brain does things, it works similar to a series of machine Cogs. The "wiring" of brain cells in your brain works via Synapses. The Synapses are your brain firing off electro-chemical signals. Ex: If you have ever smoked Marijuana, THC attaches to your brain and fires these, but they are always firing. And like Cogs, one moving will move one next to it. A Dendrite is the branch between Neurons/Brain Cells that tied them together.

Recognition: This is the best way to explain the process of Cognition. For Example, when you see a person you know, you Recognize their face. The word "Recognize" is explaining how the Cognition in your brain is going back to a place in the Synapses where it stored the information of that persons face. And because of how Cognition works, when you Recognize their face, you will automatically remember other things. This is why certain songs remind you of people, and why certain smells remind you of like the first time you did something.

Schema: A Schema is a Cognitive grouping. For Example, the known "Schema" around the word for Marijuana is: 4/20, Bob Marley, Jamaica, Amsterdam etc.

Classical Conditioning: This is what Pavlov's Dogs had done to them, but it happens to all of us. If you need a cup of coffee before you can do anything in the morning, you have conditioned yourself to associate drinking coffee with being awake.

Control Group: If you were going to do an experiment on something, the Control Group would be the group that didn't get whatever the experiment was. For example, if you wanted to see how smoking hash effected someone's ability to do something, you would have a group of people who didn't smoke any hash do the same thing so you could see the difference.

Single Blind: A Single Blind study is like the ones they do in commercials, where they have someone eat like Yogurt or something, and the person giving them the Yogurt knows what brands they are, but the person eating it does not know what brands they are. Sometimes Placebo is used on the control group in Clinical trials, so everyone thinks they took the medicine.

Double Blind: Double blind is where the researchers and the people being researched don't know who is who. For example, you could have people eat hash capsules before doing something. And in 1 groups capsules you would put real hash, in the other groups capsule you would just put something like Vitamin C. Then, you would bring people in to watch them and not tell them which people took which capsules. This way there is 0 bias.

Independent Variable: This is the thing that you are keeping from the controls. If you are testing the effects of stress on something, Stress is the independent Variable. If you are testing the effects of Hash on something, Hash is the Independent variable.

Dependent Variable: This is the things that changes, which would be whatever the test is. For example, if you wanted to test the effects of hash on the heart rate, heart rate would be the dependent variable. The dependent variable is the event studied and expected to change whenever the independent variable is altered.
A Few Mechanisms of Evolution

Environmental Changes, different environments call for different traits. And people like to think of this kind of evolution as "An Organism Evolved with the Right Traits". But that is not how this works. When the Environment changes, it favors mutants. For example, the rabbits with the mutant gene to grow a layer of white fur during winter will get hunted less in the snow and all the other rabbits die, so they do not pass on the "flaw". In the past things would happen like floods, and there is a theory that Humans split from Chimps by crossing a river, because Chimps are not prone to swimming like Humans and Bonobos. And Bonobos are considered to be our closest Relative.

Intergenetic Hybrids.
The Tribes in Papau New Guinea have Denisovan DNA mixed with Homosapien DNA, meaning their genetic go further back than Neanderthals. If someone gets a Denisovan and Native American to fall in love, we will have some evolution starting.
The people in Papau are still living there today

New Predators can also change a species or genus. This is also something people like to think "The best animal evolves the best traits and wins" but that is wrong again. The thing that survives new predators is the right mutant. If you are a lizard and you live in a forest that has no leaves most of the year, then you are lucky if your the lizard that mutated to never be green. It's not something you would have thought was "better" if you were choosing at the womb, but it turns out you win.
Thug History

The word Thug actually comes from the word in India "Thuggee". When the British Colonized India, they found that there was a group of people that were not afraid of death, sometimes seeking death in battle or by running off cliffs, and they were known as the "Noose Operators" because they were very good at the art of "Strangulation" which in modern terms would be recognized as "Going for their neck". They would often work as organized Gangs, with district leaders and things like that (Police and Gang structure is pretty much exactly the same if you don't know). They would often split up and line up miles apart on a road way, then they would slowly join a traveling group, each of them pretending to be alone, until they were all together at which time they would lead the people to a killing spot.

The word made its way to America, and Tupac made it popular by inventing "Thug Life", people were already being called and calling themselves Thugs or Gangsters, but 2Pac put it in everyone's face. It originally made its way to America via the Italian Mob, which used their "Thugs" to do leg work.

