Do you support or oppose the Iran nuclear deal?

Do you support or oppose the Iran nuclear deal?

  • I support the deal

    Votes: 6 35.3%
  • I oppose the deal

    Votes: 9 52.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 11.8%

  • Total voters
Everyone including England was losing big time til the US got involved, and we didn`t even want to. Battles were won without us,...I think not. skirmishes, yes, but it`s clear you have no idea how powerful the German army was and how close they were to ruling the world. None at all. You have no idea how talented some of the German commanders were.
I have know idea ?? i lost a uncle in Russia and lots of family mind you when i sit here talking to my 86 year old father who was there and mother who herd first hand the whinning of bombs raining down on germany i could only imagine
PS My uncle was SS :) you always here the Germans killing the Jews did you know 99 percent of the german population didnt even know what was happening with the genocide of jew population ?? and TBH they would of not allowed it ..
what you read in texts i been told first hand huge difference my friend
I have know idea ?? i lost a uncle in Russia and lots of family mind you when i sit here talking to my 86 year old father who was there and mother who herd first hand the whinning of bombs raining down on germany i could only imagine
PS My uncle was SS :) you always here the Germans killing the Jews did you know 99 percent of the german population didnt even know what was happening with the genocide of jew population ?? and TBH they would of not allowed it ..
what you read in texts i been told first hand huge difference my friend

Then you should know,...

I know a few, actually a lot of guys that were there, mostly Navy, only 30 more years than me,....we get along and not many at all can get these guys to talk. I do. In my field I meet hundreds of guys with walls full, I stay and chat,, text book,... I think not. My dad did Korea, but the big one was still on many minds. Most of the history books are very accurate, just not so detailed. I`ve seen pics. from a photog guy that at the time were classified, from BB`s damaged by Japs, pics. from the North African campaign. pics with really hard to see stuff and it don`t get old for them. I`ve seen Id`s, passes, photo books, and heard a lot of stories.

The US was the game changer but had to arm it`self first,...not an easy task at all. The shipping you talk about is all freight headed to Russia, covered by inferior Navy Cruisers and Destroyers. They had orders to sink the shipping, not the escorts. and they got a lot of it. When our war machine was ready, Germany had to look out. Japan was the threat,...had their eyes on the canal and a Navy that everyone knew was gonna be hard,...turns out, they had great ships but not the talent to use them. When US ships met with INJ ships, the Japanese were small men and could not keep up with the US sailors when time to parbuckle came. That`s why they lost that many ships,...they couldn`t handle the massive steel involved. They tired so fast. But they were smart and crafty as well. We had manpower over their machine power. Books don`t tell you that shit.

Germany was very close to a world ruler,...a season or two. Their biggest mistake was losing their huge fuel depots to bombs, you could prolly see from the moon. Japan`s biggest mistake was building a Navy too big for them to work with.

And these guys all agree that Churchill was nothing more than a thorn in everyone`s side.
Fusso was an older but quicker BB for Japan, it should have been able to get two and maybe three shot a minute out each gun barrel, mostly barely got one.
Yamato and her sister were BB`s impenetrable from the side and top, but after a couple thousand hits succumbed because they didn`t know how to drive it.
Everyone including England was losing big time til the US got involved, and we didn`t even want to. Battles were won without us,...I think not. skirmishes, yes, but it`s clear you have no idea how powerful the German army was and how close they were to ruling the world. None at all. You have no idea how talented some of the German commanders were.
Are you stupid or ignorant?

The Russians single handedly pushed the Germans back from half way across Russia to Berlin.

Guess whos troops were fighting in Berlin before the Western allies arrived?

Don't be stupid, America certainly expedited the end of the war by nuking Japan but the main reason Hitler lost was because he tried to fight on too many fronts with too few troops and equipment.
Are you stupid or ignorant?

The Russians single handedly pushed the Germans back from half way across Russia to Berlin.

Guess whos troops were fighting in Berlin before the Western allies arrived?

Don't be stupid, America certainly expedited the end of the war by nuking Japan but the main reason Hitler lost was because he tried to fight on too many fronts with too few troops and equipment.
What country are you from that you assume is better than the U.S.?
What country are you from that you assume is better than the U.S.?
You consider US to be the best ?? as your self do you support terrorism ??? cause USA appears to support it , they made ISIS didnt they ??
And lets not get into all the lies USA says Shit here is a good one USA is so high tech that a GPS guided missile would hit a hospital lol give your fucking head a shake there buddy
but things have changed now in Syria hey with RUSSIA owning the skies
USA at best is 3rd world caught flat-footed twice – first by ISIS, then by Putin. you have increasingly limited options as the Russian umbrella of air defense will hamper your ability to strike at will, if the Russians don’t agree with your targets.” Remember Russia is invited to Syria you are not
lets look at the big picture is USA scared shitless of Russia ? it appears they look at Ukraine which states the U.S. will defend Ukraine in the event that its territorial integrity is violated. But, as a memorandum, it isn’t binding. And Russia new dam well USA is all talk Obama had no interest in a ground war with Russia over Ukraine, cause Even USA knows they get a beating so bad its not even funny and so putin just did what he wanted, and like Syria unfolding before the worlds eyes showing everyone how weak USA really is
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with Russia building a massive military bases in Syria they will impose an "A2AD" (Anti-Access Area-Denial) exclusion zone.
Which means they any jet flying in this zone be it Canadian, Amerian or UK will be shot down and trust me USA knows russia is light years ahead in air defence and missile tech so in other words i think USA is screwed and will leave this war torn zone they created yet again
Are you stupid or ignorant?

The Russians single handedly pushed the Germans back from half way across Russia to Berlin.

Guess whos troops were fighting in Berlin before the Western allies arrived?

Don't be stupid, America certainly expedited the end of the war by nuking Japan but the main reason Hitler lost was because he tried to fight on too many fronts with too few troops and equipment.

Germany had scorched the earth deep into Russia, they had nothing left, HUGE shipments from the US that was not even in the war yet, were sent through U-Boat infested waters to supply them,...The Russians were pissed and very determined to seek revenge, so much so that the Nazi prayed to run into the US Army that may have mercy on them, Russia would not.

The plan for Berlin was to let the Russians get their revenge and save US forces for the flank and block German escape. I would have done that too. Russia was told to go and from there, German troops were doomed to Russian revenge.

So when you leave out the minor details of a story, only show how stupid and ignorant you are.

Do you think Russia let Germany surprise attack their Nation and get that deep, or did Germany actually get there on their own ?
Like the US, Russia had a little tiny war machine at that time. But thanks to the Mexican Calvary, they received millions of tons worth of shipping supplies,...Right, Not US.
Germany had scorched the earth deep into Russia, they had nothing left, HUGE shipments from the US that was not even in the war yet, were sent through U-Boat infested waters to supply them,...The Russians were pissed and very determined to seek revenge, so much so that the Nazi prayed to run into the US Army that may have mercy on them, Russia would not.

The plan for Berlin was to let the Russians get their revenge and save US forces for the flank and block German escape. I would have done that too. Russia was told to go and from there, German troops were doomed to Russian revenge.

So when you leave out the minor details of a story, only show how stupid and ignorant you are.

Do you think Russia let Germany surprise attack their Nation and get that deep, or did Germany actually get there on their own ?
Like the US, Russia had a little tiny war machine at that time. But thanks to the Mexican Calvary, they received millions of tons worth of shipping supplies,...Right, