Do Not Talk to the Police

There are limits to LEO’s ability to detain you even in public. If they can’t come up with some crime or probable cause they will eventually have to let you go. They can’t just walk up to someone and detain them just for the fuck of it… at least not legally.

In the US, the cops can't come into your home unless they have a warrant, you invite them in, or they have probable cause.
If the cops come to your door, and say that they want to talk to you, you can decline.
If they ask you to open the door, you can decline.
If they ask you to step outside, you can also decline.
See this link regarding cops entering your home: most of that is correct

Refusing to talk to the cops is not considered probable cause neither is refusing to consent to a search (see regarding refusal to consent to searches)
All that is correct however I have actually been whisked off the street in the US of A and held for ransom or bail as they call it in some states as NV for 3 days and no attorney and when I got to see a Judge it was in a small room on a tv with No Attorney. The Judge said pay your bail or no appearance with a PD for 3 more days.

do not tell me we got rights in the US of A
I was arrested for resisting arrest once, here in America. I spent three days in jail before getting to see a judge on a tv (never got to speak with a laywer). I plead innocent and they put me back in the jail until my hearing. When I found out that would be months down the road, I asked to see the judge again. A few days later, on the same tv, I told the judge I wanted to change my plea because I couldn't afford to be innocent. He got mad and wouldn't let me change my plea. I was sent back to jail for a week, until my friends came up with a cousin Vinny type who got me out in a few hours. Good 'ol US justice. Makes second and third world countries a lot less scary.
any and ALL evidence that will ever be used against you, will be provided by you. no more no less.


and read

"The Art of Cross-examination", by Francis L. Wellman

"Adventures in Legal Land" by Marc Stevens

It's not exactly true that they will use "no more, no less", but I understand your point.

This is an area in which I can honestly say that I am an expert (unlike grow topics...), and though I've not yet watched the video, I'm itchin' to post. Rogue cops are my WORST nightmare, not only for personal reasons, but -- professionally -- they make my job insanely frustrating.

We no longer live in a society in the US where our laws (including our constitutional rights) actually protect us. The sad fact is that the police and everyone else in the prosecutorial chain WILL FUCK YOU OVER if that's what they want to do. It doesn't matter how much money you spend on a lawyer. It doesn't matter how badly the cops violated your rights. It doesn't matter what you said or didn't say. If they decide they are out to get you, they will lie, cheat, plant evidence, conspire, go to no ends to make their case. I see it happen EVERY day.

Nothing ticks off a cop more than to face someone who knows their rights. And once you make a cop mad, you're screwed. Here are two stories:

Cops came to my door once because they had "heard" that I had a grow room. "We need to search the premises, Mam," they said, as they tried to step into my front door. I said, "I assume, then, that you have a warrant?" "We don't need a warrant. We have probable cause," they lied (because they CAN LEGALLY LIE). "Besides, if you have nothing to hide, what's the problem?" I said, "The problem is that this is my home and you are strangers. I don't allow strangers into my home, and I certainly don't allow strangers to go through my personal belongings. It's called 'a right to privacy'. When you have a warrant, I'll be happy to let you in." He got red in the face, and started with the threats. "We won't wait for you to let us in. We'll show up with a full team and a battering ram, and we'll not only bust down your front door [an obviously VERY expensive double door], we'll bust it up. We'll rip the shit out of every room in this house. Is that what you want?" "What I want is to see a warrant, Sir." Bad Cop #1 then says to Bad Cop #2, "Sounds like she wants us to tear up this door." To which I replied, "I wouldn't put you through the trouble of breaking down the door. You bring that warrant and the doors will be standing wide open for you when you return."

I left the doors open wide all day long, until dark. The cops didn't return. But, for the next 4 years -- until I finally moved to get away from the harrassment -- they CONSTANTLY caused trouble for me and for all of my young adult kids. I even considered a civil suit, but frankly I just wanted to move and have it all behind me. It was a small town, and they are the WORST for this kind of thing.

