Dire, warning Islam is changing England forever!

How about no?

How about we'll refer to them in any manner we desire? That's what free men do, and fortunately for you, you don't have to read it.

I've seen and lived in their culture, and I don't like it. I think their culture fucking sucks, and I think their people fucking suck, though there's always the exception. I firmly believe there fucked up culture should stay in THEIR lands and NOT be exported to others, including the U.K..

I'll start giving a fuck about "offending" Muslims when Muslim immigrants residing in western lands start consistently marching and demonstrating against MUSLIM violence and discrimination the same way self loathing pussy white people do.
Whoa, I got a little growl from you on that one. I am only trying to expand everyone's use of bigoted words. Don't like it? you can leave it, that's what free men do.
so i watched the video.

the dude rolls up on a muslim, calls him a fascist child fucker, and wonders why he is not welcome there?

I thought the Muslim fellow came off as quite courteous and reserved, while the racist douche came off as a racist douche. Cheers to the Muslim for the sneaky haymaker he landed as they drove off.
I thought the Muslim fellow came off as quite courteous and reserved, while the racist douche came off as a racist douche. Cheers to the Muslim for the sneaky haymaker he landed as they drove off.
Another bit of info that isn't stated: the driver of that car in the video regularly harasses Muslim citizens and also is the leader of an ultra right wing anti-immigrant political group.


Edit: he WAS, leadership has changed since.
Why have you chosen to use such a bigoted term as 'ragheads' to describe Muslims in London Ben?

Also more commonly Sikhs wear turbans and head wraps, a majority of Muslims do not regularly wear headgear suited for the desert, they live in much different climates. Indonesia, etc.

Edit: if you want to use a more specific offensive term you should try hajji. It is specifically referring to the Hajj, a Muslim only pilgrimage.

Terry, terry taliban = Taliban
Gerry, Fritz = German during WW2
Ivan = russian during WW2, cold war
Rag-head = Sunni Jihad
Gooks - Koreans
Nips - Japanese
Japs - Japanese
Tommy - British
Johnny Reb - Confederate
Billy Yank - Union
Boche - German
Hein/Heinrich - German
Kraut - German
Teufelhunden - US Marines
Huns- germans- WW1
Black and tans - british during the Ireland conflict
Tojo - Japanese
Reds - Soviets (WW2)
Macs - German.
khaki - British soldier Boer Wars
rooinek - British soldier Boer wars (literally = red neck)
Charlie - Viet Cong - VietnamVietnamese:
Gooks - Viet Cong - VietnamVietnamese:
Zipperheads - Viet Cong - VietnamVietnamese:
Slopes - Viet Cong - VietnamVietnamese:
Americans (to Germans) : Amis
British (to Germans) : Tommies
Russians (to Germans) : Ivan
Somalis (to Americans) : Skinnies
US (to British)- Septics
MOF (Mensch Ohne Freunde) = Dutch term for Germans in WWII
Plopper (derived from 'Pelopor') = Dutch term for Indonesian insurgent after WWII
Babboos - Afghans
Smufties - Afghans
World (to Americans) = Ugly American

Wake up. We call our enemies funny names, so what?

It is PC stupid to question it.
that's what ignorant, dumb racists do, actually.

there's that white separatism sentiment.

they do though.

when are you going to start marching against your violence and discrimination?

i noticed you defend the brutal beating of a woman just a few weeks ago, but never noticed you marching or demonstrating against it.

and there's that white power sentiment.

why is this board infested with white supremacists like wilksey?

It is a free ideal for you Buck to call these names.

We can say what we want you PC turd. Why is this board infested by your whining?
I thought the Muslim fellow came off as quite courteous and reserved, while the racist douche came off as a racist douche. Cheers to the Muslim for the sneaky haymaker he landed as they drove off.

What does courteous have to do with anything. It is just PC smoke screen to hide Jihad to me.

What does "come off like" matter, except for PC? Inner Jihad is the ancient idea of PCing us to death from the inside of our culture.
[QUOTE="fr3d12, post: 10975052, member: 105703"I lived in a black neighbourhood(Peckham in SE London) for about 18 months

There was very few Irish there. I liked Peckham, never had an issues there except for one time.
Despite your insinuation the area is predominantly a black neighbourhood.
How about Irish Kilburn, you been up that way lately?
There was very few Irish there. I liked Peckham, never had an issues there except for one time.
Despite your insinuation the area is predominantly a black neighbourhood.
How about Irish Kilburn, you been up that way lately?

was a long time ago mate, i went to collage in peckham for 2 years
every pub was irish, i used to get the train to peckham rye station, there would be homeless people outside the station begging all the time
there were less black people on the streets than say lewisham, i thought peckham was dirty but pretty tame, its not in the league of Thamesmead imo which is like the end of the earth
not been to kilburn
Your bigotry and fear of what you remain ignorant of demonstrates your stupidity splendidly

all the stress is not good for your heart

All the kettlebell swinging is good for my heart and so is Sky.

I fear the truly stupid, like you, not the merely ignorant. That is good for my heart too,
All the kettlebell swinging is good for my heart and so is Sky.

I fear the truly stupid, like you, not the merely ignorant. That is good for my heart too,

Doer in denial
you fear what you choose to remain ignorant of

you should make peace not war with your Muslim brothers and sisters

peace is good for your heart
Did you notice all the Irish people in peckham, i found it shocking
maybe they moved on, i was expecting to see more brothers

Blacks ain't yo brothers, PC. Here, some will jack your ass up and cut your ball bag for that racist comment.