Do You Stare at Your Plants?

nah really tho, i do eyeball my plants from time to time.....think i can get some help on this matter?
i missed goin to work for 2 days as the plants seduced me like peter piper...or is it the siren? nevermind, bottomline she put a spell on me!
had me squattin underneath the bulb caressin her stalk like we were on vacation. next thing i knew, bitch was pregnant.... this happened in 93 so somewhere out there , a mutant is runnin around stinkin up the enviroment.
half man half cannabis.... the mannabis.
the truth is out there
I have an issue where I seem to not be able to leave the vicinity of my 600w. The MH Hypnotizing glare in my pupils. as my three legs stand stiff. I keep telling myself I will go to sleep in 5 min because I have work, but an hour goes by.. .Why.

I bought a wireless nanny camera and stuck it in the grow room. Now all I got to do is hit the input button and theres my baby on the tv! (its my favorite channel!)
Best $29 I ever spent!
hahahaha people is the shit man xD plant be like " hey man you in here again checkin me out? take a picture homeboy, it lasts longer. you cant have none of this *grab tittys* you cant handle none of that *slaps ass*)
just teasin people. your grow rooms is actually a strip club. a smelly peep show
this shit is so funny... I JUSS WANNA FUHK THE SHYT OUTTA JIGGLYPUFF !!!
its hypnotic..... i just begin to visualize the space that they will grow into.... and looking forward to the smell of the flowers, makes me feel like

the way this guy loves pokemon

Every once in a while I have to remind myself that by keeping the tent open and starring at them I'm stealing their light... :leaf:

Every time!

maaaan you cant just sit around watchin a plant all day long :S
i'll check em when they get to loud talkin bout " i cant beliiiieve you got me cooped up in this closet all day with no oprah to watch"
i'll be like "bitch , im out here workin 24/7 tryna put nutes on the table and a 1000 W bulb over your head"
know what im sayin?

nah really tho, i do eyeball my plants from time to time.....think i can get some help on this matter?
i missed goin to work for 2 days as the plants seduced me like peter piper...or is it the siren? nevermind, bottomline she put a spell on me!
had me squattin underneath the bulb caressin her stalk like we were on vacation. next thing i knew, bitch was pregnant.... this happened in 93 so somewhere out there , a mutant is runnin around stinkin up the enviroment.
half man half cannabis.... the mannabis.
the truth is out there

This whole thread cracked me up.
Ahahah, Stinkmeaner sounds like he just got his mind right on some of his crops. Good shit lol.

Pokemon rulz but why don't they be fuckin'? LOL
I like to do a every day " peek a boo " you know when i wake up i open the door an look in an get amazed of how big the buds are then i close the door.. an just sit down.... then when i go to bed i open the door again to see the babys... i smile an i go to sleep with a smile on my face :-)
I do this all the time.

I like to get to know my strains. Their features and characteristics.

The room itself is just a breath of "fresh air" persay as I live in the northern more snowy cold part of the states.

Very zen, very peaceful.
yea i know what your say'n i do the same thing as soon as its time to water im in there for like a hr. and then when i leave alot of time they get some music. i say what the hell its like havein a kid or something...
lol! absolutely. i catch myself missing small spans of time, lost in a sea of sugar-coated colas and stink. i love it. i think its more of 'cereberal satisfaction' that you get from it..because you have to be patient, waiting for your reward, you take it in with all your other senses as much as possible!
i have this problem.. don't feel alone. ;) hehehe.. hehe.. heh.

yeah. seriously, I have found myself staring at my ladies. I mean, I don't walk into the grow area with the single purpose of wanting to stare at them.. its just, that's how it happens to happen 80% of the time. I'll end up going to the grow area to check on them, see if they need any water or whatever.. and 80% of the time I do that, I end up going into a daze.. like almost a daydreaming kind of thing. I just go off into another dimension/place... and stare at them.

I thought I was the only one... I feel better now that I'm no longer alone with this problem.


peace. :bigjoint:
Ahahah, Stinkmeaner sounds like he just got his mind right on some of his crops. Good shit lol.

Pokemon rulz but why don't they be fuckin'? LOL

The fuck? Pokemon?? Ehh yeeeaaahhh. Sounds like we have a youngster in the mix ppl!

I'm out.

I don't stare at my girls, I eye fuck em... ;)

hehehe yeah because you know since the day you planted them that you are gonna be growing them up all sexy and shit and BAM you cut em down and lung fuck their frost covered pussy's. cos you been all horny and shit waiting on them and getting yaself razzed up by taking photo's of ya bud porn for the previous 4 weeks.....hahahah yeah we all know its the same for all of us

P.s your a funny fucker stinkmeaner!!