Dmt Lab, derp?!

Hey what's up, this is the newest tread so I'm asking here. Looking for someone with using dmt a while.just came down. It was horrible the biggest brain pain ever. And seemed like my brain had no oxygen and found my self taking deep breathes for air. What do you think.
Maybe you had a bad trip it happens ,did you make the deems ? Could of been poison you never no what your guna get
I bought it, also woke up this morning with the worst migraine, hurt so much it made me nauseous, and still have a lingering headache right now very sensitive to light and sound.
Done deemsters hundreds of times, never had anything remotely close to that experience. Sounds like someone (a really fucked up person) cut your dmt with something, made it wrong, or ripped you off completely with a look alike
Could of killed him that sucks
This is what the pain reminded me of, I don't know if it's happened to any of you but, I remember when I first started smoking weed that I tried to take the biggest hits I could and a couple times its like after taking a huge hit and holding it its like it would cut the oxygen off to my brain and I would get a pain for a second. It was like that but 10 times worse.
Man I've always wanted to try it never seen it around or been offered I'm also leery or trying something like that without knowing the person and knowing it's reliable and the real deal
Most I've taken in one session was 120mg. Fucking nuts and useless at that level, but I never felt in any danger.
If you have taken DMT you may be familiar with having to pinch or touch yourself to make sure you are still alive. It is just that alien to our normal sensory world.
I honestly wouldn't take drugs from strangers unless I can do a reagent test. The best stuff is what you make yourself. No one loves you more than yourself.
I know this guy that started a DMT lab while He went to school in another Country.
He lived on the school grounds in Peru and once He got there for school; He got all the materials with HIs parents trust fund money at the local stores [naptha,other dmt extraction tools] and obviously Mother Nature's plant matter aka mimosa paper.
Went out into the jungle of the local school They were going to and harvested some DMT with a machete they also purchased .

Him and His mate had the idea and actually set up this DMT lab in Their boardroom.
They followed through with it and the school's staff was so oblivious to it that they actually ended up getting 3.2 grams of orangish jungle dmt in a matter of 30 hours. Pretty fucking bad ass.
Most I've taken in one session was 120mg. Fucking nuts and useless at that level, but I never felt in any danger.
If you have taken DMT you may be familiar with having to pinch or touch yourself to make sure you are still alive. It is just that alien to our normal sensory world.
I honestly wouldn't take drugs from strangers unless I can do a reagent test. The best stuff is what you make yourself. No one loves you more than yourself.
I didn't know it could be tested. I haven't found a place to get the bark.