did I talk to God or was it a hallucination?


Well-Known Member
First let me give you some quick background. I used to be christian for a large part of my life. My family is very christian and will often remind me of it. I have long since abandoned that path because by in part, organized religion is a weird thing, and I didn't want to be constantly living my life in fear of damnation by not living my life to a certain standard. It's been about 7 years since I've given that ideology a second glance.

So with that, last night I decided to be a little creative. I had some magic mushrooms I've been holding onto and I decided that I would take 1.5g and work on a painting I have been working on for a few months. After working on my painting for a bit I was starting to reach my the peak so I decided to kick back on my bed and just enjoy the music and the places my mind was trying to reach. I started contemplating the universe, and the idea of a soul and soul mates and stuff like that. I came to the conclusion that the most wonderful thing in life is love and to live in love. After contemplating for awhile, another voice/being, distinctly different then my own consciousness, and it basically said, "You already know what love is. Love is why I created you. Love is what I give to you and want from you. Love is Jesus." At this point I started flipping out. Did God talk to me? Did he tell me that the answer to life is to live in love with him? Or was I trying so hard to look for the answer that my mind rationalized the religion I was trying to avoid?

I'm seriously very shaken up about this. I dunno what happened but it feel very real. Granted this could be a moot point since I was under the influence of a psychedelic, but mushrooms have often been used as tools to communicate with higher powers. Maybe I just finally sat back and listened for the first time.

I dunno if anyone can help, so to speak, but I wanted to share my experience because I have no friggen clue what to make of it.
People see hear and believe what they want to see hear and believe. No matter what anyone says you will interpret that how you want .
you wont be able to get an answer from any of us. maybe you did, maybe you didnt. all comes down to you. there is nothing wrong with believing god spoke to you. he may or may not be out there, but if you believe he spoke to you, id say go with it and toss the idea around in your head. all part of your journey
It's definitely something to deliberate about. That's a pretty interesting philosophy, "if you want to believe what you heard do it."

I think I'm going to chalk it up to influences. Because the thing that is causing me the greatest doubt is, what if I had been raised in a Buddhist, Muslim, etc. home? Would/could I have had a similar experience with that religion's beliefs as an exposition of their fundamental values? When you think about what was "said" to me, it was basically core Christian beliefs in a nutshell. It's not like I heard a specific message.
Next time, ask it to give you lottery numbers.:D
It's definitely something to deliberate about. That's a pretty interesting philosophy, "if you want to believe what you heard do it."

I think I'm going to chalk it up to influences. Because the thing that is causing me the greatest doubt is, what if I had been raised in a Buddhist, Muslim, etc. home? Would/could I have had a similar experience with that religion's beliefs as an exposition of their fundamental values? When you think about what was "said" to me, it was basically core Christian beliefs in a nutshell. It's not like I heard a specific message.
rofl. u didnt hear god u were just trippin out. notice how you only "heard" god this 1 time on Mushrooms of all things. Makes lots of sence to me. Now if u heard god and you were completly sober, then id be worried.
Well why did you leave Chritianity in the first place? If you left only because you didn't want to be a part of an organized religion, you probably still hold some of the beliefs, and wouldn't see anything strange about hearing the voice of God. If you left on the otherhand because you thought through all the dogma and superstitions, you probably don't hold any of the beliefs, and you would probably think it's pretty crazy to hear to voice of God. So yeah, depending on if you still believe or not, that should tell you if it was the voice of God. I would say it was just you tripping, and since your mind was already on that path anyway, maybe you just happened to think about something within Christianity and everything mixed in with the trip, which made you think you heard God. Wouldn't speaking to a human defy the 'you have to have faith' idea too? Like if you knew for sure God existed you wouldn't need to have faith...
lots of ancient cultures and tribes used hallucinogenic plants to reach higher planes of consciousness.
so yes, maybe you did see god
Wouldn't speaking to a human defy the 'you have to have faith' idea too? Like if you knew for sure God existed you wouldn't need to have faith...

Just to play devil's advocate per say, it says in the bible (I can't quote direct scriptures at the moment, but summed up) anyone can talk to God. Believer or not. It also says that God will talk back to you, though most of the time we aren't fully listening so you don't hear him talk back. And by fully listening, I mean no other thoughts on your mind, just pure clarity that you reach in meditation. And like 420 said, hallucinogenics have been used for centuries as tools to communicate on a higher plane of consciousness. Maybe, that was all I needed to truly listen.

Also, by God communicating directly, it still requires faith because technically it's still a subjective act. I can't objectively find any other evidence besides my own personal testimonial of what happened, so I believe that would still require faith because I can't even for sure explain what happened.

I'm still not sure what to make of it. I'm starting to lean more and more to God because this experience has been weighing very heavy on my heart. I can't seem to brush it away like other experiences I've had while tripping.

