do you beleive in ghosts

yeah im sure orbs are real. im not disputing that. i just think everyone (mainly on tv cuz thats where i see it) who has taken pics of orbs the pics have been dismissed. you know what i mean? ppl take pics and dont know whats in the pic and say its an orb. but im sure alot of them are really orbs too
Just start looking at your photos a little closer and see if they don't start poping up.
It hard to say its a dirt blob on lens when you shoot 5-6 pics reall fast and the orb seems to be moving across a room. bongsmilie
I think it can be a mixture of a few things.

1.) An echo in the space time continuum, sort of a playback. (This would apply to apparitions of form)

2.) An electrical phenomenon not understood by the viewer. (this would apply to apparitions of non form)

3.) People's own projection from their very own brain. (if done on a subconscious level it would not appear to emanate from you)

4.) alcohol
5.) alcohol
5.) alcohol

yeah but theres too many coincidences where it cant be explained. like when someone get slapped by a ghost and have a hand mark on their back from it
That's why anecdotal evidence is ignored in stories which have outrageous claims.... until science can either confirm or deny, it's still an open question with no answers....and that's okay.
yeah but theres too many coincidences where it cant be explained. like when someone get slapped by a ghost and have a hand mark on their back from it

Most of those stories are fabricated.

What makes you believe them?

I would never believe something like that unless I witnessed it first hand, or a really close friend who I knew was telling me the truth told me about it.

What would be the point of a ghost? Most people tend to think it's a person who has died and is in some middle ground between life on earth and heaven/hell. But what is the point? Why would a soul stay on earth? Also, how do ghosts have clothes? Shouldn't every ghost be naked?

There's absolutely no evidence to suggest ghosts, demons, angels, heaven, hell, souls, etc.. exist. The idea behind them doesn't even really make any logical sense...
The only thing more powerful than mans ability to solve problems is his ability to create problems.

There's no one in the mirror except you.
what about the people who have physical evidence like burns or exorcisms and stuff like that where theres some sort of evidence left behind. someone put baby powder all over an attic of a haunted house and when they heard noises in the attic there were footprints in the powder but no one up there
and theres the railroad tracks where a bus of kids got hit by a train and if you put your car in neutral up the hill a force will continue to push you up hill and over the tracks. baby powder method was used and kids hand prints were on the bumper of the vehicle
All hear say dear......... so far nothing has held up to serious scrutiny. All we are left with are pranks, imagination, and hucksterism. There's a lot of people willing to part money for some kind of proof. Just as many would love to give it to them...$$$.

I do think there is an area of undisclosed phenomenon, but that doesn't equate into spirits.
I think man's imagination know no bounds.... :lol:

Here's a small example of what I mean.

Now I have family over in Puerto Rico, and i got married over there. I've been just about everywhere, and am pretty much a local. Now they have a little Boogey man they call the "Chupacabra", and everybody over there can tell you a story about them.

Well I also have some properties in Florida, and maybe 7 or 8 years ago, a sizable population started to move from P.R. to Orlando, Florida.

Within a few years, I started to hear about how there were Chupacabras out in the woods of Orlando. I suppose the Chupacabra got lonely and flew over to Orlando. :lol:

Now, you can listen to the radio and Chupacabra has entered the mainstream vocabulary of the area..

I think that sums it up....... :lol: