Do You Stare at Your Plants?

I go take care of them as soon as the lights come on but find my self wandering back in at least 3 or 4 times just to look at them!
Hahahah im probably the worst about this on here:-) Im laid off and my grow box is next to my computer hahahah can you guess where i am almost ALL day i find myself losing time and good tv episodes take a bong hit stare take another stare some more im trying to get better but they keep growing damn it so there is always something new to stare at:-) Now that i just ordered a 150watt HPS for my micro grow im sure bigger and better things will come of the new purchase so i will be stuck like flys on fly tape only slightly more blind more stoned i hope too:-) We should start a PSA "Plant Stares anonymous" meeting once a month so we can all get the help we need or daily for those that suffer as badly as i do:-)
when i get pissed off i just sit in my grow room in front of the a/c and just chill out lol that is the most peaceful place all the white noise from fans and such the smell is incredible those damn lights do damage though after a while even with sunglasses on
Watched pot never buds..........LOL I do I am guilty but it is too exciting.

yep I agree I would love to just chill and watch them all the time but they would never grow at the speed I want.
and its just exciting to unzip the tent and be like daaaaaaaaaam!!!
We give all of ours names and tape a sign with their "name" and the strain right on the pot. We refer to them by name in the journals and of course they're ALL girls' names.
The only reason I stopped naming my girls was to reduce on the attachment :[ I love to see them grow but hate to see them go.
i love to watch my little girls grow up. I give them tender loving care, all the food and light they need, and spend weeks convincing them that one day they to will be pollinated. Then after gaining their inner trust......I chop those bitches D.E.A. Style! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!

Rinse and repeat
Haha I get high and stare at them all day and night. Now that I got lady bugs in there its even more fun.
Yup its bad for them but if you have a well vented grow room then its fine smoke away just dont hot box your grow.