Do you own pets? Want to keep them? OPPOSE HR 669!!!

Alot of what is going down these days is not necessarily heavy handed govt over one chimp mauling. Thanks to irresponsible pet owners and pet shops that got pealed open during hurricanes, we now have 15' pythons cruising the Florida everglades wreaking havoc on the local wildlife and seaching neighborhoods that border it for food. Look out your window, half of the birds you see are not native. (But they will be competing with ones that are) Rodents and reptiles galore that didn't buy their own airline tickets to get here.
With not being able to actually read the HR 669, from what you have posted so far, I would more then be happy to support the passage of HR 669. Your rendition of "the sky is falling, the sky is falling" isn't cutting the mustard here. Need hard data to back your claim here and a youtube isn't even close to hard data.

your laziness and negativity astound me.

one click away from the link i already posted. the sky IS falling in this case. however, with the help of you and others, word will spread, and people will say bull shit.

to the other poster, read the bill; no grandfather clauses, animals are to be surrendered. read also, dogs and cats have been removed from the list. HOWEVER, all dogs technically DO fall under one main category, therefore the loophole exists to ban dogs in the future IF this bill passes.

just because it's on riu doesn't mean it's fake, guys....
No one should OWN pets. If you can keep a pet by your companionship...and the pets free will is allowed to choose, than yes, I'm all for it. But most people know darn well that if they let that wild animal will run away from they should. So... a big NO from me.

out. :blsmoke:
Alot of what is going down these days is not necessarily heavy handed govt over one chimp mauling. Thanks to irresponsible pet owners and pet shops that got pealed open during hurricanes, we now have 15' pythons cruising the Florida everglades wreaking havoc on the local wildlife and seaching neighborhoods that border it for food. Look out your window, half of the birds you see are not native. (But they will be competing with ones that are) Rodents and reptiles galore that didn't buy their own airline tickets to get here.

the pythons are the #1 inspiration for this. they are using pictures of ball pythons to portray the burmese too, so as to hurt sales of pet vendors.

the whole point of these threads are to let you guys know this is going on. i'm not making it up (pet store thought so too...)
i'm glad you care about your future.

sarcastic assholes need not post. this is serious, esp to those (like myself) who make money in the pet trade business. ALL reptiles. ALL birds. ALL rodents. ALL fish.

tell your daughter it's ok, killing her hamster is a normal thing now because of this law to ban gorillas.

i can't believe the intelligence of some people. smoke pot and shit away your rights, right? public schooling has apparently been effective for you!

that type of talk will get you nowhere around here.
tell that to your "domesticated" house cats. everyone know people don't have pet cats, cats have pet owners...

funny, no one is here taking them. it would take a team of 200 people to round up all the cats in my neighborhood. i think you are being "dramatic". you said yourself everything BUT cats and dogs. now you bring my cat into it. you sound fanatical. slow down and relax a little. :weed::bigjoint:
You keep bringing up dogs and cats as to help your cause...but like I've already said...screw WILD pet owners...screw them all.

out. :blsmoke:

he keeps going back and forth on dags and cats. i'm really confused. i was at PetCo the other day and i didn't see any flyers. they had a new shipment of tortoises though.
he keeps going back and forth on dags and cats. i'm really confused. i was at PetCo the other day and i didn't see any flyers. they had a new shipment of tortoises though.

most pet store managers haven't heard of the bill. if the nation were aware, they'd have no chance in hell of passing it.
I own exotics....if you read some of my posts from Wake n Bake you will see I am a big advocate of these animals...That being said, I believe this should be done. These exotic animals have no place in our homes. There is a huge price tags placed on these guys and they end up in horrific situations. I am sorry, but, I think this is a good thing.
You keep bringing up dogs and cats as to help your cause...but like I've already said...screw WILD pet owners...screw them all.

out. :blsmoke:

so you classify animals that have been bred in captivity for generations wild animals? animals that lack the ability to survive in the wild due to to captive breeding? no, they don't meet the 6th requirement of the definition of domestication, but.... think about this (dogs and cats again). didn't those come from wild stock at one point in time or another?

not all exotic animals are wild caught. i don't support wild caught dealers. most exotics will never be domesticated, but that doesn't make it wrong to have pets. if you don't like them don't have them. but don't support the option to take them away from others that do. that WOULD be wrong.
I own exotics....if you read some of my posts from Wake n Bake you will see I am a big advocate of these animals...That being said, I believe this should be done. These exotic animals have no place in our homes. There is a huge price tags placed on these guys and they end up in horrific situations. I am sorry, but, I think this is a good thing.

It's just common sense.
I own exotics....if you read some of my posts from Wake n Bake you will see I am a big advocate of these animals...That being said, I believe this should be done. These exotic animals have no place in our homes. There is a huge price tags placed on these guys and they end up in horrific situations. I am sorry, but, I think this is a good thing.

are you willing to euthanize yours?
are you willing to euthanize yours?
What? I wouldn't have to do that unless they hurt someone, and in that case...YES. Mine would be grandfathered in, no choice, they were already stripped of their right to live a normal life! Now, it is up to me to provide them with as much of a normal life as possible. Importing more only adds to the problem, and they should make it illegal.