The Basement Shaman - Pure Plant Vision
They have some great stuff there for "expolring" such as Live shamanic plants including San Pedro , Peruvian Torch , Psychotria viridis and Kratom , and entheogenic botanicals like Baby Hawaiian Woodrose Seeds , Amanita muscaria , Ayahuasca and Kava , smart nutrients, herbal erotica and dreamtime tools.
Your source for Banisteriopsis Caapi "Ayahuasca" , Mitragyna speciosa "Kratom" , Trichocereus pachanoi , Trichocereus peruvianus , Papaver somniferum , Absinthe Herbs , Calea zacatechichi , Sceletium tortuosum "Kanna" , Peganum harmala and much, much more.
I've ordered from them. They've been around a long time. They can be trusted to deliver whatever you order.
dmt is powerful visually but its def not THE most powerful hallucinogen i would have to go with mescaline on that one which you can also get at ethnobatanical websites legally as peruvian torch ive tried them all and peruvian blows them all away even peyote because peruvian doesn't have all the other chemicals that peyote has (that cause the nausea). Ive tried dmt in both ayahusca form and smokable form and it will give you Crazy visuals but thats about it. Actually as far as absolute hallucinogenic power is concerned salvia extracts take the cake i would say but they aren't pleasant per se just powerfull.
My friend was telling me about a guy he knows..knew..who just killed himself about a week ago. He said he smoked some DMT and then went missing for a couple days and they found his body in the woods. I just keep thinking about it for some reason. He must have seen some pretty horrible things or just completely lost it. Crazy stuff..I still would love to try it someday, but it's definitely made me realized exactly how powerful this stuff is.
Damn that sucks. Im always scared now when I do things that Im gonna go crazy or just lose my mind, thats my biggest fear. I always feel that Im 1 small step away from completely losing it and something like that could push me over the edge.
Im still gonna try it one day, but it depends on when I can get my hands on it. Im probably gonna end up making it myself but I gotta get prepared before I do it, and just hope for the best.
Yeah, I've been really interested in trying DMT since I read DMT: The Spirit Molecule but man...just thinking about what that kid must have seen or felt..What if you never come back, you know? I mean, I know that's a possibility with most psychedelics but I just can't imagine having a trip so terrifying/uncontrollable that the only way to make it stop is to kill yourself. The thing is..I guess the deceased kid's best friend still has a lot of DMT left and that he wants to do it to "know what his friend felt/saw". That just seems like a really bad, bad idea. I mean..tripping when there's something heavy weighing on your mind like that is never a good idea. I just can't imagine the trip ending well for him if he were to do it at this point...Any thoughts/similar occurences?