disappointed with 'shrooms..over and over

Drive through the FL panhandle going east on I-10. When you get to mile marker 107 look right, between the rolling hills you will see a lake. Hunt the open fields and woods around the lake for a very potent strain of p. cubensis. April 15th-Aug 1st. Parking not recommended. Happy hunting.
Bruise..as in injure,or degrade..its OK bro..you go be right...I don't really care to show unwilling people knowledge..its much more amusing in the long run,usually profitable as well...
Both the caps and the stems contain the psychoactive compounds, although the caps consistently contain more. The spores of these mushrooms do not contain psilocybin or psilocin.[36][37][38] The total potency varies greatly between species and even between specimens of a species collected or grown from the same strain.[39]Because most psilocybin biosynthesis occurs early in the formation of fruit bodies orsclerotia, younger, smaller mushrooms tend to have a higher concentration of the drug than larger, mature mushrooms.[40] In general, the psilocybin content of mushrooms is quite variable (ranging from almost nothing to 1.5% of the dry weight)[41] and depends on species, strain, growth and drying conditions, and mushroom size.[42] Cultivated mushrooms have less variability in psilocybin content than wild mushrooms.[43] The drug is more stable in dried than fresh mushrooms; dried mushrooms retain their potency for months or even years,[44] while mushrooms stored fresh for four weeks contain only traces of the original psilocybin.[45] The psilocybin contents of dried herbarium specimens of Psilocybe semilanceata in one study were shown to decrease with the increasing age of the sample: collections dated 11, 33, or 118 years old contained 0.84%, 0.67%, and 0.014% (all dry weight), respectively.[46] Mature mycelia contain some psilocybin, while young mycelia (recently germinated from spores) lack appreciable amounts.[47] Many species of mushrooms containing psilocybin also contain lesser amounts of the analog compounds baeocystin and norbaeocystin,[48] chemicals thought to be biogenicprecursors.[49] Although most species of psilocybin-containing mushrooms bruise blue when handled or damaged due to the oxidization of phenolic compounds, this reaction is not a definitive method of identification or determining a mushroom's potency.[39][50]
http://www.mushroom-appreciation.com/identifying-mushrooms.html -
Identifying Mushrooms Through Bruising and Bleeding


Both of these sites, as well as others, reference bruising as a guideline to point you in the right direction. So yes again YOU'RE RIGHT but I never said that bruising was the only way to identify. Either way your article again states what I said to be true. Bruising AKA the blue colour, does not have any effect on the degradation of psilocybin within the mushroom. If you wanted to be a dick and test the 1 cm square patch of bruising and a 1 cm square patch of none bruised tissue and then tell me there's 200ppm of psilocybin in bruised where there's 205ppm in none bruised tissue then again yes you'd probably be right. But on the larger scale when it comes to human doses any damage done will have extremely negligible consequences on the psilocybin content of that particular mushroom. Do you often argue with no point to make?? wow...oh and Wikipedia is not a scientific article, neither is what I provided, but just so we're clear. This is what I originally said, all of which you have proven.....Do you want to go in a circle again?:wall: Oh I guess I should have said "HELP determine species" so your feeble mind could have comprehended the message I was trying to convey.

No it's not, it's bruising on the stem when mishandled or handled roughly before drying. You'll notice 90% of the time the bottoms of the stems are what is blue and it's from the grower pinching and pulling at the base. Where do you get your info from? Mushrooms are often identified by bruising or bleeding the shroom cap or stem to see what colour it is to determine species. This has nothing to do with the psilocybin degrading or potency, speaking of which, I think the only way to degrade psilocybin is either heat or time and no colour change is associated with that....if you have a scientific article stating otherwise, please share.
image.jpg No here's the point..you're changing it up every time I make one...
The original topic was blue being degraded psilocibin and whether stems or caps were more potent..obviously you need to up the dose,lose some ego,and realize I'm not here to be right,just trying not to spread false information...
..by fucking far some of the best visuals were from a strain called golden teacher.. but a lot of growers with that shit use the strains the pop shit loads on each regrowth..

to be honest golden teachers are just
Psilocybe cubensis. if you bought a spore syringe online that said golden teacher. it may have been printed from a golden teacher. but the fact is.. its just a multispore print of a Psilocybe cubensis and you playing a genetic lottery. Tissue culturing is different but I assure you Psilocybe cubensis are all the same. you just have different experience every time .

edit: ofcoarse potency is different with genetics. but as far as " golden teachers are always MORE VISUAL etc" I dont believe that to be true.
View attachment 3430370 No here's the point..you're changing it up every time I make one...
The original topic was blue being degraded psilocibin and whether stems or caps were more potent..obviously you need to up the dose,lose some ego,and realize I'm not here to be right,just trying not to spread false information...

