DIFF's Indoor Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
OK... I know it's not the greatest of options... But.... Would it be possible to wait a few days to install proper ventilation in the closet (just purchased 250watt hps, heat becomes an issue now)?? Like Saturday, when I can actually spend a good ammount of time getting what I need and installing it.. I thought I had all the supplies needed to do it this afternoon, but I was wrong.. bummer...

For now, b/c of location of closet, there's no real need to have it shut 24/7 at the moment.. I'm lighting 24/7 right now in the veg stage, so the only thing i'd be dealing w/ was the little bit of light that esapes from the closet w/ the door open just a tad..

I've got 2 fans inside the closet.. 1 on the ground beside the plants at the front of the closet, aiming up in a way that it is kind of grabbing air from outside the closet and blowing it up towards the HPS bulb/ballast/reflector.. The plants are just swaying a bit, nothing that should hurt them.. The other is sitting on the ledge towards the top of the closet, blowing air straight out the closet..

I purchased a small thermometer that also has a humidity guage on it.. Looks like w/ the door cracked, with both fans on... 84 F and 50% humidity...

W/ temperatures outside ranging from 60-70 degrees, i'm thinking i'd be OK for a few days w/ the window open and the above mentioned fan method used until I install some actual ventilation inside the closet...

Any thoughts??


Well-Known Member
Update... w/ window open, door cracked like 2 inches.. temperature inside the closet is 82 degrees and humidity is around 43%... w/ the window closed it was around 85 degrees and humidity around 50%... Until proper ventilation is installed on Saturday, which one would be better??


Active Member
Update... w/ window open, door cracked like 2 inches.. temperature inside the closet is 82 degrees and humidity is around 43%... w/ the window closed it was around 85 degrees and humidity around 50%... Until proper ventilation is installed on Saturday, which one would be better??

You should be more then fine. I had a $$$ flow problem and had to grow my girls at like 90 degrees for almost a month in veg. you should be fine. I would think you would want the higher humidity. Just till the weekend is no big deal.


Well-Known Member
Day 13

Plants are really growing fast now w/ the HPS light... My biggest one grew over an inch last night!! Third node is really filling out.. Plan to switch to 18/6 lighting 2mor, and run w/ that til I decide to flower..

Found that a bowl of ice cubes behind the fan really cools things down and keeps the humidity right about normal...

Just wish the stems were a little bit thicker.. They're not falling over, but i'd like to see them a tad bit thicker... Other than an oscelating fan to promote stronger stems, how do you go about trying to beef up the stem??


Well-Known Member
EWWW... after some inspection, one of the plants has some yellow spots on the leaves on the first node... Not around the edges, just in random places on the leaves, about 3 spots on each leaf... Nothing on the other 5 plants.. This one is a bit smaller than the rest and the leaves are a little droopy..

I haven't added any nutrients to the soil (MG), but i've read that if you overwater w/ MG, it will release too many nutrients to the plant... W/ this plant being the shortest, i'm asuming it's not getting burnt from the heat, because the rest are taller than this one..

Edit: If i didn't overwater this plant, then it has something to do w/ the PH... i'm going to get a tester right now.. i shall return...


Active Member
EWWW... after some inspection, one of the plants has some yellow spots on the leaves on the first node... Not around the edges, just in random places on the leaves, about 3 spots on each leaf... Nothing on the other 5 plants.. This one is a bit smaller than the rest and the leaves are a little droopy..

I haven't added any nutrients to the soil (MG), but i've read that if you overwater w/ MG, it will release too many nutrients to the plant... W/ this plant being the shortest, i'm asuming it's not getting burnt from the heat, because the rest are taller than this one..

Edit: If i didn't overwater this plant, then it has something to do w/ the PH... i'm going to get a tester right now.. i shall return...

Best of luck, try and get some pics up.


Well-Known Member
Best of luck, try and get some pics up.
will do... my mom borrowed my digital camera for vacation purposes.. only means to post pics ATM is via my cell phone.. Can't see the yellow spots w/ my phones camera...

PH is varying from pot to pot.. anywhere from 6.5 to 7.. So i think i'm good there.. considering it's just one plant, and minimal, i'll just give it a day or two and see what happens..

Got a $6 moisture meter, it's telling me the soil is almost bone dry in the pot w/ the problem plant.. Rest are sitting at a 2 (a tad higher) on a scale of 1-4.. I gave her a bit of water (not a normal full watering).. Probably go ahead and give her a full watering 2mor when I water the rest of the plants...