As for remaining silent if you're pulled over other than to refuse a search, most police now call for the dogs. The legal defense that they don't have probable cause to detain you while everyone waits for the dog to arrive (which is a GOOD defense and SHOULD force the judge to drop the charges) is completely ignored by the judicial system. Cops say they smell weed (whether or not they do), you don't let them search, the dog comes out, and REGARDLESS of whether the dog picks up a scent, the cops will SAY that the dog picked up a scent. They search, and if they find something, they'll really push it because you didn't let them search in the first place. In our state, you are completely screwed if you are pulled over and the cops want to search. It's a lose-lose situation. In fact, most of the time you are better off saying, "Yeah, I've got a small bag under the seat and a pipe in the glove box, but that's it." In those instances, when there's just a little weed and/or paraphenalia, a cop is more likely to confiscate it (for personal use) and let you go with a warning. But if you don't cooperate and the dogs are called out, you're busted and you're going to jail. Period.

I am a big fan of the police dash-cam, but even those are manipulated in favor of the cops. Which brings me to Story #2: In a case where a disabled autistic boy was accused of pointing a gun at a cop, the dash cam WOULD have proved his innocence. Instead, the cops said that their dash cams weren't working properly. Two cars, two cams, and NEITHER was working properly. Yeah, right. The boy was being questioned without his parents there allegedly because someone in the apt complex reported seeing him slash car tires. When the parents showed up and offered that the boy was with them at a church event when the tires were slashed, with at least 100 witnesses, the cops should have left. Instead, they threw the boy to the ground and began to beat him, stating that he'd pointed a gun at them !!!! While the boy was being beaten in the head -- a head which contains the brain which was already damaged from infant trauma -- the mother screamed and screamed until the officer said, "Shut the fuck up or I'll arrest you, too!" The mother called 911, not knowing what else to do, saying, "2 cops are beating up my autistic child for absolutely no reason!!!" She was told "This line is for emergencies only," and then the operator hung up. By the time she hung up with 911, her mentally and physically disabled son was beaten and tazed until he'd pee'd his pants and lay unconscious. So why did this crazy story happen? Turned out that the boy's mother had filed a noise complaint against her neighbor, and the neighbor was a cop -- a little fact she didn't know until after this happened. At the trial, the cops testified that the boy had to be tazed because he kicked the cop car door so hard that it bent and broke the door. What they didn't know was that the boy has a neuromuscular disease affecting his legs, that he wears full leg braces just to be able to walk, and that he was physically incapable of kicking anything, much less kicking so hard that he could bend a car door from the inside out!

At the trial, the judge told the boy, "I believe you have told us the truth. You are a very credible, polite young man. I'm sorry this happened to you." He then pronounced him guilty of 2 felonies. No lie. Totally true story. To this day, the boy has night terrors and is scared to death of cops. And now he not only has to deal with the hardships of autism and the inability to walk (he has since lost the use of his legs entirely), he now has 2 felonies on his record.

I hate cops. I hate the judicial system of which I am a part. I fight the fight, but it's no longer what it used to be. There's no justice in it anymore. There's nothing "fair" about it anymore. Laws and rights are useless when you're up against the hypocrisy of our judicial system. It's all about pleas and fees. Nothing more. Revenue for the state and/or feds, and/or vendettas by the local cops who are often acting out of a 'roid rage (steroid use to beef up).

Freedom doesn't exist in the US anymore. We're not protected or safe anymore -- and the reason is the cops, and absolutely not peace loving weed smokers and disabled kids...

I will get off my soap box now. This is definitely a topic that raises my blood pressure.
I was reading about the person asking about being pulled over for a traffic violation, If you got a lb in your trunk, id express the 5th at all costs necessarily or turn it around and ask them what they ask you.

Officer: Do you know why I pulled you over?
You: Why did you pull me over?

Question it back to a degree. dont be cocky with it.

Now if you dont got a pound on ya and your clean as far as possession, I got pulled over literally daily back 3 years ago, & I never lied except maybe twice. I drove a pos 4 door car. painted at home black. limo tint windows. subs. had an exhaust leak so was loud. wasnt very stealth.

