Do You Stare at Your Plants?

Dont forget to talk to them..myth busters proved that shit works, they also like metal

This is an experiment done by Dorothy Retallack at the Colorado Womens College in Denver.

She placed radios in each chamber. In one chamber, the radio was tuned to a local rock station, and in the other the radio played a station that featured soothing "middle-of-the-road" music. Only three hours of music was played in each chamber. On the fifth day, she began noticing drastic changes. In the chamber with the soothing music, the plants were growing healthily and their stems were starting to bend towards the radio! In the rock chamber, half the plants had small leaves and had grown gangly, while the others were stunted. After two weeks, the plants in the soothing-music chamber were uniform in size, lush and green, and were leaning between 15 and 20 degrees toward the radio. The plants in the rock chamber had grown extremely tall and were drooping, the blooms had faded and the stems were bending away from the radio. On the sixteenth day, all but a few plants in the rock chamber were in the last stages of dying. In the other chamber, the plants were alive, beautiful, and growing abundantly.

Here is the link to read the full article:

I'd be careful about what music you raise your girls to.

Just an FYI i'm not choosing a side because I've never done the experiment myself (yet), only posting facts.

As far as talking to the plants, my theory is this will surely help because when you talk, you are generally exhaling, meaning you are releasing CO2 directly on your plant. So if you talk to them, they will flourish. If you have CO2 injection and keep your room at 1500ppm, still talk to them, they are your girls you know...
I'm not alone, yes. I love watching my plants, inspecting and then research it online.

It's true, Its a real stress fix, i fell so relaxed after watching them for a bit.

Good Thread.
Just kicked butt today representing, as a supporter only, everyone's right to walk their plants within medical states. Ok, the law states, "enclosed locked facility" for now. Times are a changing, but we can count on a rollercoaster ride in most med states. This kid w/ some serious health probs (@18 bone surgeries) was gettin railroaded by prohibitionists/prosecutors lookin to rap him up in the system. And he had his medical card too. "Honorable" Judge insisted that his approved medical status was inadmissible... WTF? had difficulty w/ a field sobriety test... no shit. bottom line: jury did the right thing w/ full acquittal both counts. will post in a legal forum when energizer bunny returns.
Every once in a while I have to remind myself that by keeping the tent open and starring at them I'm stealing their light... :leaf:
stare and talk to them. im sure a little Co2 couldnt hurt. my wife says im full of hot air might as well put it to good use
I think this could be the real secret behind the laws about Cannabis .... They don't want a outbreak of people all stoned and staring at plant's

I have to admit though .... its the MOST addictive part of Cannabis ....i just cant stop looking to see if they are ok ..I thought i would have been over it by now ....Nope ! :)
I go in spells.... After a while its like work, but I still love to look at them :D All the cleaning, misting, moving, mixing, trimming and I only flower 4-5 plants at once. For a lot of people vegging can be pretty boring I think, but I have added some interest with my training.... Watching how the plants are reacting to my conditioning can also be pretty fun as you start to see the potential they will have in flower.
maaaan you cant just sit around watchin a plant all day long :S
i'll check em when they get to loud talkin bout " i cant beliiiieve you got me cooped up in this closet all day with no oprah to watch"
i'll be like "bitch , im out here workin 24/7 tryna put nutes on the table and a 1000 W bulb over your head"
know what im sayin?
maaaan you cant just sit around watchin a plant all day long :S
i'll check em when they get to loud talkin bout " i cant beliiiieve you got me cooped up in this closet all day with no oprah to watch"
i'll be like "bitch , im out here workin 24/7 tryna put nutes on the table and a 1000 W bulb over your head"
know what im sayin?
I really lol'ed...good one dude