Tupac realized that his people were afraid of/Believed in the Illuminati, and he wanted to Squash that, and once the president said his name on TV he had the platform to do it. I am not exactly sure who educated Tupac, but he was very inspired by Niccolo Machiavelli, Tupac was even known as "Makaveli". Machiavelli is the founder of Modern Political Science (Called PoliSci by students) and Political Ethics. He grew up in a time when the Pope of Italy would constantly declare war on the Italian city states, and many of the politicians were bought off. A Politician who has been bought off is known as a "Condottieris" or "Contractors", which in Ancient Italy was done openly, not as Bribes or Political Donations.

Machiavellianism is the concept that comes out of Machiavelli's book "The Prince". This book was written as a "Mirror's for Princes" style, which means it was meant to be read by kings and rulers. It is basically a book about how people use political power for personal gain, and it shaped much of the modern western thought as far as "Politicians". If you have ever heard "Politicians lie", that is common knowledge because of Machiavelli's book.

There is something known as "Malevolent Creativity". We all understand normal creativity, where someone uses their imagination to create something, or when someone puts 2 things together and makes something new, or even when someone just does something out of the norm to see if they can. That is normal creativity, Malevolent creativity is different. For example, if someone says "We have a drug problem in our town" and you say "Lock them all up" or "We need to crack down on our people" this is Malevolent creativity, a simply online example, would be if someone was annoying you in a forum, instead of being "creative" and finding a way to ignore them or deal with them, the "Malevolently creative" thing to do would be to Ban them, for being annoying. Most people have the ability to do complex problem solving and be creative, but this other route is taken by people who are more self absorbed aka Low Emotional Intelligence, or No Empathy which could lead to worse, more sociopathic behavior.

Many people think Tupac was trying to hurt people, but he was not. He was trying to teach people about Politics and how bad it was in the streets. If you listen to his music he is never saying like "Go kill people" he is saying "Why are we shooting each other" and "Why are our women getting raped by our men" and "Why do we let ourselves think there is something holding us down". Everyone should listen to "Changes", "Mama" and "Keep Ya Head Up".

And while listening to these songs, remember Tupac lived in and was talking about the early 90s and late 80s. Not the 60s. Since a lot of people like to pretend after the 60s everything was cool with race relations.
If you were really a would beat the prophets ass..
Here is an arguments the Youtube Christians were afraid of for evolution:
Fish do not Gestate, neither do Chickens. These are examples of the oldest kinds of life forms.

Next comes Amphibians, these still fertilize outside the Womb, but they Gestate as Tadpoles. Going from Gilled Creatures to Lunged creatures, all within one lifetime. Fish, Chickens, Tadpoles, Frogs, etc. These are all examples of things that do not gestate.

Then Gestation comes. Eventually the gene for gestation turned on, and the Womb became a central theme for mammals.

Whales did not exist until AFTER land mammals, here is a possibility of where they came from.

Christians will say "But we need evidence of a Dog creature growing arms that are like Fins". But that is not how evolution works all the time, sometimes an animal is pushed in to a new environment, for example the ocean. If a predator or freeze pushed the Dog creature in to the ocean, the best suited survivor would be a MUTANT Dog that had fin like legs, not a transition on land that made it feel like swimming more.

They had no rebuttal but to call me a Mermaid and ask where the half evolved Dog was. Which obviously does not follow.
In November 1961, the 23-year old Michael C. Rockefeller, son of Nelson A. Rockefeller who was then the Governor of the State of New York and member of one of the wealthiest families in the United States, disappeared in Asmat when his boat overturned while on an art collecting expedition. His disappearance, followed by an intensive and ultimately unsuccessful search by the Dutch authorities, was the source of much speculation as to Mr. Rockefeller's fate. Recently, author Carl Hoffman in his book "Savage Harvest," presented evidence that Rockefeller was killed and eaten by people from Otsjanep village.

Nice. I've heard the story about aka Clark Rockefeller too.
Christian Karl Gerhartsreiter (born February 21, 1961) is a German impostorand convicted murderer currently serving a prison sentence in the United States. In his late teens, Gerhartsreiter moved to the US, where he lived under a succession of aliases while variously claiming to be an art collector, a physicist, a ship's captain, a negotiator of international debt agreements, and an English aristocrat.