I know it's common to have visions of death, but would it be uncommon for me to say I've been to hell before in one of my hallucinations?
i've had mushroom trips where i became god.
i've had LSD trips where i was in the presence of god.

and yep i've seen hellish visions too.

follow your bliss
420, if I may ask, what are your beliefs? Especially concerning afterlife. I'm not trying to attack you, I'm just trying to get a wide range of opinions.
I must tell you, I think the experience you had was probably influenced by personal beliefs.I myself tripped on mushrooms, and what I heard, when I got to that quiet spot, was the earth humming,the background noise, if you will, that's always there,but you don't notice.....a low frequency you can only hear if you are tuned into it.And music.I heard voices singing.No gods spoke to me.So, I'd have to say,what it is is an introspective journey, and each person sees something different.If there were only one truth, we'd all see the same thing, right?YOU are GOD.Alpha and omega and all that.You reached your subconscious, and it spoke to you.
Just to play devil's advocate per say, it says in the bible (I can't quote direct scriptures at the moment, but summed up) anyone can talk to God. Believer or not. It also says that God will talk back to you, though most of the time we aren't fully listening so you don't hear him talk back. And by fully listening, I mean no other thoughts on your mind, just pure clarity that you reach in meditation. And like 420 said, hallucinogenics have been used for centuries as tools to communicate on a higher plane of consciousness. Maybe, that was all I needed to truly listen.

Also, by God communicating directly, it still requires faith because technically it's still a subjective act. I can't objectively find any other evidence besides my own personal testimonial of what happened, so I believe that would still require faith because I can't even for sure explain what happened.

I'm still not sure what to make of it. I'm starting to lean more and more to God because this experience has been weighing very heavy on my heart. I can't seem to brush it away like other experiences I've had while tripping.

I know it's common to have visions of death, but would it be uncommon for me to say I've been to hell before in one of my hallucinations?
I enjoy this Stoney. I enjoy what you have to say about my journey. I feel that a lot of it was influenced by my personal beliefs. But at the same time I don't know.

I've decided two things A) abstinence from psychedelic drugs for at least a year, I need time to collect my thoughts and I've been going hard this fall B) read the bible concerning salvation and Jesus. I've decided these two courses of action because I think they are rational and fair. Taking a break from drugs of that nature can never be a bad thing and if something pseudo-christian was presented to me, why not confront the source and see how I start feeling about it?

I think in the end as most people have said, you should do things that make you happy. I'm open to most things and I'm willing to at least give them a shot.

But there are a few things I'll take from my trip A) live in love, love is the most powerful thing you can experience on this earth. Enjoy the love of family and other people more openly. We're all in this together. B) There is a God and he most definitely created the universe. Whether he was the reason for the Big Bang or he put all together hand by hand, nature is too immensely beautiful and governed by laws we are now coming to terms with. It doesn't make sense to me that eons of evolution happened on accident. They were willed into existence.
That's good, because you have to listen to you.And If that's what you got from this, follow it and see where it leads.My brother and I (Speaking about willing things into existence) were discussing, along with whether there is a god, why the universe was created.And He believes something like this: God was lonely.There was only him in the universe, the one, the atom.Essentially, he was going mad from his loneliness, and so, decided that annihilation of himself was the only way to end it.He exploded into a million fragments(BIG BANG)...ending himself as he had been, but he was no longer alone...and in his destruction,created us.We are all fragments of that lonely god, attracted to one another in an attempt to get back together as ONE.(Eventually all explosions collapse in on themselves.)And once we are one again,perhaps we will become lonely...and start it all over again, in a neverending cycle of death and rebirth.

Makes for a helluva story.:blsmoke:
I enjoy this Stoney. I enjoy what you have to say about my journey. I feel that a lot of it was influenced by my personal beliefs. But at the same time I don't know.

I've decided two things A) abstinence from psychedelic drugs for at least a year, I need time to collect my thoughts and I've been going hard this fall B) read the bible concerning salvation and Jesus. I've decided these two courses of action because I think they are rational and fair. Taking a break from drugs of that nature can never be a bad thing and if something pseudo-christian was presented to me, why not confront the source and see how I start feeling about it?

I think in the end as most people have said, you should do things that make you happy. I'm open to most things and I'm willing to at least give them a shot.

But there are a few things I'll take from my trip A) live in love, love is the most powerful thing you can experience on this earth. Enjoy the love of family and other people more openly. We're all in this together. B) There is a God and he most definitely created the universe. Whether he was the reason for the Big Bang or he put all together hand by hand, nature is too immensely beautiful and governed by laws we are now coming to terms with. It doesn't make sense to me that eons of evolution happened on accident. They were willed into existence.