DIY E-Nail

Damn not bad. Just figured I'd ask. I bought a cheapo kit off Amazon for $135 with Ti nail. Gonna see how this works but if it fails I'll look into this much closer.
Damn not bad. Just figured I'd ask. I bought a cheapo kit off Amazon for $135 with Ti nail. Gonna see how this works but if it fails I'll look into this much closer.
you could upgrade parts if it doesn't stand up to your expectations.
No I do not how can I test it to make sure it works?
use a 9v battery to trigger the ssr , use ssr to control a fan or lamp.


Almost certain that you may find a walkthrough or something similar on YouTube , but that's how I test my ssr's. ( also do you have the correct rating of SSR? Just have to ask, I have seen a person try and use a 5V 2Amp SSR, a Output of 24V-380V 25A SSR-25DA is more than enough, a 40DA 90v-380v will work as well.)
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use a 9v battery to trigger the ssr , use ssr to control a fan or lamp.


Almost certain that you may find a walkthrough or something similar on YouTube , but that's how I test my ssr's. ( also do you have the correct rating of SSR? Just have to ask, I have seen a person try and use a 5V 2Amp SSR, a Output of 24V-380V 25A SSR-25DA is more than enough, a 40DA 90v-380v will work as well.)
Well I'll try to do a test but they should be good it's brand new and I have tired two separate ones and still no light on the ssr. Here is a pic of the wiring maybe you can point out what I did wrong (note the colored heat shrink isn't color coded) if you can find something I did wrong that would be great because I had to of done something wrong thanks. Also my coil wiring is
Pin1=AC Power
Pin2= Tc +
Pin3=AC power
Pin 4 = Tc-
Pin5= Ground wire
Also the same for the female part.


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Well I'll try to do a test but they should be good it's brand new and I have tired two separate ones and still no light on the ssr. Here is a pic of the wiring maybe you can point out what I did wrong (note the colored heat shrink isn't color coded) if you can find something I did wrong that would be great because I had to of done something wrong thanks. Also my coil wiring is
Pin1=AC Power
Pin2= Tc +
Pin3=AC power
Pin 4 = Tc-
Pin5= Ground wire
Also the same for the female part.
where did you get the wiring diagram for your coil from? The first thing that struck me as odd is that the power is split up like that in the pin-out. When I get home I'm going to look over your pictures more. I'm at work at the moment still, but ill let you know more when I finally crawl out of these tanks later.
where did you get the wiring diagram for your coil from? The first thing that struck me as odd is that the power is split up like that in the pin-out. When I get home I'm going to look over your pictures more. I'm at work at the moment still, but ill let you know more when I finally crawl out of these tanks later.
Thanks man and yea it was odd to me as well I had them together then I bought a coil and turns out he wiring was difftnent so I just changed my wiring to match the coils wiring.
okay is it in PID mode and not on/off mode? And if it is in PID mode then have you ran auto tune?
To tell you the truth I have no clue if it's in PID mode, this is my first build and I'm a bit of a Ricky on something's. But I tried to run auto tune but after a couple hours of not getting above 89 I called it quits. How do I know if it's in pid mode and not on/off mode?
Haha yea that's what I was going threw and I think I found it I adjusted a 1 to a 2 and the ssr light when on and my nail started hearing up real fast got real red so I turned it off so I think I'm on the right track now.
yes, now you need to set the SV set value , auto tune and set a max temp. I set mine to 808 , maybe not in that order the instructions should be able to get you to a fully functional machine. This is why I love the Omron E5CC it takes alot of the guess work out of alot of shat. But they come with a heavy price tag... $45-$120.... But they are the only one who offers the LCD screen and have cat5 communications options i.e. control temperature over GUI on cell phone via Bluetooth or internet connection
yes, now you need to set the SV set value , auto tune and set a max temp. I set mine to 808 , maybe not in that order the instructions should be able to get you to a fully functional machine. This is why I love the Omron E5CC it takes alot of the guess work out of alot of shat. But they come with a heavy price tag... $45-$120.... But they are the only one who offers the LCD screen and have cat5 communications options i.e. control temperature over GUI on cell phone via Bluetooth or internet connection
What!!!!!??? So you could use you're phone essentially as a remote? As far as adjusting temp anyways? No on/off capabilities though right?
yes, now you need to set the SV set value , auto tune and set a max temp. I set mine to 808 , maybe not in that order the instructions should be able to get you to a fully functional machine. This is why I love the Omron E5CC it takes alot of the guess work out of alot of shat. But they come with a heavy price tag... $45-$120.... But they are the only one who offers the LCD screen and have cat5 communications options i.e. control temperature over GUI on cell phone via Bluetooth or internet connection
Yea man thanks for the help I appreciate I'll have to look in to one of those on my next build they sound like there the shit thanks again.
What!!!!!??? So you could use you're phone essentially as a remote? As far as adjusting temp anyways? No on/off capabilities though right?
on and off to an extent... The unit doesn't power down it just stops the flow of electricity to your coil.... ( I get around the corner from home and turn it on, by the time I get inside and de-shoe its been ready and at temp for a several mins ) now if I can just get something to get my dab ready too I'd be fuckin set lol