Do you dream as much when you smoke?


Well-Known Member
I think as you get older you just dream less...perhaps...I don't know very many adults that have very many memorable dreams. I know I don't have very many dreams, and I haven't been smoking very long.


Well-Known Member
But for most of my adult life I have not had memorable dreams. I can still remember some dreams i had from childhood.


Active Member
Now you mention it, my first ever memory is of a dream I had when I was a todler. I can remember dreams from before the age of 4 better than I can actual memories. Wierd.


Well-Known Member
Back in the day of 60 hour work weeks I was a machinist.
I'd dream of what ever set ups I would have to build some took a few days to make just to get the machining done in a hour.
I loved work that made me think and was always the one building the machine and never the one being ran by a machine at work.
When I sleep now I fly when I jump and everything is the way more relaxed like camping and new socks.
Man I waked and baked with some Blue Dream and I'm spaced !


Well-Known Member
I can definitely remember some dreams when I was smoking normaly,but not nearly as clear as now,havent smoke for 30 days(on t-break for personal reasons,namely looking for better job) and I have had over several lucid dreams during this time and they last a lot longer.The dream content is much more clear.Not so hazy for now :)