Did i just get robbed by the police?


Well-Known Member
You jerked another mans dick off thats sick man i would have went to jail before that bullshit thats just fucked and why would you tell anyone about that i mean shit bro hahahhahaha.Hope you used icey hot for lube hahaha bet he wasn't even a cop just the maintenance mans bud that got his dick jerked off and a free OZ hahahahah now if you where i chick i would say he had one hell of a day at the office:-)
well he or she nvr said what they were, probably was a girl, bc i doubt that ne man, would even ask for a hand job from a dude, and vise versa, give a hand job to a dude


You jerked another mans dick off thats sick man i would have went to jail before that bullshit thats just fucked and why would you tell anyone about that i mean shit bro hahahhahaha.Hope you used icey hot for lube hahaha bet he wasn't even a cop just the maintenance mans bud that got his dick jerked off and a free OZ hahahahah now if you where i chick i would say he had one hell of a day at the office:-)
No I am a dude, and now that you mention it he wasn't wearing a police uniform :cuss:. He said he was under cover and if I didn't say anything I wouldn't go to prison :-(.


Well-Known Member
where are you from? and did any of your buddies actully talk to the cop? because i met the cop at the nearest timmies ( lol ) and when he saw me he just touched me, and he said "there, im supposed to arrest you and let you go, i just let you go." lol this cop is fucking sketchy.
you met up with him again? Thats what they did to one of my buddies for selling weed, sold a cop a bag the cop arrested him then just let him go everything was cool for about 4 months and then 3 am they kicked in his front door with a warrent the DA is thinking up charges right now thats what pigs do. The cop took the OZ that my buddy was suppose to sell to him and he got busted for selling dilervering and possession with intent to sell also within 1000 yards of a school. Im not trying to make you worry just give you some knowledge. I live west coast in a medical state and a speeding ticket is more of a crime then getting caught with under a oz its a violation and only a ticket no crime being down. If you have a scale get that fucker out of your place get everything that would be a felony OUT buddy. I wish you the best of luck and do everything and anything you can to minimize your charges if they ever do come for you if you have pics on here i would try to delete them and off your computer maybe even get a new hard drive and trash the one you have cuz they can use it to charge you on past grows etc. And the DA told him to arrest you and let you go its part of their game i mean shit if your going to bust me just fucking do it none of this secret bullshit. Also sometimes they keep that shit on the back burner till you fuck up again then charge you with both its just a pay day to them. Hahah my buddy was clean as a whistle going back to school and being a good boy too when they kicked in his door now he's doing 3-5.....So fucked now he wont ever get back on track they fucked him so hard. They also tried to make him a informant but he refused and got the full sentence just somthing the pig might try to do with you buddy. Hope everything turns out ok for you Just clean up after yourself and minimize the charges you'll be fine. If its medical in your state i would become a caregiver or medical patient ASAP that way you have a chance to fight it. Still positive buddy keep your chin up!


Well-Known Member
well as i said before im from canada, and with a little research i found out that secret indictments are made by a grand jury, which canada does not have ( unless it has to do with murder or some shit like that) so i think im safe, but who knows.


Well-Known Member
No I am a dude, and now that you mention it he wasn't wearing a police uniform :cuss:. He said he was under cover and if I didn't say anything I wouldn't go to prison :-(.
Hahaha now thats just fucked buddy hahahaha ima have to try that with a hot chick next time i see someone smoking or selling hahaha I had a giant black bum tell me he was under cover one time i just ran like hell then i sah him on the news downtown and he was so not a cop they said he was homeless and robbing people! DEMAND to see the badge it is OUR right to know there names and badge number THEY have to tell you when asked. Got into a fight with a copper one time he wanted to know my name i told him not until he told he his well needless to say i called 911 and got his Sargent there guess who was in the right......ME was real nice to have another cop put that cop in his place.


Well-Known Member
well as i said before im from canada, and with a little research i found out that secret indictments are made by a grand jury, which canada does not have ( unless it has to do with murder or some shit like that) so i think im safe, but who knows.
yeah i dont know what they do in Canada but here in the sates thats normal practice. Thought it was legal or some shit up there?


