Detroit. Good idea or crazy as hell?

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
How about a reccomendation on a few decent general areas for ok hoods? Nice job with the Rots!!

Im in southwest detroit and found a nice little house for little money, 3 grand to buy 5 to fix it up, dont have any problems where im at just have to find the right place if you look there are some decent neighborhoods to live in for cheap. Also have 2 180 pound rottweilers and an extensive inventory of medieval weapons so if anybody comes uninvited it will be up close and very personal, no guns since we are not alowed to have them, which is absolute bullshit, but i try to stick to the laws.


Active Member
Good answer. Not much room between 72-100. Over 100, it won't matter where you are.

What about 60 plants? 84? 96? To grow over 100, I would be looking at property in Canada.
I was talking about way over 100, from a getting caught stand point. It seems like it would be a hard place for security minded, hermit type to get raided.


Well-Known Member
OK. You are right about that cuz every so often I hear of warehouse busts.
Reality of situation is that Michigan allows great numbers for caregivers, correct?
Problem comes when you get half assedly decent at caring for those numbers, problem also comes when you hear of someone dying of cancer, or ...... and you need 3 patients worth of meds to provide meds for 1 sick patient in need. Problem comes when you have top quality meds and patients deserve quality cured medicine. It sucks, it's reality.

A person with 72 plants can read a book and be fucked at harvest time legally. Then what, michigan says we allowed you 60 plants, we never said you could do a good job growing them. Many communities don't want caregiver's. Just so happens Detroit is a little more open minded in 2012.

Grow a few hundred plants in any city and the feds will shove both your legs up your own ass and ratchet strap you to skateboard and push that fucker into traffic. If they tie the shoelaces together before hand, then what?


Active Member
I agree, 72 plants is more then sufficient. Just, when I look at Detroit from any other stand point, then doing a four or five house, 1600+ plant grow it does not make sense. When you factor in propery tax, security, random break inns and every thing else that goes along with Detroit, it just seems the extra initial savings on real estate costs does not come into play. Michigan has a lot of cheap real estate. Stay safe, bored and medicated in the U.P. brother.


Well-Known Member
I would move to Detroit but I think you would be better off having a large op out in the country on 5 plus acres. I have heard you can buy acreage in the UP for 1k an acre.


Well-Known Member
I was on the way to the bank this morning to deposit some cash to place a few bids and I heard them say on the radio that UPSET raided a house on albatross on base in gwinn of a marijuana grow op. A 2 year old was taken or reported to cps and a firearm was taken from the house. Sure as shit it said the guy was then released yesterday or this morning. Can't find any other info. They specifically said marijuana or even medical marijuana, but nothing other and drugs like meth, pills, heroin...... like all the other raids I have heard about. Strange since the dispensary just opened back up yesterday.


Well-Known Member
fuck all that noise I love my former stomping grounds
