The one's that don't believe are the unfortunate. You are one of the Fortunate.Yup. I saw the ghost of a deer running alongside the road once. That was freaky. The other people in the car with me didn't see it, even though it was pretty obvious to me.
One time my great-grandmother (who had been dead for probably ten years) left us a message on our answering machine. A few years later I used the same phone to accidentally call into the past. Maybe not exactly, but there was a really old sounding recording of a female operator with a Jersey accent who said something along the lines of "the number you dialed is not in service" but she said it using terminology and phrases that you just wouldn't expect today...
The scariest experience was when some(one?)(thing?) sat on the edge of my bed for HOURS one night. I never actually saw it (with my eyes) but I'm certain it wasn't a living person and it was very hard to ignore.
I'm sure there are some here who won't believe any of this. Meh.
No shit multi billion dollar news agencies are not going to report the truth. the first rule of media is give the people what they want. do you think retarded americans want to learn things while they're eating their tv dinners full of low grade meat? no, they want shit that they can quote and make it seem like they:drummerforpeace, quite simply the truth is never published; at least not by the large media corps. You're not going to find the truth on CNN, etc. The truth is always ridiculed and pushed aside as "conspiracy theories".
also my grandmother and my pop live in a small contry town call batlow in new south wale's some aussie may have heard of it as they grow apple's down there and they are ship tho out aus, and the town is built over a old war site, i havent been there since grade 4 (i move after grade 4 to live with my mum) and i remember it was an old house with old wooden fire place and out side toilet, and i remember we could all sit around the table or sit in the tv room and things would all of a sudden framed photo's, cermic's animal's, and what ever else filled the shelve's and tv cabnet, they would just slide forward and fall the the ground, door's used to just come open, or they would slowly creep closed, but never closed fully just pushed closed not shut propely ( and this is inside while eveyone was sitting down, no one using the door ), i remember sometime's u could walk into a room and a cold shiver would run up your back, u would feel cold and scared, soon as u walk out of that room u would feel fresh and relaxed, someone people wouldn't sleep in there room's cos of that feel, they would sleep out in the tv room, thank god i didn't live there, just had to there after school and most weekend's, but i seen thing's fall and door shut for no reason, also my pop and some kinda book which i have wanted to see all my life, its about ghost's and all that, but its not a normal book the picture's in the book are not printed picture's in the book but photo's old black and white photo's, my dad has only ever seen it once he wont look at it again and he want tell me any more about it, i'm going to go vist them one day and see the book for my own eye's like i said i dont care if u belive me or not but i swear there's are true stories i have witnessed.......u asked if i bealive and i do
Actually it was just an open chord strum. My wife and I both heard it on 2 different occasions. We had no pets and both times no kids in the house. I always put my pick in between the strings when I was done playing, it would not come out on its own.
Wow man that takes me back, Gonna smoke a bowl and listen to ?/ um who was it that sung that?you should teach it to play smoke on the water