Do you believe in ghost

i had a very intense experience and i have no problem sharing it even though it scares the shit out of me even today.
when i was about 14 i lived in a neighborhood that popped up in the middle of nowhere arizona. in the middle of this town were 3 houses, unlike the HOA homes in the rest of the neighborhood. these houses were fenced off and untouched, as if the people living there moved without packing a single item.
turns out the houses were homes to a family that had been brutally murdered. the little town couldnt touch it because it was still owned by out of state relatives.
well me and a buddy being the daring 14 year olds we were decided to go there, and yes, at midnight. well the first thing i noticed was that it was windy outside of the fence line and completely still inside. my and my friend thought this was amusing and walked back and fourth across the line, the difference was clear and distinct.
the entire area had a very bad feeling too it, there was a small stable for cattle and a small windmill. some bones from cows were still there.
well me and my buddy walk in the "murder house" and my stomach churns, but thats probably just my conscious. well we see the murder "stains" on the wall, which was erie because everything in the house was still there untouched.
anyway the journey ends and we head home nothing too special.....
that night however i cannot sleep. simply cant.
(im watching the clock because there is nothing else to do)
1 am passes 2 am passes 3 am.... about 3:30 am i become paralyzed, head legs torso arms fingers eyes.
i am stuck laying sprawled out staring at the ceiling, at this point i am terrified beyond belief but i cannot move or make any sound.
i cannot see the clock in my position but i want to say about 20 minutes pass and then all of a sudden a black mass forms directly over me.
its about the size of my full size bed, it is not a figure, more like a very dark shadow.. maybe more cloud like though..
now here is the part that gives me chills to this day YEARS later.
with this thing over me i am trying to scream to no avail, i give up on that and try to crawl out of the bed.
now my movements are almost nonexistent, just snails pace slow. my goal at this point was to crawl out of the bed and make it to the door.
i would crawl to the edge of the bed, grab the side, and flop myself out. whole process took 15 minutes just to get to the edge of the bed.
but every time i would hit the ground i would instantly be back where i started, sprawled out on my bed, paralyzed, looking at this ominous mass.
after trying that multiple times i just laid there, and looked at this thing.

all of a sudden i was screaming, LOUD. the mass was gone and it was 530 am
i ran to my dad terrified who couldnt do much if he wanted to.
switched rooms with my sister the next day.
nothing has ever scared me like that and probably never will again. ghosts are real
When I was in my 20's my dad was terminally ill. I was out with my brother and I grabbed my chest and I said I can't breathe. I sat there and inhale big gulps of air and it still felt like I couldn't breathe. For some reason I looked at the clock 1 pm almost on the nose.

About a half hour later I receive a phone call my dad passed away at 1 pm.

He died at home in the dining room under the chandelier. At the stroke of midnight that night the chandelier crashed to the floor and all the power and phones in the house stopped working. No other house in the neighborhood lost power just us. 1 pm the next day the house powered back up and the phones started to ring.

When my mom passed I refused to stay in the house alone that night.

thats wild i know after my mawmaw passed in our house a week after that some crazy shit was goin on. i remember sleepin in her room after she passed for a few nights and every night i as in there i felt like i couldnt breathe fully. no matter how hard i tried i couldnt. then after a minute or two it would mawmaw copd and little bros gf said she heard one night soon after she passed she said she heard someone cryin down the hallway an go in my mawmaws room where i was sleepin. she didnt think much of it thinkin it was my ma goin in there, but the next day we found out my ma never woke up or went into that room. ive heard some odd things from that room too an our cats in there now and he'll just start meow'n for no reason an i think its cause of my mawmaw

i wanna have more ghostly experience cause i do believe. i know i live in the right city/state to see haunted shit bein in new orleans.
We were on an investigation several years ago. The family was not staying at their duplex because of things that happened, they were spending the nights at a relatives. Young couple with a young daughter and a new baby, and the husbands brother had been staying with them at their duplex, sleeping in the same room as the baby.

One night he started screaming and acting all weird and demanded to be taken away, but wasn't making any sense. They got in the car, and once they were away from the duplex he told them what scared him. He saw a little girl in the room who communicated with him it was HER room, and if they didn't get the baby out bad things would happen to it. She then appeared to be holding the decapitated head of the baby, although the baby was sound asleep. He refused to come back. The couple began seeing a woman in white drift through the house, black shadows and a few other things. That convinced them the brother actually did see something, and fearing for teir safety stopped spending the night there.

We had one team in each bedroom, and took turns watching the monitors in the living room with the couple. My wife was in the babies room, and we figured we should use trigger objects to see if the little girl would appear. We used the radio and cd player in the room, playing the same cd they used to lull the baby to sleep. My wife took a doll and sat in the corner of the room. I put the video camera on her and went out to watch on the monitor. We figured maybe she would seem motherly to the girl and she would appear. Wifey was talking out loud as if she was talking to and coaxing the little girl.

