Do you believe in God?

Do you believe in God?

  • Yes

    Votes: 71 34.6%
  • No

    Votes: 122 59.5%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 12 5.9%

  • Total voters
i saw a theory on the Simpsons or some other ... no a film ! erm got morgan freeman in .... anyways it was a theory that there is no god, and he explained something to do with evolution of thought neurons instead was the beginning ... which shit me.
so if you dont believe in GOD ,, then you believe we really crawled out of the ocean, squirmed on land, somehow survived, then formed male and female, the formed differant species>>? and whala here we are?
If God was the precipitator of the Big Bang and then once the bang happened, God became everything in the universe, then, yeah, I could go for that definition of God. The Bible and any other man-made doctrines, though? I don't believe in any of that.
If God was the precipitator of the Big Bang and then once the bang happened, God became everything in the universe, then, yeah, I could go for that definition of God. The Bible and any other man-made doctrines, though? I don't believe in any of that.
thats what i tell people,,,, god said,, begin and BANG,,, it all started,, hence the big bang
But...beyond that, I don't think there remains a conscious being who is presiding over the creation. I believe in God as a word to describe the "thing" that set off the course of events that happened (and is still happening). I don't use it to name a conscious, man-like super being who sits in judgement.
But...beyond that, I don't think there remains a conscious being who is presiding over the creation. I believe in God as a word to describe the "thing" that set off the course of events that happened (and is still happening). I don't use it to name a conscious, man-like super being who sits in judgement.
only judges those who dont believe
so if you dont believe in GOD ,, then you believe we really crawled out of the ocean, squirmed on land, somehow survived, then formed male and female, the formed differant species>>? and whala here we are?

Tim, that's got nothing to do with believing in God or not. That's about understanding science.
Most theists understand evolution happened - creationism is a very small, fringe part of theism.
Even within just Christianity, most Christians accept evolution - about 55% of all Christians. (And 99.998% of all biologists, many of which are believers)
only judges those who dont believe

I don't believe because all the theists I've talked to about why they believe, believe for bad reasons.
That's nothing I should be punished for, because it's no fault of my own that I don't believe - I've seeked good reasons, nobody has any. It's all faith-based, and I'm skeptically minded.
so if you dont believe in GOD ,, then you believe we really crawled out of the ocean, squirmed on land, somehow survived, then formed male and female, the formed differant species>>? and whala here we are?
Of course not, thats silly! Everyone knows the Flying Spaghetti Monster flew over the Earth 6000 years ago and shit us out.
crawled out of the ocean, squirmed on land, somehow survived, then formed male and female
Firstly, sexual reproduction (male and female) evolved way, way before that - in single celled organisms. It was inherited by all animals and plants (although some reverted to asexual reproduction), so must have evolved before either group arose - in their common ancestors.
It's not a sudden change either, there are a range of intermediate phases which don't quite count as sexual reproduction yet. e.g. There are still single celled organisms which reproduce asexually but also trade some genes with their neighbors in the process.

Okay, "Somehow survived"? You shouldn't be surprised, there are still things like mudskippers or lungfish that can do it now. They have adaptations for it, like strong shoulder bones and muscles for moving about, and lungs.
So did ancient primitive tetrapods, for which we have many transitional fossils showing the progression of these adaptations: Eusthenopteron, panderichthys, tiktaalik, icthyostega, acanthostega and many more.

"then formed male and female"
So they were already male and female, and living in a world with lots of male and female life. What was the next big adaptation relative to sexual reproduction?
The amniotic egg. Before this adaptation, those early tetrapods had to return to the water to lay eggs - the eggs weren't sealed in a case enough to survive on land. This greatly restricted how far they could spread, to areas nearby large water sources.
The amniotic egg allowed tetrapods to spread far inland, going generations with only enough water available to drink.
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There has to be a God as written in the Bible, which all sane white men use for a reference, right?
You see, if there is a God, therefore there has to be a Satan, right?
We have Trump as our President, and if there is any proof needed that there is pure fucking evil in this world, there it is.
So yes, there is a God, and it seems to me that he is pure fucking evil also, just a different name than the Devil.
Maybe we will one day become our own RE-creator when we build machines that will think for themselves...? Then after that, the sentient beings can become immortal through machining their bodies from indestructible materials...and allow themselves to travel through space to new worlds without time and mortality as a constraint -the way it is for humans, now....oh...wait...Prometheus....nevermind...*cough* I really thought I was onto something there for a sec! ;)