your arguing that the cheapest of cheap no matter the dangers or ill conceived premonitions of any benefit are superior to a slightly more expensive alternative that just happens be 10 times more beneficial to your plants.
organicapple cider vinegar will benefit your grow 10 fold the results youd get from sulfuric acid. not only does the aerobic bacteria in the vinegar break down nutrients to be made readily available to the roots, it fights of anaerobic bacteria creating a highly oxygenated environment that your plants will thrive in. The following USDA website indicates that cider vinegar contains some essential mineral nutrients, including significant amounts of potassium (730 mg/liter), phosphorus (80 mg/liter), calcium (70 mg/liter) and magnesium (50 mg/liter).
it contains calcium phosphorus magnesium copper zinc manganese and selenium.
if this isnt reason enough to switch over from diluted acid i dont know what to tell you. the benefits outweigh the extra 5$ your going to spend on it. VERY IMPORTANT EDIT:
reacting sulfuric acid with potassium nitrate can be used to produce nitric acid ,
nitric acid reacts violently with many organic materials and the reactions may be explosive.
potassium nitrate just happens to be a main ingredient in many hydroponic grows, makes sense now why most ph downs are made from phosphoric acid. once again organic apple cider vinegar comes out the winner as the superior ph down. just a foot note citric acid is acceptable as well it is used in general hydroponics 2 pound bucket of ph down along with phosphoric acid. im still surprised people are buying battery electrolyte for there grow when 2.24 lbs of ph down is 6$ lol. so you spend 7 $ on sulfuric acid and get sic[300 gallons from one cup] (more like 1 qt of electrolyte at 33% = 3.75 gallons at 2.35714% or 1.86 $ per gallon.) compare that with apple cider vinegar at $3.83 a gallon at 5% concentration and 2.5% concentration would = $1.65, at the concentration of 2.35714% that would = $1.56 per gallon.
in conclusion sulfuric acid is a terrible way to ph down, not only can it cause blindness, burns and dehydration , it also negatively impacts organic matter even diluted and for this reason is not used in commercial ph downs. it causes violent reactions when exposed to potassium nitrate which happens to be a main ingredient in most if not all hydroponic fertilizers. it is 16.13 % more expensive than apple cider vinegar which can in itself be made cheaper by manufacturing your own unfiltered , un processed acv (another thread all together) it lacks the trace nutrients and minerals that acv doesnt kill of anaerobic bacteria. it doesnt add aerobic bacteria to help make nutrients available to the plants readily. it doesnt create a highly oxygenated environment in which your plants can thrive in. there are absolutely no benefits to using sulfuric acid over acv. balls in your court mr. chemist