Ive gotten pulled over for 3rd taillight being out (ripped it out after that one)
Pulled over for license plate light x 3
Following too closely
Tint x 3 (1 ticket)
Tinted license plate cover
EXCESSIVE speeding 100mph in a 75mph (no ticket ;)

Way too many to list. But the times I was clean other than a traffic offense of some sort, I always acted dumb founded or just straight was cocky and told the truth. When I got pulled over going 100mph;

Officer: Sir do you know why I pulled you over?
Me: Speeding.
Officer: Do you know how fast you were going?
Me: Well the tach said 100mph but it may be off?
Officer: I clocked you in at 102. Is there a rush?
Me: Nope. Just driving up to see my mom.
Officer: Alright, License registration and insurance.

He came back and was like, heres a warning. You need to slow down... K Officer! Thanks! haha. I seriously thought I was going to have on hell to pay for that one. And thought afterwards that maybe just being honest (even though i was blunt) saved me from the hell. Maybe he was the type of cop that hates the BS liars, or the people who beat around the bush. Hell even though I was going nearly 30mph over the speed limit, he got the truth and he liked it. So I got off free?

I believe theres a time and a place for a lot of situations but I do believe if your not packin, to just talk.
It's not exactly true that they will use "no more, no less", but I understand your point.

This is an area in which I can honestly say that I am an expert (unlike grow topics...), and though I've not yet watched the video, I'm itchin' to post. Rogue cops are my WORST nightmare, not only for personal reasons, but -- professionally -- they make my job insanely frustrating.

We no longer live in a society in the US where our laws (including our constitutional rights) actually protect us. The sad fact is that the police and everyone else in the prosecutorial chain WILL FUCK YOU OVER if that's what they want to do. It doesn't matter how much money you spend on a lawyer. It doesn't matter how badly the cops violated your rights. It doesn't matter what you said or didn't say. If they decide they are out to get you, they will lie, cheat, plant evidence, conspire, go to no ends to make their case. I see it happen EVERY day.

Nothing ticks off a cop more than to face someone who knows their rights. And once you make a cop mad, you're screwed. Here are two stories:

Cops came to my door once because they had "heard" that I had a grow room. "We need to search the premises, Mam," they said, as they tried to step into my front door. I said, "I assume, then, that you have a warrant?" "We don't need a warrant. We have probable cause," they lied (because they CAN LEGALLY LIE). "Besides, if you have nothing to hide, what's the problem?" I said, "The problem is that this is my home and you are strangers. I don't allow strangers into my home, and I certainly don't allow strangers to go through my personal belongings. It's called 'a right to privacy'. When you have a warrant, I'll be happy to let you in." He got red in the face, and started with the threats. "We won't wait for you to let us in. We'll show up with a full team and a battering ram, and we'll not only bust down your front door [an obviously VERY expensive double door], we'll bust it up. We'll rip the shit out of every room in this house. Is that what you want?" "What I want is to see a warrant, Sir." Bad Cop #1 then says to Bad Cop #2, "Sounds like she wants us to tear up this door." To which I replied, "I wouldn't put you through the trouble of breaking down the door. You bring that warrant and the doors will be standing wide open for you when you return."

I left the doors open wide all day long, until dark. The cops didn't return. But, for the next 4 years -- until I finally moved to get away from the harrassment -- they CONSTANTLY caused trouble for me and for all of my young adult kids. I even considered a civil suit, but frankly I just wanted to move and have it all behind me. It was a small town, and they are the WORST for this kind of thing.

As for remaining silent if you're pulled over other than to refuse a search, most police now call for the dogs. The legal defense that they don't have probable cause to detain you while everyone waits for the dog to arrive (which is a GOOD defense and SHOULD force the judge to drop the charges) is completely ignored by the judicial system. Cops say they smell weed (whether or not they do), you don't let them search, the dog comes out, and REGARDLESS of whether the dog picks up a scent, the cops will SAY that the dog picked up a scent. They search, and if they find something, they'll really push it because you didn't let them search in the first place. In our state, you are completely screwed if you are pulled over and the cops want to search. It's a lose-lose situation. In fact, most of the time you are better off saying, "Yeah, I've got a small bag under the seat and a pipe in the glove box, but that's it." In those instances, when there's just a little weed and/or paraphenalia, a cop is more likely to confiscate it (for personal use) and let you go with a warning. But if you don't cooperate and the dogs are called out, you're busted and you're going to jail. Period.