In 1995, while using the assumed identity "Clark Rockefeller", he married a successful businesswoman. The couple had one daughter. Gerhartsreiter lived a prosperous lifestyle solely on his wife's income. She became dissatisfied with his secretive, controlling behavior, and sought a divorce. Inquiries on her behalf revealed he had fabricated his name and family background. The couple divorced and Gerhartsreiter agreed to limited access to his daughter on supervised visits. Gerhartsreiter was arrested on August 3, 2008, six days after he abducted his daughter while she was on a visit. He was subsequently convicted of the custodial kidnapping of his daughter.

Aside from Clark Rockefeller, other aliases used by Gerhartsreiter included "Chris C. Crowe", "Chris Chichester", "Charles Smith", "Chip Smith", and others. Gerhartsreiter's true identity was discovered after his arrest. Police had been seeking him since 1985 as a suspect in the disappearance of a married couple. He was subsequently convicted of the 1985 murder of a man in California and is now serving 27 years to life in a California prison.
This is not me trying to force Christians or Atheists to Worship any God, but below, I am going to make a list of words that come from ancient Greek Gods, that we still use today.

If you have heard of a "Phobia", this is the ancient Greek word for "Fear", and Phobos was the personification of Fear. In the myths he would be afraid of things, and this is where we get Phobia from. If you are afraid of spiders it's "Arachnophobia". I am not saying that Psychologists know they did this, but the name of the God is in the exact place a Greek mind would have put it in modern times. In Psychology, naming people's fears. If your enemy found out you were afraid of spiders in ancient Greece, they would definitely try to draw the spirit "Phobia" to your surface, using spiders.

Hypnos was the personification of sleep, and in the Myths different things would happen to him to make him fall asleep. This idea has been refined in culture, and we now call it "Hypnotism".

The word "Volcano" was not always widely used, and it actually started in Ancient Greece. You have probably heard of "Pompeii" which is a city which was covered in Ash, and it actually gave Archaeologists an amazing look in to a frozen picture of Greek life. But Pompeii was the first time any one used the word "Volcano" because they thought that "Vulcan" was releasing his fury.

The word "Mentor" is similar. Just how "Phobia" was Personified fear, Athena was personified Law, Wisdom, Courage, Art, etc. In one story Athena disguised herself as "Mentor" so she could come to Earth and help people. So now when someone is helping you learn, you may consider them a "Mentor" and not even think of Athena.

The God "Atlas" was thought to hold up the Earth and the other Planets, so he is similar to the idea of Gravity, except he would work on each planet individually, and they were thought to be "Held up" instead of floating freely. Now that Einstein gave us Relativity and Newton gave us Gravity, we can say Atlas is basically an antique for lack of a better term. But, if you buy a book that has a bunch of Maps in it, that book will be called an "Atlas". The Atlantic Ocean and Atlantis are also named after him.

Nike was the personification of Victory. The Greeks love Victory and they would pray to it in hopes that it would come to them. Today this is similar to how Nike (the company) tricked everyone in to thinking their shoes make you faster. It is almost the exact same idea, just no one says you have to pray, but plenty of Athletes are praying for Victory, while wearing Nikes.

The God Ceres is where we get the word "Cereal" from. Her Festival/Holiday was known as Cerealia. She was basically just the personification of Grain and Motherly relationships. Just like today we have commercials with cereal saying "It's got grains", they were very in to eating cereal grains and what it did for them. Ceres had "Helper Gods" which were really just jobs people could have.
Vervactor, "He who ploughs"
Reparator, "He who prepares the earth"
Imporcitor, "He who ploughs with a wide furrow"
Insitor, "He who plants seeds"
Obarator, "He who traces the first ploughing"
Occator, "He who harrows"
Serritor, "He who digs"
Subruncinator, "He who weeds"
Messor, "He who reaps"
Conuector (Convector), "He who carries the grain"
Conditor, "He who stores the grain"
Promitor, "He who distributes the grain"

"By Jove" is not a popular term any more. But "Jove" is actually Jupiter, and the Greek version of Jupiter is Zeus.

Martial Arts and Martial Law are both examples of things that come from the cults of Mars. For example, you have probably heard of the Spartans. They worshiped Ares/Mars, and as part of their worship they were well trained in Martial Arts. Martial Law is when the President or Military takes complete control of the Government. This is still possible within American law, but Martial law can only be declared if we are having a war at home or something like that.

