did i put them in a pot too early


Well-Known Member
ok im new to growing ne thing i pot my seeds in a paper towel and they say for liek a week in my windo and they sprouted lil white things comeing out liek maby liek 3 8s of an inch long i put them in a lil clay pot with some soil scotts are they going to grow>?>??


Well-Known Member
and another thing is can you take seeds out side and just plant them how are you going to keep them from geting too much water>>?


Well-Known Member
do i need to put thos pots under lights because i just did i put them under a 60 watt in my colset


Well-Known Member
You dont need to put them under light until after they break throught the surface. I have never grown outdoors but I'm sure they would grow if you just plant a seed. you would be better off to start indoors though.


Well-Known Member
ok then why do you put seed in a hand towle and put then in the sun that how i got mine to start im a dumb ass lol smoked my self retarded


Well-Known Member
I dont start mine like that. I just place them in a glass of water in a dark place and when the pop I plant them, and leave them in the dark till they sprout.


Well-Known Member
hmm i doono all i know is that got lil white things pokeing out liek i seen in some pic so i put them in a pot lol i hope they do grow i doono wat kind of weed it is i bog off my friend and got osme off my floor lol out of liek 50 only liek 4 hade the white things other are cracking open i can see the white shit comeing out andf i started liek a week and a half agaio im going to leave them in the towel and baggy hope they come out more the other 4 seeds are in lil clay pots


Active Member
If there are little white things poking out it means they are starting to grow, so putting them in soil gives them a place to grow. so far it sounds like you're doing everything right. last summer I didn't germinate first and just planted a bunch of seeds in a pot on my balcony and it worked fine.


Well-Known Member
wtf i for got to ask dose it madder witch way you put the seed in?? liek you knwo seeds have liek and ass end and a point with is the front well the white shit i put it groing up will pointing up lol the ass end is down in the soil and the point with the white shit is up will that madder??


Well-Known Member
Ok dude I'll help...

The white thing poking out is your root tip. It becomes the tap root which is where everything in the rooting system eventually comes from. If that "white thing" is pointing up when you buried them you put them in upside down. Sometimes it still works out ok if you put them in upside down, but its much easier for the plant to come through if the white root is pointed down. Then the seed just has to push up through the soil (dont take the seed shell off the leaves let it happen naturally, theres lots of nutrients that the baby plant needs to get started) and soon after it will open and expose four leaves, two that are oval shaped and two that are longer, jagged, and pointed.

Good luck! :-|


Well-Known Member
lol well i was fuckign with the pot and i knocked some dirt out and i looked at the seeds that was pointing up and the root thing was liek a inch long why are the seeds groing so fast>??? just pot them in a pot last night and ya i killed that seeds but i got liek 30 more i need to plant to day lol i think i wanna get some bigger pots? i got thes lil clay pots that are liek 1 inch around and liek 2 inches deep im going to plant the rest in BIGGER pots lol


Well-Known Member
Go to the store and look for Jiffy Pellets not the cups the pellets. There cheap, their flat like a small hockey puck but when you soak them in water they puff up to like an inch and a half tall and an inch in diameter. Germinate the seeds like you have been in paper towel and just put them in the top where the dirt in the top of the Jiffy pot so it barely covers the seed (white root tip down). I use the tip of a pencil to poke a hole for the seed to fit into.

It'll be a few days, the root tip being like an inch long is fine, thats what its supposed to do. It needs to before it will push the seed with the leaves in it to the top. Once the seed comes through and you have 4 leaves cut the netting off ht eoutside of the pot carefully and transplant to like a 5" diameter plastic potter...

Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
kk well i got thoer seeds i jsut got a huge clay pot liek 12 inches wide and liek a 13inces deep i think i might have put the seed to deep how deep is to deep>???


Well-Known Member
I think more than an inch is too many, maybe less. I put mine right towards the surface. They dont have to be far down at all. Theres not many plants that do.