As we watched the monitor, we saw a big spark pass by my wife and go in front of her. Then my wife appeared to be looking in front of her, and held out her emf detector, which began going crazy. She was saying "it's all right, come here, I won't hurt you" after a few minutes she said to me thru the camera audio to come in.

She pointed to the closet, where I saw a disappearing white mist. Wifey told me the little girl manifested near the closet. She was mostly a torso with a distinctive white frilly dress, her legs and head not visible. She hovered and shimmered, then slowly faded away. Everyone in the living room was still talking about the spark we saw. Wifey came out and described what happened, and what the apparition looked like. The husband pulled out a tiny white dress from a drawer, and my wife said that's the exact same dress I saw. Turns out it was the baptismal dress their little girl was baptized in.

Our other investigators in the other room saw sparks, dark shadows, and recorded some evps. Our medium felt where these duplexes were was farmland in the past with a creek running through it, and that the little girl had drowned, possibly by her father.

They let their lease run out, but said we could investigate one more time. We did. Not much happened. I was alone in the baby's room and we were just getting ready to leave. I was trying anything to get some response or activity, and while running my recorder said "why are you here? Did you daddy hurt you?" Next day while listening, I heard a mans voice say "fuck!" after I said that.

The couple had run a surveillance camera outside the baby's bedroom one night between our visits and gave the tape to is as we left. They had put fuzzy blocks with bells on the bed. in the tape, you could hear the bells jjingle and the laughter of a little girl. Next day when they came back, the blocks were neatly stacked in a pyramid.

The couple also got ahold of their brothers cell phone. He had taken a picture when he first saw the little girl right before he freaked out. They sent to picture to us. It showed what appeared be a girl in a dress or nightshirt with long hair, her face looked like she was trying to look scary on purpose
I've had numerous experiences at a former place of employment, didn't really believe any of them until a saeonce was prerformed, been a firm believer ever sense
I've had numerous experiences at a former place of employment, didn't really believe any of them until a saeonce was prerformed, been a firm believer ever sense

I know of two places that are always hot spots. The old Gallup post office which is now the Comcast Office (beautiful building) and the Governor's Palace in Santa Fe.
I'm not sensitive at all, but some of the women in my family were. A few of the older ladies used to hold seances back in the late 1800's and early 1900's when they were younger. Fast forward to their sister (my grandmother) death in 68. Her 90+ year old sisters came out for the funeral.

So that night all the women are staying in Grandma's house. Grandma's sisters had decided to hold a seance. The first thing they decided was to do some table tipping. You put your hands on top of the table and it will rock onto 2 sets of legs and tap out answers 1 tap no 2 taps yes and then you go through the ABC's and it will tap at the letter to spell things out. Ok my mother could do table rapping so I wasn't really surprised nor was I that impressed at the thought.

However they went into the dining room and put their hands on this gigantic oak antique table. This was a HUGE solid oak table that was not easily moved by four men and these four 90+ year old women with their old arthritic hands laying flat on the table top and the table levitated completely off the floor. There was much more that happened that night but mentioning it brings it back. So I don't often talk about this stuff. That's the entire reason the catholic church has you staunchly ignore these type of manifestations. Because when they know you see 'them' they come back to visit you.
....story removed.....

That was the only incident my grandmother ever had with the paranormal. She still scoffed at ghost stories but she got really angry if someone tried to make fun of her story. She held to it until the day she died. She said she never went down to that spring alone again.

Carne Seca there is nothing I would enjoy more than sitting around a campfire outside in the dark hours of the night and hearing you tell some of your stories. You tell GREAT stories.
Yea, we call them Jinns though. You probably wouldn't believe me, but there was one in my house and it'd punch me at random times, walk around my room, throw stuff off my table. Before all that stuff happened the first time it came into contact with me when was when it whispered my name (the only time it ever talked.)

So one day I'm lying in bed not wanting to go to school when all of a sudden I hear a voice that sounds like my dad whispering my name. It said my name about 50 times and I tried to ignore it, but it wouldn't stop. After a certain point I got frustrated and yelled "what!?!?!?!", thinking it was still my dad trying to wake me up for school, it said "I can hear you." I ended up getting out of bed to ask my dad why he said that, but after looking around I realized he, nor anybody else in my family were in the house at that time.

All that stuff started happening when I was blaming my religion for the world's problems, having doubts in it- being a slave to the corporate media's mindset. Thank God that phase stopped after I found out the truth and reinforced my faith.
i def belive in ghost me and my mom swear my pops havent passed over or whatever ill be walking around my moms house and just smell his cologne i swear there was bottle in the house or something but there isnt and to be honest it freaks me the fuck out but who really knows
i'll throw one up here that others may have seen
there was this very interesting security camera video on CNN some years ago
at one of the English castles, had a security staff so had to be part of the monarchy holdings
a very freaky looking apparition in a black robe
security type people do not like anything like this, it's a career killer with this kind of stuff
so that made for pretty credible ghost documentation, haven't seen any mention of it in a long time though
This one time, I woke up some time in the middle of the night. Now this was a couple of years ago, so I don't remember exact details.

