Do you support or oppose the Iran nuclear deal?

Do you support or oppose the Iran nuclear deal?

  • I support the deal

    Votes: 6 35.3%
  • I oppose the deal

    Votes: 9 52.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 11.8%

  • Total voters
pm you kidding right ??? just look at the link and see how much usa really did lol and look on bottom of page at numbers lol
its no different today cmon Ask your self is USA shitting there pants now Russia has send high tech air to air missiles gen 5 fighter jets and building army personal on Syria looks to me there going to stay there for a while seems to me since russia bombed Cia installations from the other ocean raised a few eyebrows
USA is unprepared for Russia"s obvious higher tech cruise missles
could this be why uss theodore roosevelt has left the region lol god forbid if one of russian cruise missles takes out one of them ,,
you honestly think USA or nato combined are ready to take on Russia ????
shit news just came out China is entering the war now oh my oh my
China has also shown solidarity with Syria, joining Russia in vetoeing UN proposals against Bashar al-Assad, which are likely to prevent him being referred by the council to the International Criminal Court.

The latest actions at the UN conference have come amid reports, citing key military sources, Chinese warships have made their way to Syrian shores through the Suez Canal.

Chinese carrier Liaoning

It was said China’s J-15 warplanes would launch from an aircraft carrier for attacks on ISIS.

Russian media followed that up by quoting Igor Morozov, a member of the Russian Federation Committee on International Affairs, confirming Chinese aircraft carrier, Lianoning, and a guided missile cruiser were heading to the area, and adding Chinese military advisers were already in the region.

If that carrier goes through the canal in peace, and starts fighting, How`s it gonna get out ?
So much garbage about Putin in this thread. Fuck Putin.

Here's USA vs Russia. We have more money, bigger penises, and more money. Looks like USA wins.

You still aint supplied that Russian war machine the Germans had no trouble getting by.

Because it was not in existence yet,...enter the US supply line, that`s where it came from. After the attacks began.
Are you seriously stupid?

American supply lines to the Ruskies saved them?

Wow, just fucking wow.
Anyone know how this change is gonna effect the transfer of Nuclear power to Iran by the US ? The deal was made before Putin stepped in. Be interesting to see.

Like I stated a while back,....don`t be surprised if Iran scrubs the deal in favor of a Russian deal. I hope that don`t happen.
Well if they were 8th and now 5th,...they are going the wrong way..........................

but that`s a huge difference for the US.

Yep. No wonder Obama gets that look in his eyes when asked about Putin.... He's like "oh, you mean that little guy over there?"
Yep. No wonder Obama gets that look in his eyes when asked about Putin.... He's like "oh, you mean that little guy over there?"

It`s the Pentagon, not Barry that says ,.... that little guy over there, but Barry is in charge of the Pentagon,
Did you see 60 minutes Sunday ? The interview with Barry ?

Yep. I didn't watch it too closely I was busy but he just doesn't do too well in those type of settings where everything isn't practiced and scripted for him. Made me think of Jeter and how good he was at answering questions in that situation, he should study his answers
The "little guy" who's been making Obama his bitch for the last few years?

Yeah, cool story bro.

Totally, I'm with you. It just seems like he downplays it all like he can't be bothered with the issue. He spun the questions to the fuckin climate change issue when he was being asked about Russia/Putin.