Do you in your heart of heart believe in god?

Believe in God?

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If there were one God, one religion, maybe! Would the world be better off if everyone believed in the same God and religion, most likely! BUT, being that Gods and their religions have caused more deaths since the beginning of time except for disease and old age, well, I just don't buy it!

I would still be agnostic.. What does it matter what anybody else believes? Believe what you believe is right.. And be open minded.
Bottom line gut for me is yes. I have always only found organized religion and the various rationalizations to range from not helpful to dangerous though. So my belief is not based on facts I think I know or any typical apologies, but that i choose to be hopeful and think there are some good reasons to be hopeful. It cant be proven, but it cant be disproven either.
god went with santa, the easterbunny, and the monsters under my bed. But if it helps people cope with life then do that, just dont come to my door and try to make me belive.
Anti-theist? Do you kill theists? :shock:

"Atheism and anti-theism so often occur together at the same time and in the same person that it's understandable if many people fail to realize that they aren't the same. Making note of the difference is important, however, because not every atheist is anti-theistic and even those who are, aren't anti-theistic all the time. Atheism is simply the absence of belief in gods; anti-theism is a conscious and deliberate opposition to theism. Many atheists are also anti-theists, but not all."

Here's a link going into more detail bro. But even so, the comment was funny =)
No way, religion is insane. One thing the Soviet Union got right was stuffing all your crazy asses in the looney bin.
No way, religion is insane. One thing the Soviet Union got right was stuffing all your crazy asses in the looney bin.

That would mean they got something right, which they did not in my opinion, having been there and seen the backwards aftermath of a struggling world power.

And the Chechens are now showing what Crazy is. If you repress religion, religion will repress your world.
I think that there is more than enough historical facts to prove the validity of the bible and therefore affirming the existence of Lord Jesus Christ.
GOD exists! Now there is no such thing az luck! if alot of shit is happening to you its not because god want it to be that way, its GOD tryna show you there is faith if you believe.... Bad things happen to everyone even christian who attend church and bible study every week - now thats sumthing god has no control of but he makes thing better in the end.... we all have good instincts and we all have bad instincts, everyone makes their own choices....