Do you play music for your plants?

the myhtbuster spot was just a reply to an earlier post as to if they did a show on it or not... and while mythbusters is not a scientific as some of US are there are scientists that speak on behalf of the benefit of talking to and playing music to your plants. whether you beleive this or not i guess is just up to you. i mean if you want to go ahead play them some music its not gonna hurt them. i do every day!
Yes I do play Rachmonif and sometimes they like a little country, and some old James taylor. It depends on the mood.
I sometimes leave my iPod dock in the grow room for a couple hours each day. Does it actually do anything to them though? :eyesmoke:

There have been studies of how music helps plants grow, but not in the way of enjoying the music...haha. From what I understand, the sound waves are tiny vibrations felt by the plant, so it is almost like having a very light fan on, or tapping your pot on the ground to increase root growth.....just a reaction to stimuli. I do not think it does a TON, but I have some pretty consistently happy
wow vibration ima take my ladies vibrator n put it on the nets n ill tell u if it works jajajajaja dam pocket rockets.
There have been studies of how music helps plants grow, but not in the way of enjoying the music...haha. From what I understand, the sound waves are tiny vibrations felt by the plant, so it is almost like having a very light fan on, or tapping your pot on the ground to increase root growth.....just a reaction to stimuli. I do not think it does a TON, but I have some pretty consistently happy

FALSE.... the most complex studies about music and plants actually show that what matters is the feelings and energy of the song... that's why they play classic songs on the vineyards!

plants have consciousness and feelings too... ;-)
At the moment, no. The girls are only 2 weeks old, but as soon as I move them to the grow room I will. Whether it helps growth or not is open to debate. I like to do it because it helps to cover the "background" noise of the fans and hum of the ballast. I don't live around a bunch of people, so I don't too many issues with stealth ... I would just rather listen to some good tunes while chillin' with the girls. :)
I play music most of the time for my plants and they seem to like it. Usually some pink floyd, crystal method, and other mellow stuff. I also have encouraging messages written on the sides of my reservoir. Ive seen a few specials on Masura Emoto's water crystal experiment, so I try to send good vibes toward it. My plants have always been pretty happy, so I guess it works well enough.
Didn’t the Mythbusters try this I’ve heard some mozart is good but i guess unless you try it we’ll never know. Cheers
two of my plants started dating, and one got jealous so she didnt grow, but then i showed her music and she poured her heart out, then i showed her marijuana (i didn't tell her it was herself) and now shes the highest one in the room and the others are now jealous.
FALSE.... the most complex studies about music and plants actually show that what matters is the feelings and energy of the song... that's why they play classic songs on the vineyards!

plants have consciousness and feelings too... ;-)

You complain about mythbusters not being scientific, yet you misuse a basic science word like energy. Can you explain what you mean by the energy of the song? What form of energy is this?

What the mythbusters said
Seven small greenhouses were set up on the M5 Industries roof. Four were set up with stereos playing endlessly looping recordings (as having the MythBusters actually talk to the plants could contaminate the samples with their expelled carbon dioxide): Two of negative speech, two of positive speech (Kari and Scottie each made one positive and one negative inducing soundtrack), a fifth with classical music and a sixth with intense death metal music. A seventh greenhouse, used as a control sample, had no stereo. The greenhouses with the recordings of speech grew better than the control, regardless of whether such talk was kind or angry. The plants in the greenhouse with the recording of classical music grew better, while the plants in the greenhouse with the recording of intense death metal grew best of all despite somewhat dying, because the battery died on one of the timers that was watering the plants.

From Skeptoid
There is well known authority for the simple, concrete, scientific definition of energy. Take Einstein's equation, E=mc2, that every schoolchild knows but so few spend the 30 seconds it takes to understand. Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared. Simplify it. Mass can be expressed in grams, and speed can be expressed in meters per second. Thus, an object's energy equals the amount of work it takes to move a few grams a few meters in a few seconds. Energy is a measurement of work. If I lift a rock, I'm inputting enough potential energy to dent the surface of the table one centimeter when I drop it. The calories of chemical potential energy that my bloodstream absorbs when I eat a Power Bar charge up my muscles enough to dig two hundred pounds of dirt in my garden.

When you hear the word "energy" used, substitute the phrase "measurable work capability." Does the usage still make sense? Are you actually being given any information that supports the claim being made? Remember, energy itself is not the thing being measured: energy is the measurement of work performed or of potential.

For good measure, some critical thought about the claims of water memory.

The only reference I have seen made to water being able to respond to our thoughts is on psychic websites and forums. Do I need to explain why psychic forums are not going to be a suitable source of information?

They don’t do science!
Heisenberg, I followed that sceptic link, not necessarily the best example of critical thought but the controversy around Jacques Benveniste was interesting to read at wiki as well as the origin of homeopathy.

One of my criticisms around the debunking work of Randi is that he and his team themselves introduce an observational bias - the very thing they criticize whenever they are out to debunk.

In following a previous link on the biowave hydro subsonic harmonic wave enhancer (I want one!), I found this relevent link on the effect of music and plants:
Heisenberg, I followed that sceptic link, not necessarily the best example of critical thought but the controversy around Jacques Benveniste was interesting to read at wiki as well as the origin of homeopathy.

One of my criticisms around the debunking work of Randi is that he and his team themselves introduce an observational bias - the very thing they criticize whenever they are out to debunk.

In following a previous link on the biowave hydro subsonic harmonic wave enhancer (I want one!), I found this relevent link on the effect of music and plants:

I posted the link to the bio wave awhile back, like I said, sunlight supply believes in it so much, they have a 90 day, buy it back if it doesn't work guarantee. They guy invented it while working on non combustible engines, He noticed his plants responding to the sub harmonics.
I posted the link to the bio wave awhile back, like I said, sunlight supply believes in it so much, they have a 90 day, buy it back if it doesn't work guarantee. They guy invented it while working on non combustible engines, He noticed his plants responding to the sub harmonics.

It's a bit difficult to research this one, page after page of google gives me the same marketing copy. I had better luck searching on subsonic, harmonic, scalar waves, plants and platonic solids.
It looks like two square antiprisms separating an octohedron. Any math folks have a better name for the polyhedron they use in the biowave? Now I want to make one!

Are pending patents searchable?