Do Not Vote For Legalization Or You Are Stupid

thats exactly it. convert the illegal business into something LEGAL

now i dont sell or cultivate for anypne but me but what im going to do is when its legalized, im going to open a nursery that carries not only regular strains, but also obscure and rare strains. im going to set it up with a showroom that will have mother plants on display with 30-40 different strains. maybe a color plaque with a nice picture of the plant flowering, and a description of the plant, care and flowering times, medicinal values, and high type. then customers can come in, see the plant and get info on it, and pick what they want. ill alreadu have them cloned in the nursery, so all ill have to do is retrieve them from out back the the customer. that way, not only med patients can come in, but also regular joes. ive already got a buttload of different strains (something like 40 in all, seeds and mothers going) INCLUDING 3 of my own (purple martian,purple meanie AND sticky orgasm (genetics secret right no), but already tested locally by several legal 215 patients ,VERY potent, and very high yield, and extremely tasty!..look for more info here at in the near future) so i should be in the mix. i even spoke to the local sheriffs department and they actually said they wouldnt see a problem and it would be nice to get someone "on the level" in the area....go figure...LOL.....maybe one of these evenings ill sit down and make a complete list of all of my genetics....LOL
I'm in a county where you can't throw a rock without hitting a grower, not Humboldt, and there are some of them that are against the measure on the ballot, but every last one is against it for selfish reasons, or lack of understanding. I'll personally be keeping my doctor's recommendation current, to avoid the ridiculous limits imposed by the new bill, I can't grow enough to meet my needs in a 5x5 area, and I'd go broke if I only bought an ounce at a time, the day is coming when cannabis comes out of the shadows, ready or not.
yea that was a concern of mine too, thats why i opened the dialog with the bills authors. ill also be keeping my recomendation current ( mines for 5lbs in possession, all times).
i can tell you that shasta county ca's DA is VERY hesitant to arrest or prosecute growers until we see if this bill passes in november
i would be grateful for a 2' x 2' x 2' cube situated 7' above the ground... ;) i mean - any legalization AT ALL is better than none.. i don't think we can hold out for something better.. someone is hitting you with a hammer for no reason - do you ask him to use the plastic toy hammer which he seems to like also or do you sit there holding out for the hammer made of feathers that doesn't even exist..?? :p
You cant just legalize it and hope that it stays in the hands of the people. To say LEGALIZE NOW and think that rules and regulations are established enough at this point is not logical. A perfect example is how many legal operations are currently established and are in the process of being shut down by the very city that approved their business permits in the first place. I think that things need to be established and set in stone (so to speak) at least black and white like all other drug laws. To have so many undefined rules leads to patients being arrested and prosecuted. Even if not fully prosecuted they still have tremendous loss in paying for attorneys and the initial loss as to what ever was taken.

thats exactly it. convert the illegal business into something LEGAL

now i dont sell or cultivate for anypne but me but what im going to do is when its legalized, im going to open a nursery that carries not only regular strains, but also obscure and rare strains. im going to set it up with a showroom that will have mother plants on display with 30-40 different strains. maybe a color plaque with a nice picture of the plant flowering, and a description of the plant, care and flowering times, medicinal values, and high type. then customers can come in, see the plant and get info on it, and pick what they want. ill alreadu have them cloned in the nursery, so all ill have to do is retrieve them from out back the the customer. that way, not only med patients can come in, but also regular joes. ive already got a buttload of different strains (something like 40 in all, seeds and mothers going) INCLUDING 3 of my own (purple martian,purple meanie AND sticky orgasm (genetics secret right no), but already tested locally by several legal 215 patients ,VERY potent, and very high yield, and extremely tasty!..look for more info here at in the near future) so i should be in the mix. i even spoke to the local sheriffs department and they actually said they wouldnt see a problem and it would be nice to get someone "on the level" in the area....go figure...LOL.....maybe one of these evenings ill sit down and make a complete list of all of my genetics....LOL

I started a thread for CA residents on the new "patients" forum. If anyone wants to drop by and vote I would appreciate it. Here is the link;
yea, but your missing the point.

legalizing cannabis for EVERYONE has NOTHING to do with the medical end of it. med patients are exempt from the new law.

the reason that the majority of the businesses are getting shut down is because they are either operating illegally, or they dont have the correct permits and the stuff they need. there are LOTS of legally operated dispensaries and CO-OPs out there that dont have any issues with the police departments of counties. how do you explain that?....see all we hear is this place or that place was shut down. if you start digging and get the real skinny, you find that they have broken laws, been either selling recomendations or selling to people WITHOUT recomendations,opened up without the proper zoning permits,ect. ive spoken in LENGTH to my counties DAs office AND the MEU supervisors on the issue, and also to other counties law enforcement and DAs offices, as well as several attorneys on the subject, and generally theres alot more involved in the closing of dispensaries that the general publics aware of.

when its legalized, it isnt going to stay "in the hands of the people". there are provisions for cities and counties to do their own thing. besides who knows what your doing within your own home anyway?

get it on the books and legalized, and then if theres issues down the road, legally amend the law. dont just say "oh, im not going to vote for this because it wont stay in the hands of the people" thats just silly. personally, it really doesnt make any difference on the medical patients end if its legalized for everyone or not, except for those who dont grow will be paying lots less than they are now.. were gonna still be growin our own, smokin our own and doing whatever we ca do legally ( including distributing it to OTHER medical patients for "donations"). this bill is mainly for those who DONT have a medical recommendation.

when i eventually open my nursery up, established clones will ALWAYS BE $6.00,no matter what the strain!!!!!!
All other issues aside - economic, commercial, medical.

Bottom line: this is about freedom.

Does the government have the authority to invade your privacy; marginalize your employment opportunities; send jackbooted thugs to kick down your door and confiscate your property; force you to live in fear for enjoying a substance that, by itself, harms no one else.

Right now the state can do all of that because non-medical possession is illegal.

And for the state: Does the Federal government have the authority to dictate to the state which drug should and should not be legal?

No, it does not.

This is a no-brainer for freedom types. Like me!

What do you opponents think about that?
Alcohol was illegal once.

Now its legal.

Bars around the world profit. Markets for super niche drinks and beers.

Weed was illegal everywhere once.

Now its gaining speed.

All the gangsters have to find another underground activity. Or just go legal. I've yet to see why more people smoking weed legally will impact price. Everyone still will buy quality herb at quality prices. CA is just a little overwhelmed because everyone is still trying to earn a 1200% markup. They'll learn, soon. :)
All other issues aside - economic, commercial, medical.

Bottom line: this is about freedom.

Does the government have the authority to invade your privacy; marginalize your employment opportunities; send jackbooted thugs to kick down your door and confiscate your property; force you to live in fear for enjoying a substance that, by itself, harms no one else.

Right now the state can do all of that because non-medical possession is illegal.

And for the state: Does the Federal government have the authority to dictate to the state which drug should and should not be legal?

No, it does not.

This is a no-brainer for freedom types. Like me!

What do you opponents think about that?

dont get me wrong bro, I AGREE with you 100%, but we have to start somewere. id bet that you and i would see completely eye to eye on about 99% of the issues at hand if we had the chance t sit down and eat a steak and yak about it. the feds dont have jack shit to say about anything at state level. problem is is to get some politicans in office that will get a backbone and tell them to get pumped.
"Right now about 80% of the cash earned by businesses in the US from retail sales comes from money that came from marijuana in one way or another."

Where the hell do you come up with a statistic like that? How do you trace dirty money? Besides all that money going towards pot would still be going towards pot lol except one's regulated and one's ridin dirty. Hell it's not like people couldn't sell pot anymore after its regulated anyways... People still sell movies and all other illegal shit ya know?
dont get me wrong bro, I AGREE with you 100%, but we have to start somewere. id bet that you and i would see completely eye to eye on about 99% of the issues at hand if we had the chance t sit down and eat a steak and yak about it. the feds dont have jack shit to say about anything at state level. problem is is to get some politicans in office that will get a backbone and tell them to get pumped.
Even though the Feds don't have the Constitutional authority to say shit about cannabis either way, they do it anyway.

The Federal government ignores the Constitution whenever it suits them.

California can lead the way for state's rights on this issue.

The only way to break this stranglehold is for each state to say to the Feds, "Piss off! This is our business."

Opportunity is knocking. I can only hope the people of California respond in the affirmative.
it may be important that it happens this year - Obama is willing to give leeway on states' rights - it is something that he believes in.. i don't know about George W Reagan or whoever we get down the road..
oldmanpot im with you hit me up when you open that dispensary hehe

and researchkitty is right its just like 75 years ago when booze was illegal people were making it and distributing it. i mean now herb has a medicinal value that just makes it gain more respect in a social community. 10 years down the line if its legal people wont be afraid to admit they smoke and it will be a normal social think like "hey lets go have a beer and watch the game" sunday night football marijuana commercials. anyone anyone? ok im stoned sorry... legalize it!
naw...not a dispensary, a NURSERY!.........specifically just for clones and plants/mothers themselves. no processed bud, nothing else

you in northern california? future son in law and daughter were supposed to move back to california ( there in KY) and he was supposed to help me set it up and run it, but alas, i havent seen hide nor hair of them. might be lookin for a new partner in the near future!....

ive got plenty of genetics to get it goin' too

ive been working on new strains for awhile. ive got 3 that might just be the new hot thing.

ones called 'Purple Martian"...heres what purple martian looks like 4 weeks into its 9 week flowering period. VERY sticky,tons of trichs. VERY potent. ive got about a dozen long time stoners all with 215 recomendations that when i put a strain together, i give them an eighth each and get a first hand report, and every one of them says its sme of the best shit they have ever smoked. VERY easy to grow, VERY pest resistant, VERY tempature tollerant ,ive had it from around 105 degrees all the way down to around 40 with no ill effects.


when this sucker finishes, its literally so loaded with trichs its literally white. hairs are red ,orange and purple. very low key smell when growing. when harvested, you literally need to have good ventilation or it will choke you out of the room! cures to a nice sweet skunk smell about 4x stronger than actual skunk. the taste is very fruity with hints of lemon,cherry,grape,ect ive smoked buds off of this that tasted just like you were eating a big bowl of fruitloops. comes on slow, in between 15 minutes and 1/2 hour, but when it does, its with you about 4 hours. VERY uplifting social high.
that ones gonna be my flagship strain!.....genetics ill keep secret and it will be a clone only (although i do have a buttload of feminized seeds i made). i havent grown it outdoors yet, but it does very well indoors