DMT the most powerful Hallucinogenic substance ever

Yes I`ve smoke & sniff DMT from the poison gland of a Colorado River Toad but thats not its purest form DMT 25 maybe is from a lab set up
But i feel like it wasnt as powerful as mushrooms i mean i didnt see anything
smoke`in my mouth goes numb i smile & laugh about dumb stuff a short time
sniffin it the buzz last longer maybe 20 mins. tops the toad cost me about 170 after shipping & handleing im not sorry i got them (now i have too) you can milk them about once a week maybe 2 doobies spiked each if i was careful
As for the toad they must live nosie free ( no loud music partys what not no loud ) place & no sun light
The Basement Shaman - Pure Plant Vision

They have some great stuff there for "expolring" such as Live shamanic plants including San Pedro , Peruvian Torch , Psychotria viridis and Kratom , and entheogenic botanicals like Baby Hawaiian Woodrose Seeds , Amanita muscaria , Ayahuasca and Kava , smart nutrients, herbal erotica and dreamtime tools.

Your source for Banisteriopsis Caapi "Ayahuasca" , Mitragyna speciosa "Kratom" , Trichocereus pachanoi , Trichocereus peruvianus , Papaver somniferum , Absinthe Herbs , Calea zacatechichi , Sceletium tortuosum "Kanna" , Peganum harmala and much, much more.

I've ordered from them. They've been around a long time. They can be trusted to deliver whatever you order.

cool man, also check out Ibogaine, kratom, lophophora williamsii, ayahuasca, salvia divinorum, trichocereus

lots n lots of stuff there.
im looking forward to my first DMT trip, its probably years in the future but i can see i dangling in front of my path like a shining emerald of enlightenment :)
dmt is powerful visually but its def not THE most powerful hallucinogen i would have to go with mescaline on that one which you can also get at ethnobatanical websites legally as peruvian torch ive tried them all and peruvian blows them all away even peyote because peruvian doesn't have all the other chemicals that peyote has (that cause the nausea). Ive tried dmt in both ayahusca form and smokable form and it will give you Crazy visuals but thats about it. Actually as far as absolute hallucinogenic power is concerned salvia extracts take the cake i would say but they aren't pleasant per se just powerfull.

You obviously dont know what your talking about if you think salvia has the most hallucinogenic power. Either the DMT you smoked is straight bunk or you didn't take enough of a hit. LSD which I would say has more hallucinogenic power than salvia isn't even close the the DMT high unless you take a high dose. Same with salvia I didn't even feel a high untill I took a high dose I think 40x it was whatever it was wasn't even comparable to shrooms.
My friend was telling me about a guy he knows..knew..who just killed himself about a week ago. He said he smoked some DMT and then went missing for a couple days and they found his body in the woods. I just keep thinking about it for some reason. He must have seen some pretty horrible things or just completely lost it. Crazy stuff..I still would love to try it someday, but it's definitely made me realized exactly how powerful this stuff is.
My friend was telling me about a guy he knows..knew..who just killed himself about a week ago. He said he smoked some DMT and then went missing for a couple days and they found his body in the woods. I just keep thinking about it for some reason. He must have seen some pretty horrible things or just completely lost it. Crazy stuff..I still would love to try it someday, but it's definitely made me realized exactly how powerful this stuff is.

Damn that sucks. Im always scared now when I do things that Im gonna go crazy or just lose my mind, thats my biggest fear. I always feel that Im 1 small step away from completely losing it and something like that could push me over the edge.

Im still gonna try it one day, but it depends on when I can get my hands on it. Im probably gonna end up making it myself but I gotta get prepared before I do it, and just hope for the best.
There is nothing like DMT. Like 100 hits of acid rushing you for 20 minutes. If it is good you are left a giggly ball of jelly for that time. In 50 years of psychedelics I never had more hallucinations. But, the only way I savored that moment was when we made it ourselves in the chem lab at the then UICC (University of Illinois Chicago Circle). In the mid to late 60's we cranked out a batch each month. Sometimes it was perfect and powder, sometimes it came out like earwax. Whatever form you have you need a small particle less than a match head on some tobacco or pot and you were in another world.

I remember flying some out to the plaster casters in San Francisco, Cynthia is a Chicago girl and we were all close back, then. I laid waste to the whole commune with it. We used to trade it for hash, acid and mesc and take it back for out buddies back home.

I have not seen it since and am always ready. I tried that Salvia and while it is interesting in visuals the lung crap has to go. DMT is so powerful you do not need to inhale so much garbage. You start your draw with it and by the time you wonder if you inhaled you are in another dimension. There is no substitute and anyone who tells you otherwise never had pure chemist made product
Salvorin A is the most potent naturally occurring psychedelic there is. At 1mg/.001 Salvorin A will produce a very vivid experience as with DMT it's more like 30mg/.03. DMT is a far more pleasant experience than Salvia divinerum, but a full blown Salvia trip is far more intense than a full blown DMT trip.
Damn that sucks. Im always scared now when I do things that Im gonna go crazy or just lose my mind, thats my biggest fear. I always feel that Im 1 small step away from completely losing it and something like that could push me over the edge.

