Well-Known Member
Here's an idea that might work, in theory. In computer terminology, a denial-of-service attack happens when a target computer or server is flooded with so many communication requests that it slows down or crashes. This could be used to protest marijuana laws in the United States under these conditions: Everyone in favor of legalization of marijuana pick a day of protest. On this day we all go to our local law enforcement, marijuana in hand, and have a sit/smoke-in with the intention of getting arrested for possesion. In fact, we would need to be arrested for this to work. When all these cases go to court, everyone demands a jury trial. If there were enough people who did this, there is no way the government could accommodate every jury trial, every charge, every court appointed attorny thats requested. It would slow the whole system down to the point they would have take action, hopefully by decriminalization. This may have been thought of already and may sound stupid but its an idea that I thought I would open up for discussion.