Do they have a party cup contest for auto's ?


What's the point of meauring anythign like looks etc when peopel only care about how much and how potent bud comes of of the plant? OVerall, the best plant would be thehighest yielding and most potent mix no?
we are doing this for fun hazy, as i said before its not the cannabis cup or anything so we are just having some fun. we arent going to be technical and rule nazi's with this, iwant it to be FUN for EVERYONE, not just the winners, im thinking of giving EVERY member who enters a prize as long as they FINISH the contest (as in they have a plant to enter and keep up on the journal updates and stuff like that. in the overall categories we are going to look at EVERYTHING as in, best looking, highest yielding, best environment/method and stuff like that, we obviously cannot judge potency becuase only the grower will be smoking it BUT, we can still make good, educated guesses. as stated before, NOTHING IS SET IN STONE. other than the contest WILL DEF. be happening (bar rolli or PR telling me no which i doubt)...we are looking to start the contest before july1st, but again nothing is set so ideas are welcome and appreciated,, the more heads on this the more fun we can make it. if your going to order seeds just for this contest just try to have them BEFORE end of JUNE...if we go to long people will lost intrest and we dont want that, so lets say 1 MONTH from now hopefully we will be getting started, we will have a mandatory END DATE for ALL plants (as in if you arent finished by a certain date, it cannot be entered) im still deciding if we are going to judge the LIVE plants or the actual product that the plan produces, that will be decided by YOU guys, not me. i want the community consensus here andi want everyone to have a voice or at least an opinion....i will post more info ASAP. later guys

PS. anyone unsure of what a 'solo' cup is, put it this way, the cup CANNOT be bigger than 16oz....meaning it cant hold more than 16 oz of water, anything 16oz and under can be used.


Well-Known Member
The point of restricting pot size is to see how a plant will grow size wise not to see how it looks. And if you cant judge potency online like you said (which is true), then just go by amount of dry bud off of it since thats all that mattersin the end.
actually it's really hard to sustain any plant in a party cup full term for the simple fact it is not enough soil to cover the needs for more then a week maybe 2 your nutes have to be spot on no room for error
its the ultimate grow test lol


Well-Known Member
we are doing this for fun hazy, as i said before its not the cannabis cup or anything so we are just having some fun. we arent going to be technical and rule nazi's with this, iwant it to be FUN for EVERYONE, not just the winners, im thinking of giving EVERY member who enters a prize as long as they FINISH the contest (as in they have a plant to enter and keep up on the journal updates and stuff like that. in the overall categories we are going to look at EVERYTHING as in, best looking, highest yielding, best environment/method and stuff like that, we obviously cannot judge potency becuase only the grower will be smoking it BUT, we can still make good, educated guesses. as stated before, NOTHING IS SET IN STONE. other than the contest WILL DEF. be happening (bar rolli or PR telling me no which i doubt)...we are looking to start the contest before july1st, but again nothing is set so ideas are welcome and appreciated,, the more heads on this the more fun we can make it. if your going to order seeds just for this contest just try to have them BEFORE end of JUNE...if we go to long people will lost intrest and we dont want that, so lets say 1 MONTH from now hopefully we will be getting started, we will have a mandatory END DATE for ALL plants (as in if you arent finished by a certain date, it cannot be entered) im still deciding if we are going to judge the LIVE plants or the actual product that the plan produces, that will be decided by YOU guys, not me. i want the community consensus here andi want everyone to have a voice or at least an opinion....i will post more info ASAP. later guys

PS. anyone unsure of what a 'solo' cup is, put it this way, the cup CANNOT be bigger than 16oz....meaning it cant hold more than 16 oz of water, anything 16oz and under can be used.
We can do potency dont you trust the honor system?



We can do potency dont you trust the honor system?