Im still gonna try it one day, but it depends on when I can get my hands on it. Im probably gonna end up making it myself but I gotta get prepared before I do it, and just hope for the best.

Yeah, I've been really interested in trying DMT since I read DMT: The Spirit Molecule but man...just thinking about what that kid must have seen or felt..What if you never come back, you know? I mean, I know that's a possibility with most psychedelics but I just can't imagine having a trip so terrifying/uncontrollable that the only way to make it stop is to kill yourself. The thing is..I guess the deceased kid's best friend still has a lot of DMT left and that he wants to do it to "know what his friend felt/saw". That just seems like a really bad, bad idea. I mean..tripping when there's something heavy weighing on your mind like that is never a good idea. I just can't imagine the trip ending well for him if he were to do it at this point...Any thoughts/similar occurences?
Yeah, I've been really interested in trying DMT since I read DMT: The Spirit Molecule but man...just thinking about what that kid must have seen or felt..What if you never come back, you know? I mean, I know that's a possibility with most psychedelics but I just can't imagine having a trip so terrifying/uncontrollable that the only way to make it stop is to kill yourself. The thing is..I guess the deceased kid's best friend still has a lot of DMT left and that he wants to do it to "know what his friend felt/saw". That just seems like a really bad, bad idea. I mean..tripping when there's something heavy weighing on your mind like that is never a good idea. I just can't imagine the trip ending well for him if he were to do it at this point...Any thoughts/similar occurences?

I know what u mean. I wonder what made him kill himself though...I thought that DMT was naturally in ur brain, that the high only lasts 15 mins, and it is out of ur body really fast. Maybe it was just too much for him to handle and he was already suicidal or something. Maybe he thought he was gonna be in that state forever. If I had a friend who did that, I would probably swear to never to DMT. When I did a lot of PCP with weed I had a really bad trip that was like a nightmare for 8 hours...WOW, I was pretty certain I was gonna be in that state forever and then die...I prayed to god to spare my life. Im guessing he might have had a trip like that, but I didnt think that was possible on DMT.

Psychedelics are really nothing to play around with, u gotta be real careful. I read a trip report on erowid (I think it was datura or ayuhasca? or something), and this guy said he had no memory whatsoever of like 3 hours and almost burned down his house, and he was never the same after he tripped. Thats just one of many examples. Psychedelics are kinda like dreams, u can have the most beautiful/peaceful dream ever, or u can have an eternal schizophrenic, hell-like nightmare. I wish it was just all good.
DMT is without a doubt the most powerful hallucinogen know to man and yes it is naturally produced by the penile gland and found in every living being on the plaint. There are 2 times in your life that your body will naturally produce lots of DMT. First at birth and lastly when you die. When we dream we produce small amounts of DMT but nothing like when you die. DMT can not kill you. It is not possible to overdose on DMT. If you are planning on using DMT I would treat it with the respect it disserves. It's not just another drug like LSD or Mushrooms etc. A DMT trip is as real as life it self, sometimes even more real. It will change your life forever (Good or bad) To get a proper high you need to take 3 big hits from a pipe or bong. It will sting and you need to hold it in and not blow out until you have had your third hit. Have a friend remove the bong from your hand and make sure you do it sitting down with someone else around. Then just lay back, close your eyes and go for the ride. If you don’t have enough you wont break through the bubble and just get some standard visuals. If you do have enough you will go to "another place" and it is likely you will interact with other beings or elementals. This is a highly reoccurring theme with DMT. You will find it hard to recall you trip a few minutes after it has finished. I recommend getting a tape recorder or a pen and paper to record your experience afterwards. If you don’t it will start to fade and bluer just like a dream

If you want to read more about DMT Check out "Rick Strassman's – DMT: The Spirit Molecule"

DMT-The-spirit-molecule - eSnips, share anything

"LSD alters reality, DMT gives you a new one".

PS - If you are going to take DMT I would also recommend taking the week of work afterwards. DMT is life altering and you will need/want the time to reassess your experience.

PPS- Oh... And don’t stick it up your ass like that dumb bitch on youtube!
You can argue which is more powerful, but Salvia is definately more shocking/disturbing. When people come back form a DMT trip, they usually return with a sense of wonder. When someone comes back from a Salvia trip, they often seem confused. frightened, or disturbed. In that sense, Salvia feels stronger. It definately can take you to a different world, but its not at all like the places DMT brings you.
I think it is possible to O.D on DMT just no one has fucked up yet lol. I wonder what would happen if you took a shit load though.. Its scary just thinking about it..