DemonTrich Grow Journal-- BF Laughing Budda and BF Pineapple Chunk from seed

here are some new pics of the next cycle. the flower room is growing nicely. the flowers are starting to fill out. veg room is also coming along nicely. I planted the PC and LB in 5gal pots and the 2 KKSC plants in 3 gal. the KKSC grows a lot quicker than my other 2 strains, so hoping being back in a 3 gal pot will even the upwards growth. I doubt it, but worth a shot. the pineapple express bag seed plant is doing great. cant wait to toss it in flower and sex it. as long as I have room in the tent.

anyways, enough jibber jabber. on to the pics.


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ok, one of my patients asked for some brownies for his arthritis. so I happily obliged his wish today. made a super potent batch with 13.4g of 2nd pull dry ice extraction hash. cooked it in the required 1/2 cup of veg oil at 140-150* for 2 hrs. ive made edibles with 5-7g of 1st pull hash, but never 13.4g, even if it is a 2nd pull. shit smelled up my whole condo. lol I really want to try one, buy my real estate is coming by at 6 and I don't want to be medicated.


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the cuttings I took from my flowering PC and LB strains have grown some decent roots. I potted them in FFOF and in solo cups and moved to the veg tent under 18/6 600w Mh. this will tell me what strains are now currently in flower since I got them mixed up before (stupid me). I also killed one KKSC plant on purpose. I just wont have the room come flip. 6 plants in 5 gal pots are just a little too tight for space in a 4x4x6.5' tent. plus im not too happy with the KKSc strain vs the PC and LB strains which im very happy with.

I FIM'd the veg room again yesterday. next week its lollipopping, then supercropping before I flip.

Flower room is coming along nicely. the stretch is done (im glad it over, as I only had about 1" left of raising the light adjustment before hitting the ceiling. I cut that one pretty close. the 2 KKSC strains are growing awesome. nice big colas, and super resonated already. the other 4 plants (unsure of strains yet, but either the PC or LB) are growing nicely too. resin covering all sugar leaves and flower sited. I did a little lollipopping to the top of the canopy to allow some light penetration. maby 5 fan leaves total per plant. nothing too drastic.

had one of my patients try my brownies. he LOVED them!!! said he ate a 1.5"x1.5" piece and was perfect. I ate a 2"x2" piece last night and was amazed. super potent and had me right for 4-5 hrs plus. by far my best batch ive ever made.

the pineapple express IT plant is growing nicely. cant wait to cut a few cuttings, then toss her in flower to sex it. it would be awesome if it were a girl and not a hermie or a dude. I love this strain and would go great in my grow cycle.
for sure!!!!

im about 3 weeks out of my next harvest. right in the middle of moving/packing/working 60hrs a week.

I successfully took 8 cuttings from the plants in flower (about 2-3 weeks in flower), put them in my cloner, 2 weeks pater I had roots. now planted in solo cups w/FFOF soil, and are looking GREAT!! I had a plant marker mix-up last go around and got 2 strains mixed around (I think). ill know more in 2 weeks when the LB strains starts to turn purple.

I bought a food saver wide mouth vacuum sealer and a mityvac to vac seal my meds. that was fun today.

im only running 5 plants on the next flip. 6-6gal pots is too much for a 4x4x7 tent. that and vegging 8.5 weeks got the girls rather BIG for this current cycle (even tho the yield looks NICE@@)!!! so im running 2 LB and 2PC in 6 gal pots and 1 KKSC in a 3 gal.
its been a while since my last update. iirc im at week 7 since the flowers just started to form. from now on its water only as needed for the last 2 weeks. my temps are still stable at 72-75* lights on/off. humidity is at 35-45%. I think those are awesome numbers. gotta love basement growing and a portable ac unit. the flowers are swelling up nicely. next round ill tie them up a bit better so they are not falling over. I adjusted a fan to blow across the tops of all the plants to help get some air movement into the big colas to avoid mold/bud rot.

I turned down the veg room light to 75%. they are growing HUGE in the 5 gal pots. I may have to go back to a 3 gal or only flower 4 plants. there just is not a lot of room for 5 or 6, 5 gal pots in a 4x4x7 area. im currently flowering 6 5 gal pots, and my veg room consists of 4 5 gal and 1 3 gal pot and I hope it allows for a bit more room.

well I didn't make it to the flower room in time to take a few pics before lights out. ill get them later. heres a couple pics of said revegged flower cuttings and a couple pics of the veg room. they are already 4'+ tall.

cuttings from flowering plants:
I made a thread about this yesterday, but in case you didn't read up on it. I mixed up my strains and had to take cuttings to determine what strain was what. I successfully cloned all 8 cuttings. finally they are starting to grow normal tops. ill give them 1 to 2 more weeks to veg normal, then ill pull some cuttings off them and clone those. then start my next cycle. this will help get my flipping/harvesting time dialed back in w/o any timing issues.


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well we are nearing week 8 since flowers started forming, not including flip time of 1 week. the flower room is looking GREAT!!!! TONS and TONS of milky trichs and some clear. ive only found 1 or 2 amber on the top colas. im guessing my Friday ill be chopping. this puts me smack dab in the middle of moving into a new house, new job starting Monday (w/only 40hrs a week instead of 80+ a week), packing, unpacking, painting, new house repairs/maitinence, Comcast guy doing his install, my electrician wiring up my new grow room, unwiring my current grow room, new smart meter being installed. yeah, ive got a full plate for the next few months. :) oh wait, forgot to add harvesting, hanging, trimming, jarring, curing, burping, lol.
did some more room "maintenance" this morning. I lollipopped the veg room as well as staked the plants. im pretty sure I WILL be running into height restrictions with my current veg cycle this time. I cant seem to get my flip/harvest timing down as of yet. im still working on it. im about 2 weeks behind flipping when I should. oh well, just means bigger yields I guess. or having to chop or bend some colas over. I thought about making a scrog screen, but don't think it will work out. I dunno. I also changed my veg room light cycle from 18/6 to 12/12. I did leave the mh light in the tent. im hoping I can kinda trick the plants into going into flower with the switch, then they will be ready for the flower room after I harvest (at the end of the week, hopefully).
the trichs are showing signs of turning amber. single trichs are copper, not fully amber yet, about 10%. this should put me at 9 weeks since flower started forming, NOT the initial flipping time. 1 week difference from initial flip and flowers forming.
chopped and hung 11/19

iirc, these went 10 weeks after flowers formed, or 11.25 weeks since flipping. drying room temps are 72* and 30-40% r/h.

3 LB
1 PC
do I understand you correctly?, your nute water is separate and bubbling all the time then just pump it over at watering time?
I like it,, i like it..
holly shit batman,, I think I might still be teachable
thank you

have 2 33 gallon res for my plain water holding that Is bubbled 24/7. out of that I get my feed water out of.
what was your total time on the pineapple chunk from seed? How was the smoke? Germed 2 2 popped been nursing them for 3 wks . Pain in the a**!!
I don't remember the total time from germination to harvest. im sure its in my journal somewhere as the dates progress from germ to harvest. ive grown the PC in 3.7 gal as well as 5 gal pots. they both grow medium sized nugs. this will be my 3rd harvest with this strain. I only run 4 strains at the moment, so ill keep her in the rotation for now. as I grow (no pun intended) my grow, l only run 1 PC plant vs 2 or3 pants. however my patients DO like the strain.
PINEAPPLE CHUNK comes in 2 phenos so be careful. The strain is always advertised as a heavy yielding indica dominant that will flower under 60 days. I've never seen that, the beans I got were all 10 weeks and by the time I figured this out I had airy, low-quality plants that had the nute schedule all messed up. Search around, others mention it.

Demon, that's interesting as hell that you bubble your water. Does that oxygenate it to increase nute uptake? I'd imagine it also speeds up the degassing process too.. Very interesting.
as far as the PC, im not all too impressed with her any more. I can get about 2 zips off of the PC. 3 on another strain and 3.5-4.5 on my last strain. so yeild wise it not impressed. the bag appeal is nice tight medium sized colas, the smoke is tasty, but not a super potent strain imo. so I think this next round in the veg room will be her last. I wish I could get a few beans off her to save the strain, but that kind of growing is past my expertise. and yes, she is a 10 week strain. my laughing buddah and strawberry cream both can go 10. I have a new strain, bubblegum. not a lot of info, just the name. my other strain is my top one. kyle kushman strawberry cream. super super potent and heavy yielder, bag appeal, taste, and smells like strawberry diesel. ill have this one tested along with my CBD plant after harvesting. it wont be for a while tho, she is still vegging.

the water. I have a 33 gal res in my basement. its easier to keep a water tank, than run for 15gals every watering. plus the bubbling helps rid the chlorine (not sure if it does chloride), also helps oxygenate the water a bit more.
as far as the PC, im not all too impressed with her any more. I can get about 2 zips off of the PC. 3 on another strain and 3.5-4.5 on my last strain. so yeild wise it not impressed. the bag appeal is nice tight medium sized colas, the smoke is tasty, but not a super potent strain imo. so I think this next round in the veg room will be her last. I wish I could get a few beans off her to save the strain, but that kind of growing is past my expertise. and yes, she is a 10 week strain. my laughing buddah and strawberry cream both can go 10. I have a new strain, bubblegum. not a lot of info, just the name. my other strain is my top one. kyle kushman strawberry cream. super super potent and heavy yielder, bag appeal, taste, and smells like strawberry diesel. ill have this one tested along with my CBD plant after harvesting. it wont be for a while tho, she is still vegging.

the water. I have a 33 gal res in my basement. its easier to keep a water tank, than run for 15gals every watering. plus the bubbling helps rid the chlorine (not sure if it does chloride), also helps oxygenate the water a bit more.

bahaha ok, I forget people use more than my 10-15 gallons a WEEK lol. Too bad about the PC, they advertise it as being a branch breaker :?. definitely adding the strawberry cream to my list; I think the list im compiling to try from RIU may be the best thing I take away from this coop
good luck finding the kyle kushman strawberry cream. it was clone only from what I was told and I paid a nice price for that clone. well worth every penny I paid. I sell out of this med is about 3 weeks.
Subbed. Pretty interested to see what you get off this last one man. And I might steal your water res. idea too, haha.
for sure. I should snap a few pics of the new room. im not sure if I did yet. 5x10x6.5' 2x600w xxxl hood. 73* lights on and 72* lights off :)