Which is what you are doing by saying that blue means degraded psilocybin because IT DOESN'T!!! I didn't disagree with your comment about the level of psilocybin being equal through out the mushroom. Holy fuck man, how dense are you? The point you're trying to make doesn't exist that's my fucking point. You're writing here telling everyone here that blue means degraded psilocybin, I disagreed with you because that statement is wrong and then you proceed to talk to me like I'm the idiot and reference articles that go against what you said. That blue means degraded psilocybin. IT DOES NOT. Blue is simply the colour of a bruise nothing more nothing less. Who's the one with the ego here bud?
Resorting to name calling...
If you bruise,or any organism for that matter,cells and tissue, matter,is destroyed..its simple.
You're wrong,mad,and love the taste of adidas...maybe Reebok's?:-)
I have better things to do than mushrooms...don't bruise em you yawn more.:-)
to be honest golden teachers are just
Psilocybe cubensis. if you bought a spore syringe online that said golden teacher. it may have been printed from a golden teacher. but the fact is.. its just a multispore print of a Psilocybe cubensis and you playing a genetic lottery. Tissue culturing is different but I assure you Psilocybe cubensis are all the same. you just have different experience every time .

edit: ofcoarse potency is different with genetics. but as far as " golden teachers are always MORE VISUAL etc" I dont believe that to be true.
to be honest golden teachers are just
Psilocybe cubensis. if you bought a spore syringe online that said golden teacher. it may have been printed from a golden teacher. but the fact is.. its just a multispore print of a Psilocybe cubensis and you playing a genetic lottery. Tissue culturing is different but I assure you Psilocybe cubensis are all the same. you just have different experience every time .

edit: ofcoarse potency is different with genetics. but as far as " golden teachers are always MORE VISUAL etc" I dont believe that to be true.
For real I've grown Brazilian, B+, Golden Teacher, Hanoi and Pink Buffalo all Cubensis all bout the same potency and trip but I did yield the most off Brazilian's so those are my favorite. :bigjoint:

Now different species are different I almost want to try that wood loving one suppose to be the strongest I think it was.
For real I've grown Brazilian, B+, Golden Teacher, Hanoi and Pink Buffalo all Cubensis all bout the same potency and trip but I did yield the most off Brazilian's so those are my favorite. :bigjoint:

Now different species are different I almost want to try that wood loving one suppose to be the strongest I think it was.
i know someone who inoculates the wood into old rotted stumps.. never seen it just the pictures but i wanted to try that years ago...

in regards to them being the same potency id have to agree and disagree .. its like saying all 100% indica plants are the same. we breed them for certain potency and growth characteristics. so although they are the same.. they can very alot.. I've grow some cubensi that just wasn't super potent... and I've grown others that will knock your head off with 2grams... and if you've grown a lot of the genetics they now have you know what i mean by potency difference.. but all that can very just lie weed with environment and stuff.. ..shit golden teachers every time i grew them and ate them they fucked with my head more than any other strain but i tripped harder off less shit like ecuador was a lighter trip mentally but lasted a lot longer visually.. IMOP .. i used to really get down on them years back. the real main difference is just where the genetics were located... its like peyotes.. in general the only main difference is the locations they were originally obtained from. but there are some peyotes that carrie higher mescaline levels and some carry high levels of the crap you don't want as opposed to higher mescaline levels... all still carrie mescaline.. just differently.
For real I've grown Brazilian, B+, Golden Teacher, Hanoi and Pink Buffalo all Cubensis all bout the same potency and trip but I did yield the most off Brazilian's so those are my favorite. :bigjoint:

Now different species are different I almost want to try that wood loving one suppose to be the strongest I think it was.
i thought the real deal fly argic was supposed to be the strongest?
id love to see the wood strain acutually be inoculated and grown
For real I've grown Brazilian, B+, Golden Teacher, Hanoi and Pink Buffalo all Cubensis all bout the same potency and trip but I did yield the most off Brazilian's so those are my favorite. :bigjoint:

Now different species are different I almost want to try that wood loving one suppose to be the strongest I think it was.
you ever ate them fresh? WHOOOO...
you ever ate them fresh? WHOOOO...
Fly agarics are amanitas and have no Psilocybin or psilocin BUT a lot of ibotenic acid (thinks thats spelled right) and muscaline. Completely different alkaloids, thats have some pretty rough, inconsistent side effects. Wood lovers are P. Azurezceans (the UFO's) that he's thinking of and Psy. Cyanesceans not Pan. Cyan. Which 1 gram of either is sad to put one's dick in the dirt immediately:grin: