Do you believe in God?

Do you believe in God?

  • Yes

    Votes: 71 34.6%
  • No

    Votes: 122 59.5%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 12 5.9%

  • Total voters
Yah gotta be careful whatcha type when yer stoned....
One of the strange things about our ability to reason is that it is finite. We can be one dimensional -" I'm right. Your wrong. That's it!"
Two- " I believe I'm right but I need to hear you out. I'm willing to listen." Three" I'm not sure if your right or if I am. Maybe it's something in between."
These are very simple examples.

I mean in justifying logic, this is very generalized, that some scientists and philosophers do believe there is no god and have said so. But were not smart enough to then go throw out the baby with the bathwater. Religion itself has done so much damage to a belief in a god that no wonder people like see it as a waste of time to have a faith.
I believe in a supreme being. Maybe that being is fallible. Won't admit it. But is very sorry for the mess created. Kinda like the wizard in the Wizard of OZ.
Try this.

Doesn't answer anything about God. But I'll use it as a distraction until I get straight. I"ll pencil in a time maybe by March. To follow up with my thoughts.

Oh one more thing. I'll give you an example of a belief in a philosophy that went horribly wrong for one person.
Ian Rand developed Objectivism. You may remember she wrote "Atlas Shrugged". One of her greatest admirers was Alan Greenspan. He so believed in her philosophy that he felt that Wall Street did not need to be regulated. That Wall Street would regulate itself.
As a christian you don't believe the use of cannabis is a sin? It seems people want to cherry pick the rules to follow. They'll follow rules that don't infringe to much on their life. Look at the difference in the o.t. and the n.t. Eating seafood was forbidden, an abomination until people realized how tasty it is. Planting seeds from different crops in the same field was a sin according to the old testament. Here's an interesting one being gay is a sin and god hates sin, but god doesn't hate gays. How's that work? Sound's like some PC double talk to me. As time goes on more and more rules change or are explained away with bs. Do people believe a supreme being, creator of all needs to have the rules revamped every thousand years or so?

Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. (Galatians 5:19-21)

So, where are the drugs mentioned in this verse? Actually, the word translated "sorcery" is the Greek word pharmakeia, from which we get the English word "pharmacy." The primary meaning is "the use or the administering of drugs" (usually associated with sorcery or idolatry). Since this verse comes from a list of things that, if practiced, would preclude one from heaven, this should be a reasonably strong suggestion that the Christian should not practice drug use. In addition, the book of Revelation lists drug use as one of the things for which the unrepentant will suffer the wrath of God.

The Bible has a lot to say about alcohol. In biblical times, there was no hard (distilled) liquor—just wine and beer (which was more diluted at that time than it is now). Even so, the Bible has much to say about people who used wine to get drunk. One was Lot, who got drunk and slept with his daughters. Others sold girls to get wine to get drunk. The Bible warns about the bad effects of drunkenness—seeing strange sights and being confused, saying stupid things, making poor decisions, vomiting, getting involved in fights, and losing one's wealth. We are warned not to join with those people. The consequences of such behavior is judgment. Jesus Himself used two examples of those who will be drunk when God comes to judge the world. God's judgment of such behavior does not paint a pretty picture. The New Testament condemns drunkenness and warns that those who engage in that behavior will not inherit the kingdom of God (i.e., heaven).

The Old Testament warns the priests not to go into God's house drunk, or they will die. In the New Testament, those who serve in the body of Christ are not to be addicted to wine or any other sordid thing. Even those who do not directly serve in the church are warned not to be addicted to wine. Finally, the New Testament commands us to not get drunk, but be filled with the Spirit of God:

Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit. (Ephesians 5:18)

Does marijuana get one intoxicated? Even proponents of marijuana usage encourage users never to drive a motor vehicle while using marijuana. Why is this? Because when one use marijuana, one is legally intoxicated and incapable of clear thinking and reasonable reactions. Being intoxicated is clearly condemned in scripture. So, if one uses drugs or anything else to escape and get high, or is addicted to these substances, it is against the commands of scripture and inappropriate for Christian participation.
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Can you help me understand what you mean?
If saying that would defy the power of god, then humans couldn't say it, right?
So if God exists, humans shouldn't be able to say that?
So since we can say that, God does not exist?
Help me out with following your reasoning there :P
well that is one arguement. the counter argument is free will by god design. after all, what would the point be in having an entity that controlled everything including itself need to make things that gave a hoot about it. its counter intuitive to be the creator of all and require respect or anything. obviously it may force it out of a huge population in a given time frame.
Suspending one's judgement is not practiced enough anymore.

Extraordinary claims such as there being a god/creator need to be considered under great scrutiny, before a commitment is made to it's certainty.

You must agree on the definition of the term "god" before initiating discussion. If someone believes there is such an entity, and cannot openly accept the proposal of evidence to the contrary, then there is no need for a discussion at all.

The burden of proof is on the one making the bold claim, and therefore should be followed with appropriate evidence. Until that is provided one should, at the very least, suspend judgement.
As a christain i have an afair with the devil in my garden of the forbiden fruit if i was sick it be justified but to indulge in thoughts sometimes their great but the voices and though of the enemie come piecing in making you drift away sinfully urges and plots of wealth bla bla bla. Ya man were fucked! Lolz
I'm sure there is a higher power existing infinitely in the universe, but it is not Jesus Christ. That book is a story to help people cope with life and dying.
So, where are the drugs mentioned in this verse? Actually, the word translated "sorcery" is the Greek word pharmakeia, from which we get the English word "pharmacy." The primary meaning is "the use or the administering of drugs" (usually associated with sorcery or idolatry). Since this verse comes from a list of things that, if practiced, would preclude one from heaven, this should be a reasonably strong
So, if a person does not commit sorcery or practice in magical arts,, then they are not commiting a sin?
such as if a person drinks but doesnt get drunk, then they are not commiting a sin,, it appears the verses are suggesting if a person smokes weed and then kicks back and hangs out with his lawfully wedded wife,, then its cool,, because your have not lost "self control"
5331pharmakeía (from pharmakeuō, "administer drugs") – properly, drug-related sorcery, like the practice of magical-arts, etc. (A. T. Robertson).
I'm sure there is a higher power existing infinitely in the universe, but it is not Jesus Christ. That book is a story to help people cope with life and dying.
I think it was a way to control people, extort money from people, an excuse to kill people, and pedophiles seem to be attracted to the church. Gives me the creeps.
So, if a person does not commit sorcery or practice in magical arts,, then they are not commiting a sin?
such as if a person drinks but doesnt get drunk, then they are not commiting a sin,, it appears the verses are suggesting if a person smokes weed and then kicks back and hangs out with his lawfully wedded wife,, then its cool,, because your have not lost "self control"
5331pharmakeía (from pharmakeuō, "administer drugs") – properly, drug-related sorcery, like the practice of magical-arts, etc. (A. T. Robertson).
The point is the way religious rules and regulations have been changed over time. Look at the bullshit that is considered sin in the o.t. like eating pork or shellfish. A man can only marry a virgin, not a divorced or widowed woman. If people truly believed that's gods word people wouldn't eat bacon or shrimp no matter how tasty it is. Unfortunately for god pork tastes good so they needed to update the rules with the new testament. I find it all to be bullshit. I don't believe in sin personally, but if I did the biggest sin would be religion of all kinds.
you have some good logic and knowledge of the bible for someone who doesnt believe,, did your grandparents drag you to vacation bible school as a kid?