I am a big fan of the police dash-cam, but even those are manipulated in favor of the cops. Which brings me to Story #2: In a case where a disabled autistic boy was accused of pointing a gun at a cop, the dash cam WOULD have proved his innocence. Instead, the cops said that their dash cams weren't working properly. Two cars, two cams, and NEITHER was working properly. Yeah, right. The boy was being questioned without his parents there allegedly because someone in the apt complex reported seeing him slash car tires. When the parents showed up and offered that the boy was with them at a church event when the tires were slashed, with at least 100 witnesses, the cops should have left. Instead, they threw the boy to the ground and began to beat him, stating that he'd pointed a gun at them !!!! While the boy was being beaten in the head -- a head which contains the brain which was already damaged from infant trauma -- the mother screamed and screamed until the officer said, "Shut the fuck up or I'll arrest you, too!" The mother called 911, not knowing what else to do, saying, "2 cops are beating up my autistic child for absolutely no reason!!!" She was told "This line is for emergencies only," and then the operator hung up. By the time she hung up with 911, her mentally and physically disabled son was beaten and tazed until he'd pee'd his pants and lay unconscious. So why did this crazy story happen? Turned out that the boy's mother had filed a noise complaint against her neighbor, and the neighbor was a cop -- a little fact she didn't know until after this happened. At the trial, the cops testified that the boy had to be tazed because he kicked the cop car door so hard that it bent and broke the door. What they didn't know was that the boy has a neuromuscular disease affecting his legs, that he wears full leg braces just to be able to walk, and that he was physically incapable of kicking anything, much less kicking so hard that he could bend a car door from the inside out!

At the trial, the judge told the boy, "I believe you have told us the truth. You are a very credible, polite young man. I'm sorry this happened to you." He then pronounced him guilty of 2 felonies. No lie. Totally true story. To this day, the boy has night terrors and is scared to death of cops. And now he not only has to deal with the hardships of autism and the inability to walk (he has since lost the use of his legs entirely), he now has 2 felonies on his record.

I hate cops. I hate the judicial system of which I am a part. I fight the fight, but it's no longer what it used to be. There's no justice in it anymore. There's nothing "fair" about it anymore. Laws and rights are useless when you're up against the hypocrisy of our judicial system. It's all about pleas and fees. Nothing more. Revenue for the state and/or feds, and/or vendettas by the local cops who are often acting out of a 'roid rage (steroid use to beef up).

Freedom doesn't exist in the US anymore. We're not protected or safe anymore -- and the reason is the cops, and absolutely not peace loving weed smokers and disabled kids...

I will get off my soap box now. This is definitely a topic that raises my blood pressure.

Stay on your soapbox, pigs are, well they are pigs with red (blood) lipstick like sara palin says. They even have pretty, shinny badges which prove they are only good.
A cop is a cop is a cop is a cop. I know a couple of cops that are friendly with civilians I know and some of those civilians are pretty lax around them. If it came down to their job or promotion, they would bust you and them for whatever they can. If approached say nothing. The rest is pretty simple. Don't be stupid.
Hi I need some advice. First off I am a prescription holder for medical marijuana in the state of Connecticut. Yesterday after receiving my month supply I was in my car and parked at a park and ride. While parked an officer with a sniffing dog was checking exhaust for marijuana smell. He came to my car and to sum it up he took all 4 oz's (which as far as I know I'm allowed to have in my possession as it's my month supply. I was not smoking it at the time). I didn't think I had my id or patient card on me (later realized I did) but I explained to the officer that I am a patient and that my house is right up the road, that I could have my brother bring it but he took my phone from me. He searched my car (not very well might I add). All in all he tried to intimidate me saying how he could bring me to jail but it was the end of his shift so he didn't want to and wrote me a ticket for $150 (which again as I understand is the ticket for a non patient possessing a half oz so it doesn't seem right). So I'm really confused and I kind of feel like I just got robbed by a cop. Any thoughts? I'll update this later in more detail I just wanted to make a quick post since I have a busy day ahead of me.
Just watched it, but what am I supposed to say if a cop wants to talk to me?
Because if you dont want to talk to a cop then you dont have to they're not your friend so any socializing is the beginning of a cohersion process to get you to incriminate yourself and creating your own probable cause that you didnt have seconds before talking to these lieing con artists they will tell you they saw you on camera,or your friend you were with told them everything their only job is to arrest you dont ever answer the ?'s where were you headed ,where did you come from, anything about previous records. Nothing!! to speed things up and avoid the bullshit Ask them if you are under arrest ANYTIME!! they want to socialize and start asking you anything more than can i see some identification any talking from that point on needs to be done by or with a lawyer. just for yourself pretend you cant even talk at all or hear anything just smile and hand em the fucking id that drives em insane but who cares !!
Do not ever tell cops anything, depending on what state you live in, you may need to tell them your name and DOB. After you give them that, next, you should tell them you wish to speak with an attorney before saying anything else. Please, if you feel compelled to answer their questions use yes and no answers ... The more diarrhea that comes out of your mouth, the deeper the pile that is at your feet.

