• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Do you REALLY want Marijuana legalized?!


Active Member
If you have any desire for the legalization of Marijuana then please go to this website and follow the directions and contribute to the movement. Thank you and please tell as many people about this as you possibly can.


All you have to do is go sign up for Change.gov, go to additional issues and check yes for all of the legalization of marijuana questions and PLEASE add your own. Do not be afraid to stand up for what is right and tell your friends and family to do the same. Peace and pot :weed:


Active Member
If you have any desire for the legalization of Marijuana then please go to this website and follow the directions and contribute to the movement. Thank you and please tell as many people about this as you possibly can.


All you have to do is go sign up for Change.gov, go to additional issues and check yes for all of the legalization of marijuana questions and PLEASE add your own. Do not be afraid to stand up for what is right and tell your friends and family to do the same. Peace and pot :weed:


Active Member
sorry but...

i dont want it in stores ever. i just want it to be legal/decriminalized to grow in personal/family ammounts. the government should not have its hands in everything we do.


Well-Known Member
Here's what to do......
#1 , Say " Fuck you " to the Government , and Grow your own. Not to give away, not to sell, Just for you.
#2, join a group like NORML
#3, Email your " representatives" and tell them what you want them to do.
#4, Be responsible!


Well-Known Member
i posted it so many times because i want people on here to do something.
yeah it'd be great for more ppl to get involved. i dont really think its an issue of HOW MANY ppl get involved though. weed is everywhere. the gov knows it and we know it.

EVERYONE knows that its less harmless then alcohol and cigerettes (which i used weed to quit smoking cigerettes) but it dont help getting the gov off their lazy asses to deal with getting it legal.

what all these ppl need to do is get serious about it and protest and show up to places in person and actually fight for whats right. i use weed for many things in life and what pisses me off the most is how difficult and expensive it is just because its illegal and it shouldnt be.

i never been caught w/ possesion or dealing or ANY drug or even alcohol related charges before and i been smokin weed since i was 12. over the yrs i learned that the ppl that say their "against" weed also call it a "drug" and also say they have NEVER done it and dont plan to just because the gov put it in the category of a "drug".

i never "peer pressured" anyone into smoking but because some ppl are around weed all the time they decide to try it and love it and smoke all the time. drug addicts are ppl who are seriously addicted to a REAL drug. their ppl who go to jail all the time and/or steal for a "fix" and/or are ppl who are alone. i dont know anyone who smokes weed that falls in ANY of those categorys. from what i saw from ppl who smoke weed is their actually honest peaceful ppl and MOST of them are hard working and happy with their lives. its OBVIOUS that weed is NOT a drug and what ppl need to do is fight HARDER because what ppl have been doing to try to legalize weed IS NOT WORKING. screw texts and questions and getting more ppl involved we need sumthin more serious at this point.


New Member
Everyone go to change.gov and not only post your own marijuana question but also take the time to read and vote on marijuana questions proposed by others. It is your duty. (additional issues has a lot of them)

Stand and be counted !


Well-Known Member
You guys defiantly have the right idea. But for some reason I don't its gonna be enough. I think you could get every pothead in the U.S.A. to vote for legalization and well I'm sorry to say it wouldn't make a bit of difference. Do you really think that the rich and powerful CORRUPT ASSHOLES that run this country really give a fuck what any of us think? Cause if you do you are completely ignorant to the world we live in! The only thing those ass raping jackholes give a fuck about is what is going to make them richer and more powerful! Think of all the revenue they would lose from all the busts they collect every year. I am not saying I am not voting cause I am. I don't consider myself a terrorist nor do I wish any harm on any American but I FUCKING HATE THIS COUNTRY AND ALL THE CORRUPT FUCKING POOR EXCUSE FOR HUMANS THAT RUN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Ah grasshopper, you forget that when the people are broke, the corrupt fucking poor escuse for humans that run this country are going to have to start fearing for their paycheck. Look beyond the bullshit, the answer is there.


Well-Known Member
I understand what your saying, and groups like NORML are all great organizations that are here for a good cause. If you look at the big picture we live in a country that is going through an economic crisis, People are loosing their homes and jobs at an increasing rate. The government would not bail out people that have worked their whole life making this economy what it was (pre Bush of coarse) There excuse was they would not bail out irresponsible homeowners, but then they will turn around and bail out Merill Lynch, Chrysler, GM etc. Was there bankruptcy responsible? This country has a bigger propaganda machine than the 1940's Germans and I think that the majority of the people are spoon fed this crap and eat it up. For the minority of us people that don't believe every thing that we hear on fox news or any of the other propaganda machines realize that there is something majorly wrong with this government and it goes much deeper than the legalization of weed. While us American robots sit here and do nothing "W" is wiping his ass with the constitution every day yet we sit here do nothing, many American troops are dying not to mention the trillions of $$ spent on W's war for oil (war on terror),and we do nothing. Now we are borrowing billions and billions of $$ from China to keep the wheels of war turning because our country has been sucked dry, and still we do nothing."W" has made our country the laughing stock of the rest of the world, and still we do nothing. WHEN IS ENOUGH ENOUGH? When are we the people gonna wake up, organize and take our country back? I thought the whole idea of leaving England to colonize America was to escape tyranny and to be free. Freedom in the U.S.A. is an illusion and this government will keep stripping our rights until there are none left to take, And you seriously think they are gonna legalize weed. I personally see them stripping our right to bear arms very soon. And I hope I am wrong, I really hope all you potheads can say
"I told you so" cause I want to be wrong, and I hope they legalize weed soon but I just don't see it happening.


New Member
Do you guys even understand what would happen with marijuana got legalized? itd fuck the economy more then it already is. and if would destory places that it grow wildly and you guys should stop thinking about urselfs and why not help world hunger? shit marijuana isnt legal but yet u guys still do what you do so making it legal is just for ur behalf to make u feel safer so all u can stfu and whats the point of having medical states if ppl like u just wanna make it straight up legal to smoke ganja whenever? One plus to making it legal would it would go down in price which puts many people out of business. and how do drug dealers deal when the shit is legal? they cant! So think about teh bigger picture instead of yourself