Well-Known Member
Who have I blamed?Sure you do.
Who have I blamed?Sure you do.
Not defensive. That is the point you made with that post. Yes, I've seen the movie and I know it is about someone making shit up about who they are and what they have been through and by that you are saying I'm lying about my childhood, not that I was comparing my life to others. I even went over this exact same thing with sky.
Don't attempt to play me like you do others here, I know what you mean when you say it.
I don't consider my skin color an advantage, but then again my mind doesn't work that way.
Lastly, I know you didn't mention skin color, but honestly that is the only difference between me and someone else. Everything else is the exact same and if you think otherwise, well....
So the rap was about his black privilege? LoLUmm, yes you are being defensive, because that is not at all what I was trying to say. And obviously you didn't get the point of the rap either. The point has nothing to do with making shit up, and everything to do with privilege. You see SGT not everyone gets to go to private school and not everyone lives at home with both parents who have a really good marriage.
For some odd reason you seem to completely ignore that reasoning.
Yes, for the last time, they do.No. You are simply wrong and living in a personal bubble.
You think that everyone has equal grounds to get ahead in life. And they simply don't. You asking me to prove it just silly. That's like asking me to prove the sky is blue... Because it fucking is.
And as a side note, I could care less about your skin color man. Whatever you did in life to get where you are is on you, and all you. You should be proud of that. But you should also be aware of others who didn't "make it" like you, and not simply dismiss them as being lazy and worthless.
I have posted in this one thread here in politics due to the fact that a lot of ignorant people are saying people cannot make it this world and I'm living proof they can.View attachment 3419487
I was wondering when you would finally break and start posting in politics again. Buck must of really done a number on your soft little meatring. I am going to enjoy watching everyone slowly pick your ass apart. Enjoy your stay!
So the rap was about his black privilege? LoL
The rap was about him pretending to be a gangsta, the other portion about him living at home with both parents isn't about privilege its about struggle.
And yes, you were doing exactly what I said you were doing trying to say that I didn't go through the things I did and even somehow getting that I lived with both of my parents. Did you happen to read where my mom had to pay my dad to spend time with us? Yea, he didn't spend time with us.
Yes, for the last time, they do.
I never asked you to prove anything to me. So that either means you are pada or you read where I told him to do so because you, I haven't even debated this with cause you started off with just saying I was a liar.
So which is it? Are you pada as well as see4? Or did you simply in all your glory and intelligence read the wrong post and think it was you?
I have posted in this one thread here in politics due to the fact that a lot of ignorant people are saying people cannot make it this world and I'm living proof they can.
Also, buck is an idiot and couldn't rip his way out of a wet paper bag.
I find it amazing that people like you but on this forum I guess a drama queen is what people thrive on.
So once again, who have I blamed? You gonna answer this time or be a child and post another pic?
Time to be an adult for once, or is that above you?
The universe doesn't revolve around you, diva
Deal with it
Who hasn't kicked in a door or two in there youth....
Most liked. You are so upset about it, too. Why is that? Do you crave likes? Is that why you are here? You seem to be laboring under the illusion that I give a fuck what anyone thinks....I find it amazing that people like you but on this forum I guess a drama queen is what people thrive on.
I got paid a living wage today.
How the fuck did that happen?
Whatever you did in life to get where you are is on you, and all you. You should be proud of that.
I have posted in this one thread here in politics due to the fact that a lot of ignorant people are saying people cannot make it this world and I'm living proof they can.
Lets make this real simple shall we?You must be smoking some good shit man.
No. Not once did I ever say or imply that you didn't go through some sort of struggle, as you perceive it. In fact, if you read my post I commended you on getting out of a struggle. But I suppose reading comprehension is something you never excelled in.
And again, this isn't about you. It's about the millions of people who do not have equal opportunity to get ahead in life.
No. No they do not. I guarantee I had a much easier time in life than you did and do. But at the same time, I know people who are further ahead in life, and Im happy for them, AND Im still aware of those who have to struggle to even survive. You are the one who doesn't give a shit about them.
That tinfoil hat you are wearing is clouding your judgement.
If you can't even make enough money to live you should probably just kill yourself.
I could care less about your most liked status. Didn't even know you had it until now so it seems to me that you are the one who does in fact care about likes. I bet you even went to notable members just to see where I stand. LoLMost liked. You are so upset about it, too. Why is that? Do you crave likes? Is that why you are here? You seem to be laboring under the illusion that I give a fuck what anyone thinks....
Millions of people go to work every day and bring home a living wage. The rest are just lazy.
Unemployment is lower than it's been in years. The economy is getting better every day. Obama has fixed everything. Yet all these people struggling to survive. Thanks Obama!!
I could care less about your most liked status. Didn't even know you had it until now so it seems to me that you are the one who does in fact care about likes. I bet you even went to notable members just to see where I stand. LoL
I was just making you aware I find it amusing that no one could even say a real reason why they liked you and then you got all mad threatening to locate an individual. Yea, those posts are still visible so you may want to get your little buddies to take care of that for you.
Herp derp I know what type of router you have herp derp I don't care what people think about me.. LoL
You see, you think I care about you or anyone else on this forum and I don't. As for you, you got so upset that someone was asking why anyone liked you and I guess you also noticed that no one could really give a reason besides that you give them stuff. LoL
So post pics and contribute nothing like your oh so favorite person buck.
Honestly, I have enjoyed how pissed off buck has gotten that I'm back here posting in this section. It is making me grin so big. I love it. And yes, there it is... there is a little tingle as well.