And I hope Supra will excuse me ,but I think that,this thread,is actually the best place
for posting some ' notes ', that might become handy ,for DIY projects ,regarding the CXA3070 Z4 bin .
Three different Tc states ..
35-45-55 °C )
My advice is to aim for Case temperatures ,in the range of
35-55 °C ,for driving the CXA3070 up to
While the CXA will withstand up to 85°C case temperature @ 2.8A ,it's not really efficient for horticultural
purposes ...
I trust that the CXA3070 can be driven up to 2.1 A ,if case temps are well kept below 60°C ,
while still being quite efficient for growing plants .( mj included ...

.... )
all time classic "
Upper operational Limit = 70-75 % of max " thumb-rule ,
applied in many fields/appliances in the world of electronics ...

(Something like the REAL MEAN SQUARE aka RMS ,which is also 0.707 ( square root of 2 ,divided by 2 )
Electrical :
Vf vs
If ( aka
Io of CC driver )
(very helpful diagrams ,whenit comes to chose led drivers )
Electrical Power vs
Radiometric Efficiency & Radiant Power
(Or 'Why is good led cooling ,so important ..." )
And the more detailed version of all ,of the above ....
CREE CXA3070 is a 'miraculous' led array ...
The 3000°K 80CRI Z4 / AB ,has amazing plant growing abilities ...
(As an 'all-around' horticultural illumination device/ light source ... )
Just keep it as cool as possible.