I popped the root ball for the two pots with holes and screens, they had dried almost completely and shrunk.
The 1 1/2" hole bucket with 5 layers of screen. I didn't put anything on the bottom of these two buckets, when I repotted I put a fabric base for root trapping.
After peeling off 4 layers of screen there were still healthy roots trapped.
No spiraling on this one.
The single screen bucket, spiraling on the bottom. I put fabric down.
This root ball felt really solid, like I could bounce it and it would stay together. There were healthy roots under the bucket.
A lot more roots than the 5 layer screened bucket.
The single screen bucket is producing a much more solid root ball than the 5 screen bucket. Very simple and works. To water I set the hole bucket in a regular bucket and soak. After 3 or 4 days I take the cover bucket off and there will be new roots growing from the holes, let the tips dry and die and they remaining root will thicken and branch.
The fabric buckets should be dry in a week or so, I'll pop the root ball for a couple and see how the root trapping is going. Looking forward to that but we might not see the results until we shake the root ball out after harvest. They feel more solid, the roots seem thicker, very promising results so far. Now we see if we get more yield, faster harvest, more potency, stronger taste, etc. The important things.