Dick's Stopped Being Dicks..

What are the rules regarding handguns? Can I keep a loaded revolver in my headboard? Can I drive out to the woods and point-shoot Prestone jugs at 25 feet with my single-action Colt just for the fun of it?
I live in Oregon like you. I'm no lawyer, I appreciate the thorough and to me, fair treatment of people who want to own a gun. Answers to your questions and more can be found on that wiki page regarding Canada's gun laws.

In any case, let's say the answer is no. You can't keep a loaded revolver in your headboard or go into the woods and plunk milk jugs with your hand gun. You could plunk milk jugs with a rifle from what I've read but still must store the gun in a safe with a trigger lock. Is it worth it to you that 8,000 more people should die by gun homicides each year so that you can have the fun of plunking milk jugs in the woods with a hand gun or store a loaded gun in an unsafe manner by your bedside?
Did the Democrats not have total control under Obama and could have tackled this issue? They systematically kick the can down the road, why is that?

DACA was implemented in 2012, several years after the 6 week period in which democrats had a supermajority.

then trump got rid of it to appease his base of racist old shitheads like you
DACA was implemented in 2012, several years after the 6 week period in which democrats had a supermajority.

then trump got rid of it to appease his base of racist old shitheads like you
DACA does not provide lawful status, dimwit. Why didn't the Democrats enact laws, providing lawful status for these immigrants when they had total control?
DACA does not provide lawful status, dimwit. Why didn't the Democrats enact laws, providing lawful status for these immigrants when they had total control?
for the 6 weeks in 2009 when they had a supermajority they were busy cleaning up the great depression left to us by republicons

besides, DACA was a republican bill. i don't think anybody counted on the republicons voting against their own fucking bill.

need anymore basics civics lessons, you old decrepit piece of shit?
for the 6 weeks in 2009 when they had a supermajority they were busy cleaning up the great depression left to us by republicons

besides, DACA was a republican bill. i don't think anybody counted on the republicons voting against their own fucking bill.

need anymore basics civics lessons, you old decrepit piece of shit?
:lol: bongsmilie
I live in Oregon like you. I'm no lawyer, I appreciate the thorough and to me, fair treatment of people who want to own a gun. Answers to your questions and more can be found on that wiki page regarding Canada's gun laws.

In any case, let's say the answer is no. You can't keep a loaded revolver in your headboard or go into the woods and plunk milk jugs with your hand gun. You could plunk milk jugs with a rifle from what I've read but still must store the gun in a safe with a trigger lock. Is it worth it to you that 8,000 more people should die by gun homicides each year so that you can have the fun of plunking milk jugs in the woods with a hand gun or store a loaded gun in an unsafe manner by your bedside?

But 8,000 people DON'T die from my actions

Just like Prestone isn't milk :mrgreen:

I can see we're going to disagree on this, I'm okay with that as long as you don't disrespect me and you seem to be heading into that territory
One of the problems I see is that semi automatic weapons can essentially be turned into fully automatic weapons by spending $150 and equipping a bump stock. A fully automatic weapon can clear a room full of people in 5-10 seconds. I don't see any other justification for this kind of ability than recreation. I'm with you, sure, it's fun to run through a magazine of ammunition in seconds, but it's not worth putting innocent lives at risk to do it. Maybe if not ban bump stocks completely, ban them everywhere else but gun ranges. Things like that that turn weapons of use into weapons of war should not be available to the public.

We need to take a serious look at gun control in this country. This is interesting to witness as a strong advocate for campaign finance reform, since the only reason we don't have adequate gun control legislation is because of NRA lobbying. Something like 90% of Americans support it, the vast majority of NRA members. Now actual people - kids - are (have been) dying, so things might begin to change.

I still don't think anything will change until we get money out of politics
But 8,000 people DON'T die from my actions

Just like Prestone isn't milk :mrgreen:

I can see we're going to disagree on this, I'm okay with that as long as you don't disrespect me and you seem to be heading into that territory
In my house, we go through milk like its water. If you want to rack up twelve milk jugs filled with water to blast away, give me a pm. We oftentimes fill up our roll around recycle bin just with them. Of course you aren't the problem and I don't know what to say about your feelings over this. As Pad says, this isn't about you, it's about those 8000 schools where kids have to practice duck and cover drills against crazed people intent on killing. This is about reducing their risk, their sense of danger, their nightmares because that has also happened in my house. I don't want to tell you what the youngest went through when Parkland went down. Kids take this personally. Really, you'd take their childhood away from them so you can plunk?

Ok so that's over the top but really, this isn't about you.
This is what I have been trying to say all of these damn debates. But Fogboi and LowLife won't listen. Maybe they'll listen to an Aussie.