Active Member
will do... my mom borrowed my digital camera for vacation purposes.. only means to post pics ATM is via my cell phone.. Can't see the yellow spots w/ my phones camera...

PH is varying from pot to pot.. anywhere from 6.5 to 7.. So i think i'm good there.. considering it's just one plant, and minimal, i'll just give it a day or two and see what happens..

Got a $6 moisture meter, it's telling me the soil is almost bone dry in the pot w/ the problem plant.. Rest are sitting at a 2 (a tad higher) on a scale of 1-4.. I gave her a bit of water (not a normal full watering).. Probably go ahead and give her a full watering 2mor when I water the rest of the plants...

The best thing to do is water when the first 1/2" to 1" of the soil on the top is dry. Should be every 3-5 days (apporx) Alot of guys, me included go by the weight of the pot. Soak them down untill you see some runoff and then fell how heavy it is. when the soil gets dry to where you want to add water check again and try and remember the weight of how they feel. It's not benificial to always have the soil damp/wet. Also you might want to get some blackstrap (UNSULPHERED) molasses from a local bulk food store for inbetween feeding once she starts taking nutes.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input... What nutes do you use? I was thinking about feeding them some diluted nutes (1/4 or less) around week 3 of veg...

but.... I used MG potting soil (i know)... So if I give it any nutes at this point, it will probably burn the hell out of them... wouldn't it?

Maybe transfer to the final pot next week, 3 or 5 gallon bucket, and use some FFOF to repot and add the nutes to the soil before repotting? Would that work?


Well-Known Member
Day 14...

Babies are two weeks old now.. Largest plant grew another 3/4 of an inch last night... Close to 6 inches tall.. The two biggest plants are working on their 5th node, a couple on their 4th, and the smallest problem one is still working on it's 3rd node..

First two leaves on that one are still yellow.. Light is 18 inches away from that plant, PH is around 6.8, humidity around 45%, temperature hovering around 80 degrees.. Mositure in the soil closer to dry than it is moist..

Only thing left to do is check the NPK levels... MG Potting soil has a .05, .01, .05 mixture... I know you need high ammounts of N for the veg stage, just not sure if the .05 of the K is too much for this stage...

Actually have a job interview this afternoon (yay!)... If all goes well i'll probably snag myself another digital camera... The one my mom is borrowing isn't that great, i'd like something that can really get some closeups...

Update later...


Active Member
Thanks for the input... What nutes do you use? I was thinking about feeding them some diluted nutes (1/4 or less) around week 3 of veg...

but.... I used MG potting soil (i know)... So if I give it any nutes at this point, it will probably burn the hell out of them... wouldn't it?

Maybe transfer to the final pot next week, 3 or 5 gallon bucket, and use some FFOF to repot and add the nutes to the soil before repotting? Would that work?
Sounds like your going about this the right way. Do not feed them nutes especially with the MD soil untill you establish them in there new pots, one week (5 gal minium unless you plan to flower early) I used 3 gal pots and they are way too small. Next time I'm using 10 gallon pots min.

Flush your soil with 3X water ot soil(5 gallon pot will requires 15 gallons of water) in the new pot with correct PH'ed water. Alot soak the soil in your current pot just before you transplant help the root mass come out much easier. Hope this helps.


Active Member
MG Potting soil has a .05, .01, .05 mixture... I know you need high ammounts of N for the veg stage, just not sure if the .05 of the K is too much for this stage...

Actually have a job interview this afternoon (yay!)... If all goes well i'll probably snag myself another digital camera... The one my mom is borrowing isn't that great, i'd like something that can really get some closeups...

Update later...

I use only neutral potting soil, petlie and vermiculite. 33% of each. dont worry about that. Alos for nutes I us DNF (Dutch Nutriant Formula) and molasses in between feedings.


Well-Known Member
Day 15

Plants are still healthy looking and growing, minus the problem plant that has yellowing leaves on the bottom two nodes now.. the biggest plant is around 6.5 inches and has a nice beefy stem..

Will be replanting next week into 5 gallon buckets w/ a different soil.. no more MG for me.. They will be 3 weeks old, so I'd say it will be safe to feed them 1/4 strength nutrients at the time of transplant.. Maybe purchase something to limit the shock on them as well..

There is actually a faint smell of MJ inside the closet.. lol.. If you get real close to the plant, it's putting off a little skunk smell... :mrgreen: