Do plants recover at night? Why and how?

ANSWER (partially)

The process of Transpiration, (like sweating for plants) occurs primarily through the Stomata: pores on leaves which allow for the exchange of gasses (like CO2), needed for Photosynthesis.

When it's DARK, the stomata are CLOSED. This means that transpiration does not occur nearly as much as it does when it is LIGHT and they are OPEN.

Less Transpiration = More Water

Water fills newly divided cells = growth "recovery"

but this still doesnt answer my deeper question. I seek deeper knowledge
If you consider weed evolved with having a night time, it should stand to reason that the plants have adapted to best make use of this. A plant that makes no progress at night will be out grown by one that does, and be less likely to pass on its genes in the end.
if the plants are only growing at night and making food during the day then surely the plants would repair and grow during the night. I would transport just as the lights go off so the plants have a full night to recover.