know your rights and USE THEM!

So let us keep this simple ... KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!
Even if it's something somebody else did...if you admit to knowing about a crime and not informing the police that makes you an accomplish after the fact. Either way you're screwd. Stick to the weather and stuff and if anything illegal comes up act somewhat astonished and surprised.
Hi I need some advice. First off I am a prescription holder for medical marijuana in the state of Connecticut. Yesterday after receiving my month supply I was in my car and parked at a park and ride. While parked an officer with a sniffing dog was checking exhaust for marijuana smell. He came to my car and to sum it up he took all 4 oz's (which as far as I know I'm allowed to have in my possession as it's my month supply. I was not smoking it at the time). I didn't think I had my id or patient card on me (later realized I did) but I explained to the officer that I am a patient and that my house is right up the road, that I could have my brother bring it but he took my phone from me. He searched my car (not very well might I add). All in all he tried to intimidate me saying how he could bring me to jail but it was the end of his shift so he didn't want to and wrote me a ticket for $150 (which again as I understand is the ticket for a non patient possessing a half oz so it doesn't seem right). So I'm really confused and I kind of feel like I just got robbed by a cop. Any thoughts? I'll update this later in more detail I just wanted to make a quick post since I have a busy day ahead of me.

Most cops who take your weed and dont write you up. (only verbal warning) take your weed and give it to their wives.

edit:Holy. shit. didnt realize how long ago ur post was LOL
100% don't ever give them the info they're phishing for. My mom (and me) learned this the hard way when I was a little shit head. I saw them roll up in the driveway, told her to say I wasn't home - they acted polite and said they just wanted to ask a couple questions - she let em in.. I was young and dumb so I tried to protect my friend who was involved and incriminated myself (turns out he was the one that snitched...pretty ironic). They didn't even have sufficient evidence for an arrest, no warrant or nothing, prior to coming in the house. Hauled me off that night...GG.
No warrant, no entry, no talk, other than maybe ask my lawyer
Warrant, entry, no talk, other than maybe ask my lawyer
90% of defence cases are lost by self-incrimination, don't talk, give your lawyer something to work with and if he/she is any good they'll get you off or at minimum reduce the charge/sentence
No warrant, no entry, no talk, other than maybe ask my lawyer
Warrant, entry, no talk, other than maybe ask my lawyer

90% of defence cases are lost by self-incrimination, don't talk, give your lawyer something to work with and if he/she is any good they'll get you off or at minimum reduce the charge/sentence

and there's even a special card for that..after my encounter from the local boys on a "tip" after i visited my hydro..i toddled myself over to google and looked up a criminal lawyer that specializes in "police removal" after you've been infested..sorry boys, neem will not work on them..put him in my phone and as life would have it he's in the suite next to my regular attorney..i dropped by to say "hi" and grabbed one of those cards for those nasty times when po-po come a calling so you don't even have to say a word..all you have to remember is your wallet and men in general are good with that.
