Dire, warning Islam is changing England forever!

Doer in denial
you fear what you choose to remain ignorant of

you should make peace not war with your Muslim brothers and sisters

peace is good for your heart

You are choosing ignorance in place of healthy caution. You too will be Jihaded.
That reminds of a joke...no that reminds me of Deposition I gave recently...no that reminds of a Benny Hill sketch.

Seriously dude? I lay out a ruse and make a flank, then I attack.

In the Deposition, the other attorney kept asking me what a Palestinian looks like?

I stuck to my answer, for the record.

"I don't know. What do they look like?"
"I don't know. What do they look like?"

Now that's some really deep paranoia right there ^^

the cunning Jihadist could make himself look like a hillbilly, maybe even infiltrate some of your networks
he/she could be sitting right next to you on the subway

now i understand your fear .. are you agoraphobic ?
was a long time ago mate, i went to collage in peckham for 2 years
every pub was irish, i used to get the train to peckham rye station, there would be homeless people outside the station begging all the time
there were less black people on the streets than say lewisham, i thought peckham was dirty but pretty tame, its not in the league of Thamesmead imo which is like the end of the earth
not been to kilburn
I also lived although briefly in Peckham Rye across from the park, again had no trouble there.
I'm familiar with most of S. London having lived in a few different areas, last place I lived before coming back was in East st. just off the Walworth rd, it wasn't the worst but it had it's moments.
I socialised in Greenwich and Woolwich on occasion , I worked for two years on the then new train station near the Blackwall tunnel.
So you live in a nice suburb now then?
Yes, or hack you where you stand on a busy street in mid-day.

I don't understand your sanguine.
i think you should get a walking aid and play on your old age,
the Muslim will take pity on you, and wont hack your head off