Democratic Senator, Dick Durban: 'We Should Appeal To The Center'

Bernie is the one!
Until someone better comes along, he's got my vote. Considering he's the most popular active politician in America today, it would seem I'm in good company.

How about that newly corporate larded DNC, huh? They're gonna do A GREAT job of representing us average Americans! What's your excuse for supporting them now?
Until someone better comes along, he's got my vote. Considering he's the most popular active politician in America today, it would seem I'm in good company.

How about that newly corporate larded DNC, huh? They're gonna do A GREAT job of representing us average Americans! What's your excuse for supporting them now?
It's premature to pick somebody who hasn't announced he's running isn't it? Or are you already planning to write him in regardless?

I have no idea what newly larded DNC you are talking about that represents anybody. It's basically an office space for various campaigns. It is important that they be staffed and equipped don't you think?

The DNC is a committee with the charter of helping the Democratic Party's nominee for prez get elected as president and to provide infrastructure for political campaigns so they don't have to spend money that would otherwise be spent campaigning. The people who represent me are DeFazio, Wyden and Merkely.

The DNC is irrelevant to the average person until the primary season begins and not very much so even then.

This from Wikipedia
Campaign role

The DNC is responsible for articulating and promoting the Democratic platform and coordinating party organizational activity. When the president is a Democrat, the party generally works closely with the president. In presidential elections it supervises the national convention and, both independently and in coordination with the presidential candidate, raises funds, commissions polls, and coordinates campaign strategy. Following the selection of a party nominee, the public funding laws permit the national party to coordinate certain expenditures with the nominee, but additional funds are spent on general, party-building activities.[3] There are state committees in every state, as well as local committees in most cities, wards, and towns (and, in most states, counties).

The chairperson of the DNC is elected by vote of members of the Democratic National Committee. The DNC is composed of the chairs and vice-chairs of each state Democratic Party's central committee, two hundred members apportioned among the states based on population and generally elected either on the ballot by primary voters or by the state Democratic Party committee, a number of elected officials serving in an ex officio capacity, and a variety of representatives of major Democratic Party constituencies.

The DNC establishes rules for the caucuses and primaries which choose delegates to the Democratic National Convention, but the caucuses and primaries themselves are most often run not by the DNC but instead by each individual state. Primary elections, in particular, are invariably conducted by state governments according to their own laws. Political parties may choose to participate or not participate in a state's primary election, but no political party executives have any jurisdiction over the dates of primary elections, or how they are conducted.

Outside of the process of nominating a presidential candidate, the DNC's role in actually selecting candidates to run on the party ticket is minimal.
It's premature to pick somebody who hasn't announced he's running isn't it? Or are you already planning to write him in regardless?

I have no idea what newly larded DNC you are talking about that represents anybody. It's basically an office space for various campaigns. It is important that they be staffed and equipped don't you think?

The DNC is a committee with the charter of helping the Democratic Party's nominee for prez get elected as president and to provide infrastructure for political campaigns so they don't have to spend money that would otherwise be spent campaigning. The people who represent me are DeFazio, Wyden and Merkely.

The DNC is irrelevant to the average person until the primary season begins and not very much so even then.

This from Wikipedia
Campaign role

The DNC is responsible for articulating and promoting the Democratic platform and coordinating party organizational activity. When the president is a Democrat, the party generally works closely with the president. In presidential elections it supervises the national convention and, both independently and in coordination with the presidential candidate, raises funds, commissions polls, and coordinates campaign strategy. Following the selection of a party nominee, the public funding laws permit the national party to coordinate certain expenditures with the nominee, but additional funds are spent on general, party-building activities.[3] There are state committees in every state, as well as local committees in most cities, wards, and towns (and, in most states, counties).

The chairperson of the DNC is elected by vote of members of the Democratic National Committee. The DNC is composed of the chairs and vice-chairs of each state Democratic Party's central committee, two hundred members apportioned among the states based on population and generally elected either on the ballot by primary voters or by the state Democratic Party committee, a number of elected officials serving in an ex officio capacity, and a variety of representatives of major Democratic Party constituencies.

The DNC establishes rules for the caucuses and primaries which choose delegates to the Democratic National Convention, but the caucuses and primaries themselves are most often run not by the DNC but instead by each individual state. Primary elections, in particular, are invariably conducted by state governments according to their own laws. Political parties may choose to participate or not participate in a state's primary election, but no political party executives have any jurisdiction over the dates of primary elections, or how they are conducted.

Outside of the process of nominating a presidential candidate, the DNC's role in actually selecting candidates to run on the party ticket is minimal.
Wall of text= you have a point but I won't admit it
Perez is not a leader within the democratic party?
He's an office manager. Sure he's important but not to the same degree that Senators are. His role is to manage the office. Something DWS did not do. She got involved which led to an office that overreached. Don't you know anything?