Wait, back track. I fell asleep with my blanket off of me because it was really hot in my room. So I woke up in the middle of the night with a sort of ghostly figure of a large sized woman at the foot of my bed. She was probably in her mid 70's or early 80's. Anyways, she looked at me, and said "you need to cover up, you're going to catch a cold if you sleep without a blanket" or something along those lines. Basically, this bitch covered me up and told me I need to stay covered up or ill get sick.

Ever since that night, I have not went to bed uncovered. Even my feet stay under the blanket lol.

I have more stories that I will post in another post, im on my phone and will be extremely pissed if I lose everything I've typed so excuse the double post
So a lot of weird shit goes on in my house. Noises, lights, doors. General haunted house.

My mom told me a story once of how she was home alone (besides my little brother who was an infant at the time) and she was in the bathroom brushing her teeth. All of a sudden, she heard a little child saying "mommyyyy" all drawn out like that and shit. It repeated a couple of times. Then, she felt a tap on her side, right about hip height. Maybe the ghost thought my mom was its mom?

Another time, my brother was sitting at the dining room table studying for school or something. Randomly, the door next to him (my parents bedroom) flung open. Like, it was completely closed, and no windows were open.

One night, not too long ago, I was laying in bed and the hallway light turned on. I thought this was weird because I didn't hear anybody up. Then it went off. It did this about two more times, and then I heard the switch being flipped rapidly, but the light didn't go on or off while it was being flipped.

Stuff in my house randomly goes missing also. And I know it just wasn't misplaced, it just disappears. I can't think of any examples, but its creepy.

Also this one time me and my brother were home alone and we started hearing voices. Like a conversation. We ignored it at first, thinking it was maybe the neighbors. But it kept going, and it was coming from my parents room. Eventually we got the balls to go check it out since we figured maybe the radio was just left on. Nope. And it sounded like it was coming from the closet. We never opened up the closet doors, but I think we sat on the couch armed with 8 inch knives until my parents came home.

Fuck im not sleeping tonight. Brought back too many memories.

Also, I don't know if this is just a coincidence, but ever since my step dad passed away, nothing paranormal has happened at my house. Maybe he is keeping the ghosts away, maybe the ghosts followed his spirit to the afterlife since he passed away at home.
So a lot of weird shit goes on in my house. Noises, lights, doors. General haunted house.

My mom told me a story once of how she was home alone (besides my little brother who was an infant at the time) and she was in the bathroom brushing her teeth. All of a sudden, she heard a little child saying "mommyyyy" all drawn out like that and shit. It repeated a couple of times. Then, she felt a tap on her side, right about hip height. Maybe the ghost thought my mom was its mom?

Another time, my brother was sitting at the dining room table studying for school or something. Randomly, the door next to him (my parents bedroom) flung open. Like, it was completely closed, and no windows were open.

One night, not too long ago, I was laying in bed and the hallway light turned on. I thought this was weird because I didn't hear anybody up. Then it went off. It did this about two more times, and then I heard the switch being flipped rapidly, but the light didn't go on or off while it was being flipped.

Stuff in my house randomly goes missing also. And I know it just wasn't misplaced, it just disappears. I can't think of any examples, but its creepy.

Also this one time me and my brother were home alone and we started hearing voices. Like a conversation. We ignored it at first, thinking it was maybe the neighbors. But it kept going, and it was coming from my parents room. Eventually we got the balls to go check it out since we figured maybe the radio was just left on. Nope. And it sounded like it was coming from the closet. We never opened up the closet doors, but I think we sat on the couch armed with 8 inch knives until my parents came home.

Fuck im not sleeping tonight. Brought back too many memories.

Also, I don't know if this is just a coincidence, but ever since my step dad passed away, nothing paranormal has happened at my house. Maybe he is keeping the ghosts away, maybe the ghosts followed his spirit to the afterlife since he passed away at home.
i would of been moved
... Stuff in my house randomly goes missing also. And I know it just wasn't misplaced, it just disappears. I can't think of any examples, but its creepy. ...
that is probably the closest thing to creepy things i've experienced
the house i grew up in seemed to do that a lot, and it was for all family members
stuff that was in a known place would just not be there, there were a few other odd things
but the disappearing stuff seemed very real, never happened in other homes
I believe in ghosts... My mothers house where I grew up has one the house is over 100 years old (Which is practically ancient for where I live, He seems like he was a soldier WW1 ish era...