DMT the most powerful Hallucinogenic substance ever

i need a scale. where can i find one??? I don't want to take too much of this shit and be fucked for life. and 10-15 mg is the recommended dose.
You can get a scale that measures in 0.01g for less than a hundred bucks, a scale that measures milligrams is gonna be a little more could probably get a crappy one for a couple hundred...a lab grade one can be a couple thousand. If it were me, I would go into a lab at a university or college as they are left empty a lot and measure out a hit. If you get caught say it baking soda or something.:peace:
Right. I can remember how well the chemistry labs were guarded after 911. I don't think I'll try that one....but it does sound like it might be an option...
this'll work. I'd try N,ndimethytryptamine before doing 5-MEO IMHO. They're not called the darkness and light for nothing.
5-meo reminded me of an elephant sitting on my face while struggling to breathe(even though it wasn't actually affected)and DMT,well,a rocket ride through a kaleidoscopic universe(with lots of 'company' joining in the ride)in 10minutes.
Still,5-meo has it's good points if prepared.
I started with DPT and it was a good 'primer' for the tryptamines.Unless you feel like choking down a 1/2oz of dry shrooms(or 5-10 w/an MAOI)
good luck!!!


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DMT was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. the more you smoke at once the better but i would start off with a small amount and work your way up but put it on top of some green. those two were made for eachother (it makes for a good evening).
no I rather enjoyed that,I meant 5-Meo-DMT. I've had it in synthetic form,extracted and unextracted. Not my favorite,but it has it's uses. Definitely not for those impulsive moments. I think DMT is far easier to manage and much more rewarding,but what do I know?
Great avatar! Being an aged punk who's only two fears are clowns and the Wizard of Oz I find it disturbing yet still funny.Good stuff!
hahaaaaaa. I love the aging punk generation. I'd fuck Henry Rollins like there's no tomorrow. mmmm Henry, oh yeah, fuck me harder, Henry.....sorry.

I tried to smoke some 5-Me-O-DMT the other day. did nothing. made a makeshift aluminum foil pipe...nothing. so 5meo is the dark and the other DMT (n-dimethylblabla) is the light?
thats what I've been told,read and experienced.Is it possible you got bunk? Try a lightbulb vape. You need the DMT though. try BTW PM me.
didn't you say the 5-MeO-DMT you orderd was in a salts form?

If so, I do not believe it's smokable. Did it liquify before smoke appeared or just burn up?
your right it isnt smokeable. it has to be ingested in a pill form and it can sometimes do a number on your stomach...:twisted:
I also should mention that I tried to insufflate some, but nothing happened through this route of admin. either nose burned like hell though.
Sweet is a new one for me, always a very synthetic plasic/old mans breath smell for my buddy.

Was it a salt or base? If you Post the info on the exact product you orderd maybe it will help figure out if you were burnned or not. If it liquified/vaporized and you let out all your breath then took in a huge hit you will feel it. A small amount of vapor will not create much to any effects.
I'm unfamiliar with DMT, but I have my doubts that it's more powerful than LSD. I'll have to research it and find out for myself.
ive done it i dont think its the mot powerful i think iv ketamine is but its definately awsome i was just reading dmt the spirit molecule and found out you can shoot dmt so i might get some that i know is pure and try that then maybe i wwill agree it is the most powerful