DNC Email Leak



Johnson's VP (Weld) was a JEB! backer until he was tagged for the Libertarian ticket. The party's become a laughing stock, vote Stein or stay home.


Never in my life have I seen a libertarian back a Bush, the guy's a plant engineered to suck votes from right-leaning independents. Trashed.
So Bernie supports, endorsed and says he will vote for Hillary. How can you cling to your claims of fraud and corruption when the very guy you believe in has decided to cast his lot with Clinton?

What choice does he realistically have?

Doesn't speak at all to what they did to him.

Kind of sad that it's cool with you. But I'm guessing you don't care if democracy is trampled en route to getting your way. But how will that shoe feel on the other foot?
What choice does he realistically have?

Doesn't speak at all to what they did to him.

Kind of sad that it's cool with you. But I'm guessing you don't care if democracy is trampled en route to getting your way. But how will that shoe feel on the other foot?
Ooops, "democracy is trampled" -- a bit dramatic. Oh, and democracy is not dead, nor have the oligarchs taken over.

While we agree on most issues of the day, I very honestly don't believe 90% of the crap people on this site or in the hysteric right wing press say about Hillary. It's a pile of made up shit. Nobody has ever been able to take those charges into anything substantial. The absence of charges isn't proof that she's guilty. They keep looking and can't really prove anything. So, I disbelieve the hype. That you fall for it says more about you than me.

I think that Bernie is a principled man who would not have given Hillary his endorsement if he thought any of the stuff you talk about were true. His option for one would have been to call Stein's bluff in the Green Party and accept her offer to take up the role as their candidate. Or he could have rejected Hillary's overtures to include some of his policies into the Democratic Party's platform. He did neither.
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Can you say "crushing defeat"? Or was this poll hacked by Putin lolololol
Really? You quote polls taken immediately after the RNC as some sort of Ouija board prediction to take seriously? This kind of shift happens after ever convention. Let's wait a week and see how much of a shift happens the other way. By then you will be turning to some new or old made up scandal. What you are experiencing is called confirmation bias. It's a nice way to call somebody deluded.

How about where people put there money where their mouth is, namely Election Betting Odds:

Hillary Clinton
change +1.1%

Donald Trump
Change: -1.1%

Trump is not close to pulling even.
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Really? You quote polls taken immediately after the RNC as some sort of Ouija board prediction to take seriously? This kind of shift happens after ever convention. Let's wait a week and see how much of a shift happens the other way. By then you will be turning to some new or old made up scandal. What you are experiencing is called confirmation bias. It's a nice way to call somebody deluded.

How about where people put there money where their mouth is, namely Election Betting Odds:

Hillary Clinton
change +1.1%

Donald Trump
Change: -1.1%

Trump is not close to pulling even.

I'm all in on "UK to stay in the EU" lolololol betting odds derp. They make the position with greater risk look like the safe bet to part fools with their money. That's how betting works, safe money loses every time.
Oh and by the way, (UncleCuck's on ignore) for anyone perpetuating this "Trump encouraging Russian espionage" nonsense, look at what Slick Willy himself signed:


Plus Trump just baited Hillary into admitting that her deleted emails were a national security risk, she's run the most knee-jerk incompetent campaign I've ever seen in any election. Watergate has nothing on Clinton (lol she was kicked off the legal team for Watergate for "dishonesty and unethical conduct").
Oh and by the way, (UncleCuck's on ignore) for anyone perpetuating this "Trump encouraging Russian espionage" nonsense, look at what Slick Willy himself signed:

View attachment 3743560

Plus Trump just baited Hillary into admitting that her deleted emails were a national security risk, she's run the most knee-jerk incompetent campaign I've ever seen in any election. Watergate has nothing on Clinton (lol she was kicked off the legal team for Watergate for "dishonesty and unethical conduct").
Ahahhaaaahaahaaa. You really are that stupid aren't you?

Trump is so desperate to win that he's asking for help from Russia. He's offering US recognition of Crimea in exchange.

Asking Russia for help. Trump is some asshole. He'd deal our country's national interest in opposing the Russia's aggression against Ukraine in order to win.

Talk about a crime and a scandal. Wow.
"Luis and April, hope you're both doing well. I think the best reporter to give the news to ahead of time is Greg Sargent at the Washington Post. But, the specific reporter is not as important as getting it to an outlet before the news breaks so we can help control the narrative on the front end. Otherwise this may likely get spun in a not-so-helpful way. We should also get Rep. Cummings on the phone with that reporter. Thanks again, Mark"

Luis Miranda (DNC Comms Director) passing information to Daniel Strauss (Politico writer) to undermine Sander's Campaign statements regarding Platform Committees;


So we want to see the list of committee appointments the Sanders Folks submitted just to verify it was mostly staffers and ineligible figures. That possible with no fingerprints attached?" -LM

"Off the record, you should request it from them, we don't divulge private communications from our candidates. However, since they raised it as an issue it would be surprising if they didn't send it to you." -DS

"Sorry message was cut off before I could send:

I get that and will ask but I'm getting very different claims from different people on how this all went down (for instance I'm still trying to verify that the Sanders people submitted ineligible names and weren't told to correct those names). Any way you can help me straighten that out?" -LM

"Off the record, If you get the list I'll point out." -DS

"You free to hop on the phone sometime soon?" -LM

So Bernie supports, endorsed and says he will vote for Hillary. How can you cling to your claims of fraud and corruption when the very guy you believe in has decided to cast his lot with Clinton?

That's Sanders' choice.

Even with all I know of Clinton, I was seriously considering her..not anymore.

Oh and by the way, (UncleCuck's on ignore) for anyone perpetuating this "Trump encouraging Russian espionage" nonsense, look at what Slick Willy himself signed:

View attachment 3743560

Plus Trump just baited Hillary into admitting that her deleted emails were a national security risk, she's run the most knee-jerk incompetent campaign I've ever seen in any election. Watergate has nothing on Clinton (lol she was kicked off the legal team for Watergate for "dishonesty and unethical conduct").
But he was just kidding about dat. And we all owe Putin a great service for killing Litvinenko. The guy stole a hotel towel.