Active Member
Not so much. If you start a thread on the biowave, I'll contribute some thoughts on how to possibly diy one.
You complain about mythbusters not being scientific, yet you misuse a basic science word like energy. Can you explain what you mean by the energy of the song? What form of energy is this?
What the mythbusters said
From Skeptoid
So aside from pointing out how naive I am, you can't answer my question. You are unable to define this energy, yet you seem entirely sure it's there. The best you can say is it's 'a special kind of energy'. Apparently one that can't be detected or measured and isn't subject to the laws of thermodynamics. Dr.Masaru's claims can not be reproduced in independent double blind study, a standard that science insists on. Your attempts to explain that this energy is outside the known reality amounts to nothing more than special pleading.
You are free to believe anything you want, but don't pretend it has anything to do with science.
You are free to believe anything you want, but don't pretend it has anything to do with science.
lol... keep up that retarded way of thinking it will take you far away in life
some people just don't have the intelligence to understand how the reality works
and you should NOT go spreading misinformation as if its true...
people like you are the reason why the world is in such a bad shape today
have you done ANY experiment by yourself??? Dr.Masaru experiment is a peace of cake anyone can do it.. unless you are afraid to
This is your 'intelligent' response? An ad hominem attack and an appeal to final consequences.
Science is a systematic way of carefully and thoroughly examining nature while using consistent logic to evaluate the results at the same time being aware of pitfalls of the human experience, such as mistakes of perception, logic and memory. Do you find fault in being systematic, being careful and thorough, having consistent logic, or being aware of mistakes of logic, memory and perception? What's the problem with having consistent standards of evidence? I've asked you completely reasonable questions and you respond with insults and invalid debate tactics.
In the end you are still unable to give straight forward answers to elementary questions. You are unable to explain why you believe, and can only criticize me for non-belief when I am simply applying the same standards we apply to every scientific claim.
Dr. Masaru did not follow the scientific method, because he refuses to place further controls on things like human interpretation. Obviously to determine if a snowflake is ugly or beautiful is subjective, and requires a control. He experimented enough to get the results he liked, and stopped there. Science demands that every attempt be made to falsify a claim before being handed off to peers for replication and further attempts to falsify. Dr. Masaru wants to circumvent these standards yet still calls his work scientific. Obviously science is aware that sometimes experiments lead to what seem genuine results until further controls and better experiments are designed, and then the artifact disappears. When others take Dr .Masaru's work and subject it to tighter control, the results that lead to belief in water memory are not there.
If you are so convinced by the rice experiment, why not apply to win the million dollar challenge? If what you are saying pans out you would certainly qualify, hands down. You don't need to have designed the experiment or made the discovery, simply demonstrate what you are saying is true under strictly controlled and blinded standards (the same we apply to all claims) and you win a million dollars.
so you weren't able to understand anything that I said or just want to play the smartass... have fun with that way of thinking..
you just want to FORCE your point of view no matter what the evidence says... I don't get at all where are you getting all that misinformation about Dr.Masaru experiment, why don't you DO IT before talking a lot of bs
seems like you are too closed minded for this conversation so better luck on your next life, because you will never learn what you have to on this one...