Ooops, "democracy is trampled" -- a bit dramatic. Oh, and democracy is not dead, nor have the oligarchs taken over.
While we agree on most issues of the day, I very honestly don't believe 90% of the crap people on this site or in the hysteric right wing press say about Hillary. It's a pile of made up shit. Nobody has ever been able to take those charges into anything substantial. The absence of charges isn't proof that she's guilty. They keep looking and can't really prove anything. So, I disbelieve the hype. That you fall for it says more about you than me.
I think that Bernie is a principled man who would not have given Hillary his endorsement if he thought any of the stuff you talk about were true. His option for one would have been to call Stein's bluff in the Green Party and accept her offer to take up the role as their candidate. Or he could have rejected Hillary's overtures to include some of his policies into the Democratic Party's platform. He did neither.
Have you forgotten how means of production has now shifted the tax burden on to the middle classes?
Suggests food stamps to make ends meet rather than paying a living wage?
Negative Tax Rates = they pay no taxes
Benefit from tax CUTS?
You really can't be serious.