Well-Known Member
No I am a dude, and now that you mention it he wasn't wearing a police uniform :cuss:. He said he was under cover and if I didn't say anything I wouldn't go to prison :-(.
Dude your avatar is funny as shit hahahah bread gloves:-) Hope you used em on that cops meat hahahaha:-) sorry buddy i had to


Well-Known Member
and i only met up with him once
After he took your plants or just the one time when he took them? if he didn't arrest you when he took them then you met up with him and he said that shit then i think thats what is going on thats the DA's game right there.


Well-Known Member
Wont be laughing if it happens to you buddy and most us on here wont laugh either that shit is bad fucking Karma my man and just plain dick.....


Well-Known Member
this is some fucked up shit!

i was not home when he took them, BUT he called my real house and was basically telling me not to worry he just wants to talk and shit, he was acting like i did nothing wrong! he also said had anyone been in the apartment when he took them, they would have all been arrested :S:S:S i strait up think he wanted to add a couple new plants too his garden lol, but who knows really.


Active Member
wow that is some way way fucked up shit my man.....i wouldnt be growing again until i knew dam well the coast was clear. move? yea but like the other guy said they got ur name and shit but really moving would be the best thing as long as you dont set up shop right away, move wait 3 - 6 months if u still dont hear anything then i would say its all good. growing in appartments is a scary thing, i kno but im on really good terms with my landlord and i changed the locks as soon as i moved in so he thinks he has a key but guess what he dont lol o yea did i mention i have a 100lb pit bull too :) told the landlord that he is not friendly ( he actually isnt if he dont kno u) so he has to give me notice at least a day before he comes by. he had to bring a refinace person in to look over and appraise the apartment one time (big house cut into 3 apartments), my grow box is in one of our closets pushed to the back as far as it can go, so what i did i put a dark blanket over it unplugged everything and i pilled up a BUNCH of old boxes in front of it so the closet looked jammed packed with shit, "storage" i told him lol he didnt even look twice at it totally camoflauged it my wife was like wow!.......thats how i did it , get yourself a pit and train him to not like anyone, bet ya they will wait for you to get home next time lol


Dude your avatar is funny as shit hahahah bread gloves:-) Hope you used em on that cops meat hahahaha:-) sorry buddy i had to
I don't think the bread gloves are real I just came across the picture online and thought it was funny. Also I did ask him for an ID but he said "I got some verification right here.", and proceeded to whip out what looked like a midgets arm holding an apple... so fucked up. I cried myself to sleep for the next week or so but i'm over it now.


Well-Known Member
lol i was actully thinking of that except with a dober, that shit would pounce on your ass weighs more then a human if im not mistaken, but either way too late for that now, im just going to wait it out, ill stick with the lease just so it doesnt look bait on my scene, unless i get kicked out of course, then ill b really happy.


Active Member
this is some fucked up shit!

i was not home when he took them, BUT he called my real house and was basically telling me not to worry he just wants to talk and shit, he was acting like i did nothing wrong! he also said had anyone been in the apartment when he took them, they would have all been arrested :S:S:S i strait up think he wanted to add a couple new plants too his garden lol, but who knows really.
right, thats true who really knows, i would just wait it out and not grow see if he keeps tryin to get hold of you and pay close attention to what he says, ive been busted before not growing but selling (i do not do that ANYMORE quite bout a year ago) and its a scary thing, just pay attention youll be able to figure out what his intentions are man i feel so bad for you but on the up side at least he didnt ask for a handjob lol i had too lmao

cary schellie

Active Member
some one called the police on my uncle and said he was growing. They came in took his plants and left. A few weeks later he received a notice to appear in court. They gave him 1 year probation and 4500 in fines


LMFAO are you just trolling us right now
Dude I even tried recording what happened on my cell phone. I pretended to turn around like I was contemplating doing this dirty deed. The fucked up thing is that my phone slipped into the couch cushion so you can't really see or hear much but you can definitively make out a brief exchange of words. If you listen closely and you can hear this conversation.

Cop/Random dude: "Have you ever worked on an engine?"

Me: "No why?" (Voice cracking)

Cop/Random dude: "Because your about to pump a piston."

Me: (Starts crying) :-(

I uploaded the video to YouTube if anyone is interested in hearing this. Maybe you can help me verify if the video can be used in court?