Her basic argument is that Australia didn't really see mass shootings before 1980, between 1980 and 1996, there was a spike in gun related deaths and mass shootings, then after that, when the government enacted more stringent gun control legislation, they kind of died down, becoming more "normal". So enacting gun control legislation wasn't really why they died down, they died down because of natural causes, and kind of settled back to normal levels.

To be sure, LEDandCoffee, that's the argument, right?
youtube videos are not citation of anything. they are the lowest of the low for dumbasses
You cite establishment propaganda constantly as if it's fact

Saying something isn't credible is a tactic you use to simply dismiss it without having to address it. Just because you choose to dismiss it without verifying it doesn't mean it isn't credible, and everyone on RIU knows it
In my house, we go through milk like its water. If you want to rack up twelve milk jugs filled with water to blast away, give me a pm. We oftentimes fill up our roll around recycle bin just with them. Of course you aren't the problem and I don't know what to say about your feelings over this. As Pad says, this isn't about you, it's about those 8000 schools where kids have to practice duck and cover drills against crazed people intent on killing. This is about reducing their risk, their sense of danger, their nightmares because that has also happened in my house. I don't want to tell you what the youngest went through when Parkland went down. Kids take this personally. Really, you'd take their childhood away from them so you can plunk?

Ok so that's over the top but really, this isn't about you.

Then kindly don't make it about me
Now actual people - kids - are (have been) dying, so things might begin to change.

Yes, dying for decades now at the other end of these weapons. samo samo, nothing has changed, guns banned, more school shootings, guns banned, more sales, guns banned, more school shootings, guns un banned=more school shootings.

You say....so, things are bound to begin to change, finally eh?
BTW, I built 3 AR15s for the price Dicks sold one for, and I used 80% lowers so there's no numbers to be registered.

Anyone can buy the parts and build there own "ghost gun", zero background checks.

you can also print one..does that mean you should?
Yes, dying for decades now at the other end of these weapons. samo samo, nothing has changed, guns banned, more school shootings, guns banned, more sales, guns banned, more school shootings, guns un banned=more school shootings.

You say....so, things are bound to begin to change, finally eh?

YES they are! we had to do it ourselves..dick's shamed everyone and those who don't follow suit will be boycotted..all it took was one and now it's walmart, LL bean etc..fvck NRA:finger:

one good man (founder) who still owns much of his company found the balls to stand up to skeletor la pierre and the hillbilly preppers.

this is how it STARTS..now get smart with M/10! stop being sheep and take control of your lives instead of that pedo controlling you!

BOYCOTT is the oldest trick in the playbook..i believe it started with tea in the 1770's.

little miss ivanka clothing line got booted from Nordies et al via boycott:wink: it made her put her head on her west wing desk and cry to daddy:cry:

'how dare you ask a daughter about her pussy grabbing father? i believe my father':lol:
- ivanka trump kushner, white house champion of women, money launderer and human rights violator.
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You cite establishment propaganda constantly as if it's fact

Saying something isn't credible is a tactic you use to simply dismiss it without having to address it. Just because you choose to dismiss it without verifying it doesn't mean it isn't credible, and everyone on RIU knows it
youtube videos are not citation of anything. they are the lowest of the low for dumbasses
You cite establishment propaganda constantly as if it's fact

Saying something isn't credible is a tactic you use to simply dismiss it without having to address it. Just because you choose to dismiss it without verifying it doesn't mean it isn't credible, and everyone on RIU knows it
Funded by the NRA. Oh yeah, that's where I want to go for information.

you-tube vids are terrible sources of information. They make great disinformation tools. You've posted way too many over the past year.

You can't even keep your facts straight. You re-post old polling data when recent polls no longer say what you want. You repeat (repeatedly repeat) old discredited statements as fact and ignore statements made by the same person that correct the record. You even make up whole groups of non-voters and create a story around the fictional people as though it would bolster your argument.

I guess you-tube vids from you are a gift. nobody watches them while you think you communicated something and so don't post another wall of fiction. I swear, man. Usually it's an elderly demented person who repeats stories again and again. You are what? 30? You already talk like an old person who has dementia.

Oh, hey, by the way, regarding your story telling, you haven't answered a question regarding a gaping hole in your theory about "primary was rigged, Hillary cheated". If what you say is true, how come only black, Hispanic and women voters were taken in by her cheat? Not white men, who were the only demographic to give Bernie a big boost in the primary election polls?

Without their votes -- white guys -- Bernie would be altogether irrelevant instead of the guy who came out of nowhere and lost by less than predicted but still by a whopping large margin. Bernie got a participation "you showed up" trophy and you tout it as a major sign of something, I don't know what.