The God "Chronos" was considered to be the Greek God of Time, and the words Chronology, Chronicle & Chronic come from his name.

On Valentine's day, people think of "Cupid" shooting arrows. The Greek word for Cupid was "Eros" who was the God of Love. This is where we get the word "Erotic" from.

And last but not least, people think that Education is just something that comes natural and we have always known how to focus on History, or Math, or Music, or even Comedy. But these were not always refined arts with deep histories. Originally, they were Gods. The Goddess Mnemosyne is where we get the word "Mnemonics". If you have ever said "My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Naming Planets" to remember "Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto" then you are using Mnemonics. Mnemosyne's children/helper Gods were basically just classes you can take. They were known as "The Muses".
Calliope (Epic Poetry)
Clio (History)
Euterpe (Music)
Erato (Lyric Poetry)
Melpomene (Tragedy)
Polyhymnia (Hymns)
Terpsichore (Dance)
Thalia (Comedy)
Urania (Astronomy)

And the word "Music" comes from the idea of "Muses", which are inspirational spirit things that spark inside us, according to Greek myth.
If you are interested in Language, you should look for the book "Hebrew is Greek" by Joseph Yahuda. This book talks about how Hebrew and Greek were both created by the Phoenician people, which is why we use the word "Phonetics".

Below is a link for Amazon where the book is $2,000. But you can find it for free on some websites, I have seen it on Torrents, but I have only ever seen the actual book in an Email format.
Words you should know when talking to Christians.

Abaddon: Most of them don't know this, but this is the "Realm of the Dead" in the Old Testament.

Abba: Means "Father", this is the word Jesus used when talking about God, according to the Bible.

Abortion: Is not mentioned in the Bible, and it was legally during the time of Jesus. The Abortion arguments come from when God killed a man for Masturbating or "Letting his seed fall on the ground" specifically, but that was supposedly Jesus' bloodline, it was not him being killed for Masturbating.

Abyss: This is the Primordial Waters, sometimes referred to as an underworld or realm of the dead.

Agape: Means you have your mouth hanging open. Jk. Agape is a Greek word that means "Brotherly Love". If you have a God, it is the feeling that you have between you and your God.

Allegory: A fictional story meant to have a moral point, like stories that at the end you could say "And the moral of the story is". Sometimes the point is not obvious though.

Alpha and Omega: These are the first and last letters of the Greek Alphabet, as well as the first and last numbers of the Greek Numerical system. Hebrew and Greek were both Alphabets and Numbers.

Altar: Many altars in the Bible are made from Acacia wood, which is the Egyptian tree of Life.

Amen: A Hebrew word meaning "Certainly" or "Let it be so". If it is true that Hebrew practice comes mainly from Moses, and that Moses came from Egypt, Amen is also "The Hidden God". Christianity also had an early church in Egypt, known as the Copts.

Anathema: An object Dedicated or Devoted to a Deity, such as the Cross.

Angels: Known as "Sons of God" or "Morning Stars" or "Hosts of the Heavens". They work as God's administrators. Early in the Bible, God interacts directly, but as he became more transcendent in lore, he needed "Middle men". The Bible says nothing about Humans becoming angels, they are celestial beasts/creatures/people.

Anoint: To rub oil on something. Jesus was supposedly the Messiah or Christ, which means "The Anointed One"

Anti-Christ: Anything against Christ. If Christians don't particularly like a Politician or person, they may also call them the Anti-Christ.

Apocrypha: The Books of the Bible that were not added to Canon, but were included in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Apostle: Literally means "Someone who has been sent". It appears 80 times in the New Testament where it is used to call someone a Delegate or Messenger for Jesus.

Aramaic: The Language Jesus would have spoken

Mount Ararat: Supposedly where Noah landed.

Archangels: Means "Chief Angels" or "Angels of High Rank". There are supposedly 7 of them, explained in the book of Enoch.

Armageddon: A Place in the book of Revelations.

Azazel: The name of one of the Demons

The Tower of Babel: The over-simple Christian explanation for how the Phoenicians invented all of our languages.

Ban: Something that is set apart for Yaweh and forbidden for profane use.

Baptism: Being "Reborn" in the church, usually done in water.

Behemoth: Christians think this is a Dinosaur