The DNC is responsible for articulating and promoting the Democratic platform and coordinating party organizational activity.
Sapped my taxes even more then obummer did? make healthcare for useless no job having drains on society even worse? Made the usa even weaker in trade then she did in the 90's with bill the rapist ? I dont know why you people are bitching so much ........ If life is that bad then please do move the fuck out like everybody claimed they would had hildog lost (she did so follow through please )
How many slaves do you keep out back, Adolf?
i'd probabl benefit from a lot of trump's policies since i am a wealthy white male with no real need for health insurance, but i tend not to be the type of raging cocksucker who is selfish and yells about dirty thieving lying jews.
All rich people and their families should be killed.
Folks this debate thats arose amonst us here saddens me... i see folks on both sides of this ive come to like on here, tearing each other apart. Yes we have some issues still left on the left side of the fense we need to figure out, but when we are angry at each other and arguing "what ifs" from both sides: we arent focusing on task at hand! That is we must, as non trump supporters, resist together, we must remember together our politicall norms that are being crushed so they can be restored.

We can squabble whos fault it was, but the damned hand of cards has been dealt. We gotta play em now... we can work together against him, or we who are more like minded with each other than we arent compared to a trumper can fight each other...

For god sakes guys the Americans and Brits allied with the freakin USSR to defeat the Nazis, then cant we here on both sides of this contentous debate ally with each other, lay arms down between us till the threat to our very democracy is removed from office? Theres no point in arguing our primary process if we dont save our great republic from autocracy together, kinda pointless to worry about our primary process if autocracy is upon us.

The threat is real, if we think of the seriousness of this just a minute, i think we all may agree we are putting too much energy into this inter-familial fight...


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Folks this debate thats arose amonst us here saddens me... i see folks on both sides of this ive come to like on here, tearing each other apart. Yes have some issues still left on the left side of the fense we need to figure out, but when we are angry at each other and arguing "what ifs" from both sides: we arent focusing on task at hand! That is we must, as non trump supporters, resist together, we must remember together our politicall norms that are being crushed so they can be restored.

We can squabble whos fault it was, but the damned hand of cards has been dealt. We gotta play em now... we can work together against him, or we who are more like minded with each other than we arent compared to a trumper can fight each other...

For god sakes guys the Americans and Brits allied with the freakin USSR to defeat the Nazis, then cant we hear on both sides of this contentous debate ally with each other, lay arms down between us till the threat to our very democracy is removed from office? Theres no point in arguing our primary process if we dont save our great republic from autocracy together, kinda pointless to worry abojt our primary process.

The threat is real, if we think of the seriousness of this a minute, i think we all may agree we are putting to much energy into this inter familial fight...


Where is the division originating? I want to win. I'm not going to unify with losers. The Democratic establishment has done nothing but lose for the past 8 years. Progressives are already unified, establishment Democrats refuse to unify with us because the things we represent, support, and push for in government are diametrically opposed to establishment donations. If establishment Democrats support things like a $15/hour minimum wage, free college, or universal healthcare, their donors won't fund their campaigns. Those are a few of the things that I won't compromise on because I know they're issues that are objectively best for the country according to the available data.

At this point, establishment Democrats are an obstacle to overcome the same as Republicans. I have no intention of unifying with a party filled with corrupt politicians who do the bidding of their donors at the expense of their constituents. Not even to beat someone as crazy as Trump. If these people can't accept that and believe beating Trump is the most important thing, then put your donor money where your mouth is and push for progressive policies - because that will beat Trump. If they don't, beating Trump is obviously not as important to them as keeping the donor money flowing by avoiding pushing for progressive policies.
Where is the division originating? I want to win. I'm not going to unify with losers. The Democratic establishment has done nothing but lose for the past 8 years. Progressives are already unified, establishment Democrats refuse to unify with us because the things we represent, support, and push for in government are diametrically opposed to establishment donations. If establishment Democrats support things like a $15/hour minimum wage, free college, or universal healthcare, their donors won't fund their campaigns. Those are a few of the things that I won't compromise on because I know they're issues that are objectively best for the country according to the available data.

At this point, establishment Democrats are an obstacle to overcome the same as Republicans. I have no intention of unifying with a party filled with corrupt politicians who do the bidding of their donors at the expense of their constituents. Not even to beat someone as crazy as Trump. If these people can't accept that and believe beating Trump is the most important thing, then put your donor money where your mouth is and push for progressive policies - because that will beat Trump. If they don't, beating Trump is obviously not as important to them as keeping the donor money flowing by avoiding pushing for progressive policies.
I still see both sides of the coin... Ousting trump must be our uniting force. If we are in disagreement on the how to's thats fine. But then we have serious discussion on how to reach unity on that particular issue without the blaming and personalizing the attacks...

If we cant blend somehow, and that doesnt have to be completly homogeneously, then we will reduce our side to the effectiveness of todays GOP... the tea party split em, probably forever and maybe into two parties. We must learn from their mistakes and not emulate them, we cannot afford that...