Detroit. Good idea or crazy as hell?


Well-Known Member
Found a pack of CDB crew seeds!!!
Super Skunk Haze.
I will give cuttings away of this like crazy.
This is from thursday:
Your order from Sos Gifts has been processed successfully

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Thursday, July 5, 2012 10:09 PM

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Your order fromSos Gifts has been successful.
The unique reference for this transaction is :3939
Dear Gladstoned, (changed)

Thank you for your order. Your payment has been processed successfully.
Thank you for your order.
Please quote your order number3939 in all correspondence with eitherSos Gifts or Sage Pay.
Order total:44.93 GBP
Card used:Ge Money Bank, United States - MasterCard - XXXX XXXX XXXX xxxx - (changed)Attempt:1
You bought:Your order with sosaccessoriesl
DescriptionQuantityItem ValueItem TaxItem TotalLine Total
Product Ref 1817128.755.7534.5034.50

Now I get this today:

Order 3939

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Saturday, July 7, 2012 3:41 AM

Hi Gladstoned,

Thank you for your order.

We are sorry to inform you but product (1817) CBD Skunk Haze is out of stock.

Please inform us if you would like a replacement product of your choice sent or a refund.


So 3 days ago they email me and say "Your order from Sos Gifts has been processed successfully". Today it looks like only my money was processed, not my order. I am ready to fucking snap. I have endless problems doing business in the mj culture. This company clearly, like most other companies, think that the transaction is complete once they secure the money. That is pure, bullshit. That is the fucking start of the process, not the finish. Sea of seeds has been good to me and shit happens. Hopefully they tell me more than oops.


Well-Known Member
Sea of Seeds contacted me about the problem, then I explained the emails. They are looking into it and getting back with me. What more can a person ask for? They are quickly trying to take care of whatever happened, that is cool.


Well-Known Member
I have been known to hold my own at the casino. lol.
So the owner or someone contacted me, like I was crazy. (as usual). After emailing back and forth all day, he says "oh I understand now, I thought you meant your payment didn't go through." lmao. Nope, everyone ALWAYS gets their money. It's what happens after that, that always gets fucked up.


Well-Known Member
I'd like to think the seed companies would be less corporate about their business and more wanting to help!!

Fuck You Pay Me.....making the world go round:-P


Well-Known Member
I just tripped. lol. I got the email at 3:41 am this morning. When I woke up I responded. The owner, or whoever emails me at 10:46 asking how they fucked up. lmao. I told him. Then 10:58, then 2:33, then 3:07, then 5:12 he finally gets it and says oh. Ya, choose another breeder, sorry. I am like seriously after all this. I have been explaining what his company did to him all fucking day. So I am like, ya tonight I will figure out what I want. I said you know I already offered cutting to people from that. Well he just emailed me back and said that they are souveniors and they can't sell me seeds if I talk like that. I just finally said you know what dude, put my mother fucking money back on my card. Fuck you.
cock suckers sell me a pack of seeds that they don't even have, then I have to spend the day explaining to this retarded cock suck why that isn't good business. Fucker was like, how did we fuck up? Seriously?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like my current battle with high times. Fuckers took my money months and months ago, never sent me a magazine. I contacted them and they say I need to provide my order # or some bullshit. I sent it to them and they tell me they can't find it and I need to provide a copy of my debit transaction. It was prepaid so there is no record. So they're acting like there's nothing they can do, yet it was their mistake?? how does this work again??


Well-Known Member
Ya, whatta GREAT COMPANY is right. (Edit - I have been bought with a pack of seeds)
He should have let his employee handle it.
I liked that company too. What a fucking dickhead though.


Well-Known Member
so typical of the corporate world. Take your money and promise you everything you need is with them. Then tuck their tails and play stupid when I problem arises that was their companies fault. I've played that game one too many times. That's some knee deep shit you had to put up with glad! And that cocksucker will still make dickloads a month....that's pathetic


Well-Known Member
10 days.
I started getting the sweats and shit. It may have been this heat, but I can't be taking any chances.


Well-Known Member
I got a response already. I guess it isn't Sunday morning over there is it.

Hi gladstoned

I have just tried to call you to straighten this situation out as this has got a little out of hand but the number we have on file is someone elses,

First of all i would like to say sorry on behalf of Sos for your item being out of stock this sometimes happens we always try to keep it up to date us much as we a result we do offer a replacement of a full refund.
also earlier when i responded i didnt see the first email sent by us telling you we were out of stock as i was not in the office being a saturday and i just picked up the email on my phone when i responded.

As for the cuttings talk please understand this is illegal in the uk hence why we cannot talk about this or condone people sending us emails about this kind of content,
im sure this has frustrated you but i did not mean for the confusion to happen. We do not like unhappy customer and try to keep up our good rep.

please send us an email stating what you would like as a replacement and we will send this out to you also we will also refund you fully as a good will gesture.

(My phone number is correct though.)


Well-Known Member
I got a response already. I guess it isn't Sunday morning over there is it.

Hi gladstoned

I have just tried to call you to straighten this situation out as this has got a little out of hand but the number we have on file is someone elses,

First of all i would like to say sorry on behalf of Sos for your item being out of stock this sometimes happens we always try to keep it up to date us much as we a result we do offer a replacement of a full refund.
also earlier when i responded i didnt see the first email sent by us telling you we were out of stock as i was not in the office being a saturday and i just picked up the email on my phone when i responded.

As for the cuttings talk please understand this is illegal in the uk hence why we cannot talk about this or condone people sending us emails about this kind of content,
im sure this has frustrated you but i did not mean for the confusion to happen. We do not like unhappy customer and try to keep up our good rep.

please send us an email stating what you would like as a replacement and we will send this out to you also we will also refund you fully as a good will gesture.

(My phone number is correct though.)
It seems like he is going out of his way to fix the mix up Glad... Free beans and a refund.


Well-Known Member
I just emailed him. Thanked him and said send me the Void and Qrazy Train, keep the cash.

I spent the last two days arguing with him, the AC dude that also sold me something he didn't have, then mother fucking XM took $50 out of my account for no reason and overdrafted my shit. I was fighting with all three of these people!! lol. I starting thinking that I was going nuts. lmao.


Well-Known Member
sounds like you got the To Big to Fail Corporate Run around. sad sad sad...

I hope it all works out for you Glad....