dish soap for bugs

I grow outside on pool deck. I have numerous other plants as well. In May/June I noticed Spider Mites on some plants. Quickly hit them w/ Neem, soap n baking soda. Coated the girl to be safe, and give her plenty of TLC. Little bastards appear to be gone. I’ll definitely keep an eye on them all.
Get your vacuum out and carefully suck those fuckers right off the leafs? Neem is seeming to cause cyclic vomiting, I don’t remember the other name for the sickness. I would be careful spraying neem during flowering. You can trust me you don’t want to have cyclic vomiting
I only got dawn antibacterial soap, will that do for a pesticide or nah?
Don't use dawn .... I've said it like 3 times already lol well you can if you want to but it strips the leaves of all it's natural oils and defences..... Don't use any synthetic soaps ... Best off finding a natural recipe