View attachment 2667945
LOL!! yea i trust anyone and everyone...:lol:

also to the person who says thye are itching, lol me to bro i would love to start it sooner and WE WILL if i can get this all organized in time, just gotta remember we gotta give the members of the contest TIME to either get seeds, order seeds, finish up their grows so they can have some room in their tent stuff like that, im thinking about making it in or outdoor, i was going to say ONLY indoor but maybe we can do an outside category. maybe the overall HAS to be indoor but we can have a sep. category for best outdoor etc etc.

i need ideas guys!!! what do YOU guys want? how do YOU guys want to do it? rules? what kind of prizes would people like? (nothing over 50 dollars for a single item, 100MAX if its the grand prize) I need YOUR input!!!


Well-Known Member
cfl lights i have a good site that i use there really dirt cheap even for 150 w's its less then 40 bucks


Well-Known Member
Checked my himalaya blue diesel last nite bud structure and trichs are telling me its got like 4 weeks left it was started almost 11 weeks ago never had one run that long stupid 3 gal pots and soiless mix ;)
i really need this one out of the way but can start in the next few weeks i have plenty of AKR beans i can party out with
problem im encountering is this retarded HBD that is acting like a super cali got in the mix some how
im proud of this lil lady
i call her emo lol she has always had a blue tint
2013-05-23 10.01.09.jpg2013-05-23 09.59.47.jpg2013-05-23 09.59.22.jpg2013-05-02 20.45.54.jpg

got some crazy burn thing goin i think my led might be to close
figured it out it needs (P) and has since day one i leave a few parts out to dial down my nutes i guess this pheno needs more then i was giving i bet it would of been monster :(


what up all, got final approval from potroast and rollie, we are officially good to go. dr g, sunni and I are judges as of now, i am going to have tekdc and jeffdog giving us a hand with whatever needs to be done to make sure this shit goes off without a hitch :) more info to come very soon. peace


Well-Known Member
LOL!! yea i trust anyone and everyone...:lol:

also to the person who says thye are itching, lol me to bro i would love to start it sooner and WE WILL if i can get this all organized in time, just gotta remember we gotta give the members of the contest TIME to either get seeds, order seeds, finish up their grows so they can have some room in their tent stuff like that, im thinking about making it in or outdoor, i was going to say ONLY indoor but maybe we can do an outside category. maybe the overall HAS to be indoor but we can have a sep. category for best outdoor etc etc.

i need ideas guys!!! what do YOU guys want? how do YOU guys want to do it? rules? what kind of prizes would people like? (nothing over 50 dollars for a single item, 100MAX if its the grand prize) I need YOUR input!!!
I like the idea of outdoor two Id do one indoor and outdoor but anyways Im popping some this week I can't wait lol Ill save some tho.. does attitude do gift certs that should be a prize! lol


I like the idea of outdoor two Id do one indoor and outdoor but anyways Im popping some this week I can't wait lol Ill save some tho.. does attitude do gift certs that should be a prize! lol
yea it cant relate to cannabis or cannabis seeds so an attitude gift card is going to be out of the question

one stipulation of the contest is in order to enter you must give address prior to contest entry, all personal info will be in my hands only and for my eyes ONLY. NO ONE will have to worry about being compromised, your privacy is of UPMOST importance to me and anything that we correspond to one another will be kept 100% private, your natural rights would make it against federal law for me or anyone for that matter to try and obtain your info without your consent and knowledge, so I HOPE that everyone will be comfortable and have confidence in me to do the right thing... thanks everyone, end of story.


Well-Known Member
Ahh yeah i remember you mentions the water before. Was asking that when I was looking at other possibilities but glad ya got it now :)


Well-Known Member
ya its always been blue but its a himalaya blue diesel cross figured it was the blue himalaya sticking out think it was the monster pheno just didnt have the nutes right
but that would be why its running behind lack of (P) slows growth


Well-Known Member
lets say it this way if it was the led's and not a nute issue i probably just burned the socks off of it ;) with the dose full str awesome blossoms and goin to flush it in a few more hours then dose proper


Well-Known Member
I have an idea for Grand Prize. Grow bulb of their choice up to $100. If you think its a good idea "Like"