Dude I have some critical kush I'm plastered lol
I hate to break it to you..those wall are NOT to keep people out; they are to keep us IN.
Anyone remember the East German wall and what it stood for? It wasn't to keep people out.
Steve Bannon took that from Naziism 101 and he's enleashing the white ChristianJudea of the West vs. the Muslim of the East war and bringing to fruition.
The Dumpsters cabinet is filled with White Nationalist that believe and believe in one thing only: WHITE people are meant to be rulers of the earth.
Steve Bannon is President of the United States of America and one of the FEW (3) that can calm the Dumpster. The others are incestuous Ivanka who keeps pumping out kids to send Daddy the message or her milquetoast husband with jailbird father, Jared, that resembles her in looks more and more each day.
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