Democrats in the Senate who voted to confirm Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State

Dude I have some critical kush I'm plastered lol

I hate to break it to you..those wall are NOT to keep people out; they are to keep us IN.

Anyone remember the East German wall and what it stood for? It wasn't to keep people out.

Steve Bannon took that from Naziism 101 and he's enleashing the white ChristianJudea of the West vs. the Muslim of the East war and bringing to fruition.

The Dumpsters cabinet is filled with White Nationalist that believe and believe in one thing only: WHITE people are meant to be rulers of the earth.

Steve Bannon is President of the United States of America and one of the FEW (3) that can calm the Dumpster. The others are incestuous Ivanka who keeps pumping out kids to send Daddy the message or her milquetoast husband with jailbird father, Jared, that resembles her in looks more and more each day.
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Glad to know you are on my side (This goes for those who 'like')?:wall:

Nothing to say about the well thought out response which by the way is a lot more than you contribute..and one is interested in your fucked up bloody, leaky, infected finger..go to the doctor. Stop posting pics of disgusts me.

I can't wait to see how many times you call @UncleBuck that when he uses the same line..oh wait! won't.

Misogynist Stooge:finger:
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Glad to know you are on my side?:wall:


The meme was intended to illustrate my agreeing with you, ffs. The 'growget' person is, in fact, retarded.

You made a similar error the other day, when you and London were going at it, sigh.

Did you run out of batteries for your vibrators, or? Want a couple of these muscle relaxers that I've been taking?
Glad to know you are on my side (This goes for those who 'like')?:wall:

I can't wait to see how many times you call @UncleBuck that when he uses the same line..oh wait! won't.

Misogynist Stooge:finger:

jump the gun
  1. 1.
    act before the proper time.
    synonyms: act prematurely, act too soon, be too/overly hasty, be precipitate, be rash;
    informalbe ahead of oneself
    "several radio stations have jumped the gun by announcing winners long before the polls have closed in certain districts"
"Misogynist stooge" ?? Of all the things you could call me. Sad!

Ohhhh, dear.....I give up.....
Glad to know you are on my side (This goes for those who 'like')?:wall:

Nothing to say about the well thought out response which by the way is a lot more than you contribute..and one is interested in your fucked up bloody, leaky, infected finger..go to the doctor. Stop posting pics of disgusts me.

I can't wait to see how many times you call @UncleBuck that when he uses the same line..oh wait! won't.

Misogynist Stooge:finger:

Easy there, They are just just likes. I hand them out like old people and butterscotch candies, besides I think you took Lou's post in the wrong way:-)
no one is interested in your fucked up bloody, leaky, infected finger..

It's not infected. It's very clean, as am I.

I think maybe the current situation involving Drumpf and his crew of monsters has you seeing/feeling things that simply aren't there.

I'm tired of the men here sucking each other's cock.

It's unfortunate that you feel this way. I'll no longer interact with you, nor will I insult or disrespect you as you have me.
I think you're wrong. I'm tired of the men here sucking each other's cock.
I'll give you some free wisdom.

If EVERYONE is being an asshole to you, in reality then you're probably the asshole, not everyone else.

It's probably you calling black people "monkeys", it's not the most popular thing you could think/say.
"I'm gonna cut Wall Street out of politics" - Donald Trump Sounds like good policy, and the sooner the better.

"Hillary is the Wall Street candidate, pay for play, corruption" - Donald Trump Innuendo till proven. No better than what is said about him.

Appoints 6 members of Goldman Sachs and his big donors to cabinet. Who better to put a stop to the corruption than the people who had to watch it happen and could not do anything about it as it besmirched their integrity. Now they can. Because some did it, ALL are guilty of it. And you find no hypocrisy in that line of reasoning?

Everything he said about Clinton was projection, when is Trump gonna release his tax returns?....and innuendo against her. Trump already said he would after the audit. If the IRS finds nothing illegal and he releases them then, does that mean they are corrupt as well?

When will he explain the private server he has that regularly pings a server in Russia? Is that illegal? If it is prosecute him ASAP. Till then, he does not have to explain what he does with HIS money to anyone. Last time I checked our cash still says "Legal tender for all debt public and PRIVATE."
He has no current business dealings in Russia (according to him), so why a private server who's only purpose is to send small data packets to a server in Russia? One who's very existence has been denied?

That's greasy as fuck Bro, you're probably just not smart enough to understand it.
I don't usually take the time to give advice about things I'm not interested in.

Fair bit of conflicting info out there, man....."always keep covered to reduce risk of infection", "let the wound air out to aide the healing process", "anything bigger than a scrape requires medical attention" (LOL), etc.etc. Wtf constitutes a "scrape", anyhow? One man's gaping laceration might be another's 'minor scratch'. ;)

I'm just keeping it sterile/covered until the tickling/itching sensation begins, signaling deep tissue healing.
"I'm gonna cut Wall Street out of politics" - Donald Trump Sounds like good policy, and the sooner the better.

"Hillary is the Wall Street candidate, pay for play, corruption" - Donald Trump Innuendo till proven. No better than what is said about him.

Appoints 6 members of Goldman Sachs and his big donors to cabinet. Who better to put a stop to the corruption than the people who had to watch it happen and could not do anything about it as it besmirched their integrity. Now they can. Because some did it, ALL are guilty of it. And you find no hypocrisy in that line of reasoning?

Everything he said about Clinton was projection, when is Trump gonna release his tax returns?....and innuendo against her. Trump already said he would after the audit. If the IRS finds nothing illegal and he releases them then, does that mean they are corrupt as well?

When will he explain the private server he has that regularly pings a server in Russia? Is that illegal? If it is prosecute him ASAP. Till then, he does not have to explain what he does with HIS money to anyone. Last time I checked our cash still says "Legal tender for all debt public and PRIVATE."
If you seriously think that's what he will do, turn I will laugh and point at you for the next four years while he does anything but.

You've been shagged, sucka.
Glad to know you are on my side (This goes for those who 'like')?:wall:

Nothing to say about the well thought out response which by the way is a lot more than you contribute..and one is interested in your fucked up bloody, leaky, infected finger..go to the doctor. Stop posting pics of disgusts me.

I can't wait to see how many times you call @UncleBuck that when he uses the same line..oh wait! won't.

Misogynist Stooge:finger:
Hey lighten up already.
They will be primaried, it's up to us to hold them accountable for their actions. Anyone confirming Trump's disastrous picks is complicit in the actions of his administration.

What a contrast though, right? McConnell comes out on day ONE with a warcry of total opposition. Corporate Dems fold like wet cardboard. One can easily see where the stereotypes are derived from.. What's interesting to me is why? Why do they fold so easily? There is only one answer.. and I think we all know what that is.
Pads as long as I've followed Politics it has always baffled me that the Dems fold like a cheap suit and I've always said that you can count on them breaking rank.

I've seen it time and time again but the worst was when Gore and the rest turned their backs on Bill and run as far as they could from him, I always felt that Gore let a great opportunity get away.