Do I supplement my 1000w HPS with 2 300w LED panels or 1 400MH? Bloom

I've added MH's with hps's during flower and haven't seen any difference
My first 3 grows were MH all the way and it produced nice frosty bud. Reading here I discovered that that most use HPS during flower so I went that way, but finished off with MH because of perceived lower frost development with the HPS. My last grow I vegged with MH and flowered with HPS, augmented with T5s (uv range) and the frosting was = to my MH runs while setting a yield record for me.

MH grow bulbs generally have more of the blue/uv spectrum, I believe. My strains seem to react favorably to the extra uv.
I'm gonna stick with DJ Short and Cervantes on this one. I'll run all the lights for their spectrums. Those maps sound interesting but its chinese to me :( I'm not into tech.

Also scant in the blues is not good for veg. I don't think were on the same page/understanding

Your saying HPS provides the full spectrum? I don't get it. I mean I understand but no. It doesn't. Does it?
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Many change there light when they flower because of the red spectrum needed for flower as were veg light have more blue spectrum of light. Even in LED's when flower they use a red spectrum LED
Many change there light when they flower because of the red spectrum needed for flower as were veg light have more blue spectrum of light. Even in LED's when flower they use a red spectrum LED
Certainly, but keeping/adding some blues is does/did not seem detrimental and in my case the results were better than HPS alone.