Do you in your heart of heart believe in god?

Believe in God?

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Just as, in all things, no matter what you "believe"... your "beliefs" are merely thoughts that you want to be true.

If they were true... you would not be required to believe.
Yeah, saying their's facts that everything in the bible is true is just a lie on so many levels because of the creations alone, the time frame doesn't make sense along with the gay thing and I'm sure their is more but I only know those big lies.

On that note, their is no facts that he doesn't but the bible definitely isn't it. I would like to believe their is some kind of god but one that doesn't control how the world works, innocent people die some horrific deaths and accidents, if their is someone doing that then that is one sick fuck, plus global warming was all our fault which woukd explain all the weird weather going on now.

The only reason why I have some faith that their might be a god comes down to the same question that I ask myself. If god is real then how did he get here, and please don't say "he was just always there", I've heard that waaay too much, not saying it isn't, but you gotta admit that it boggles the mind. The same goes for atheists, if the big bang created the universe, than how was that......whatever it was before that lol, first there and what was before that? That's the only reason why I'm stuck in the middle, so my plan is to be good, don't steal, and help others when needed. Don't have to do charities or anything but whenever the opportunity comes by, use common sense basically.