DNC Email Leak

Proof positive the Clinton campaign was collaborating with the DNC and the DNC was collaborating with the media, namely MSNBC and CNN, to stack the primary against Sanders

DWS asks for Tim Canova's name to be removed from CNN headline

Washington Post and DNC joint unlisted fundraising party


DNC plot to 'expose' Sanders as an atheist

Comms Director goes running to Chuck Todd, telling him Morning Joe aren't allowed to criticize Debbie WS. "This is the LAST straw. Please call Phil a Griffin. This is outrageous. She needs to apologize."

"Yes, Super PAC paying young voters to push back online on Sanders supporters"

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Dude it makes me wanna puke that sanders supporters went with hilary anyway.....you gotta be fuckin kidding me. Sanders prob won.
Dude it makes me wanna puke that sanders supporters went with hilary anyway.....you gotta be fuckin kidding me. Sanders prob won.

A lot of us didn't..I'm hearing 90-95% of Sanders 'went with' Hillary.


I call bullshit! like we're supposed to listen to what the thieves have to say?

This is according to cronies at DNC and no real data.

It'll be real on Election Day.
You know, Bill said last night that Hillary was never a 'status quo' person.. yet she's known pragmatic and has said herself that her presidency will be a takeoff of Obamas..

Which is it Bill?

Hillary us so untrustworthy I cannot expect she will do as pledged..how can someone lie and cheat and still be considered a 'good person' is beyond me.
No, but she has a job waiting for her with Clinton campaign it was announced.


That's the last straw of any hope that I would go with Clinton.

She has got to pay debbie off to make sure she doesnt talk to the media. It is that or kill her and that might be inconvenient...
FBI has opened investigation on this.

Wait until they all find out HRH was in on it.

Then what?

I love how those here try to equate each cheat with about 500k in voters..according to @Fogdog she hasn't had enough in lies and cheats to have any effect on primary nom.

Hillary is too big to fail. You are expecting the establishment to indict the establishment. I had a glimmer of hope until the FBI turned from investigator to litigator of Hillary's e-mail scandal. The director fell on a sword and bent procedure and ignored evidence and provided a totally bullshit escape route for Hillary.

The level of corruption that 40% of the American people seem to allow if they get free shit and promises of stuff from a know liar is simply sickening. I really hope people are just not paying attention but honestly, it might already be too late.

The politicians keep telling you the rich are the problem... When was the last time you heard of a poor politician??? Maybe it isnt the rich....
Now they're actively taking away Sanders supporters signs on the convention floor and saying anybody who has a sign will get their credentials revoked for the remainder of the convention;


Yep. Enforced 'unity' is the first stage of revolution.

I think someone needs to sit these assholes down and explain the concept of 'democracy' and how it means you can't censor someone for having different views.

They've lost my vote this cycle. Maybe for good.
Initially, I did say I'd probably vote for Hillary because Bernie endorsed her and because I definitely don't want Trump. But a day or two ago, I rescinded that. My vote will probably go toward the one most oriented toward the People.

If you vote Trump, THAT will definitely hurt her.

If you vote Stein..it sends a message, but no hurt will be delivered as neither she nor Trump gets it.