DNC Email Leak

This IS your first election. LOL. Polls at this time are not reliable. Gore was way ahead in 2000, as was Kerry at this time. I admit I was disappointed at the end result but I never put as much faith in early season polls as you are now.

The other stuff about the DNC emails and -- "upcoming leaks" woo hoo -- are certainly going to hurt. I don't put much stock in this idea that it means Hillary "stole" the election but other people have to decide and I have no idea what they are going to do.

But really dude, cozying up to Russia has never been good politics in this country. You maybe can overlook Trump sucking Putin's dick but it's not great political strategy, not even for right wing nuts who live untroubled by facts. Trump is probably the worst presidential candidate ever nominated by a major party.

Where is the Democratic Party's convention poll number bump? Well the polls for that bump aren't available because -- wait for it -- THE CONVENTION ISN'T OVER! Ahhhhaahahhaaahaaaaahaaaaaa that comment of yours sure makes you appear stupid. Well maybe not appear, more like shows your stupidity.

Sounds like an apologist tantrum to me. "RUSSIA IS EVIL" gimme a break kid. I'd rather be in a strategic alliance with Russia than the crumbling European Caliphate, get real kiddo. Putin's approval rating is head and shoulders above Obama's.

Sounds like an apologist tantrum to me. "RUSSIA IS EVIL" gimme a break kid. I'd rather be in a strategic alliance with Russia than the crumbling European Caliphate, get real kiddo.

russia's gdp doesn't even match the UK alone, much less the EU. you must have no idea what words mean.

Putin's approval rating is head and shoulders above Obama's.

that's easy to achieve when a guy who assassinates political rivals sends pollsters door to door to conduct the survey. perfectly scientific methodology there, eh?

by the way, obama's approval rating is head and shoulders above trump's.

you must be a 17 year old virgin.
Plus, even if Trump was a Putin plant (he's not, that's absurd), it would be preferable to a Saudi plant (Hillary definitely is). Russia (not even though) or Saudi, hmmmmm tough choices xDDDD Support Sharia Law and gay/women's rights pfffffffff holy shit it's too much man, you can stop shilling at any time.


"In 2008, it was revealed that the Gulf kingdom had donated between $10m and $25m to the Clinton Foundation, a charity set up by Hillary’s husband and former US President Bill Clinton."

"Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman which included a claim that Riyadh has provided 20 percent of the total funding to the prospective Democratic candidate's campaign."

Your girl's a puppet, and it doesn't stop at Saudi either.
Proof positive the Clinton campaign was collaborating with the DNC and the DNC was collaborating with the media, namely MSNBC and CNN, to stack the primary against Sanders

DWS asks for Tim Canova's name to be removed from CNN headline

Washington Post and DNC joint unlisted fundraising party


DNC plot to 'expose' Sanders as an atheist

Comms Director goes running to Chuck Todd, telling him Morning Joe aren't allowed to criticize Debbie WS. "This is the LAST straw. Please call Phil a Griffin. This is outrageous. She needs to apologize."

"Yes, Super PAC paying young voters to push back online on Sanders supporters"

Search the database here

Ahhhh, the DNC Convention, the fenced in arena that you needed an ID to get into. Sound familiar ??
Plus, even if Trump was a Putin plant (he's not, that's absurd), it would be preferable to a Saudi plant (Hillary definitely is). Russia (not even though) or Saudi, hmmmmm tough choices xDDDD Support Sharia Law and gay/women's rights pfffffffff holy shit it's too much man, you can stop shilling at any time.


"In 2008, it was revealed that the Gulf kingdom had donated between $10m and $25m to the Clinton Foundation, a charity set up by Hillary’s husband and former US President Bill Clinton."

"Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman which included a claim that Riyadh has provided 20 percent of the total funding to the prospective Democratic candidate's campaign."

Your girl's a puppet, and it doesn't stop at Saudi either.
Mrs Clinton said all the same things tonight.

Uhhhhh? No she didn't homie, I watched the whole thing. No policy positions whatsoever, just regurgitated platitudes like the entire convention.

Also when the hell is Hillary going to do a press conference? It's been almost a year now, that's pretty telling. If she's honest, why is she so reluctant to take questions from the press?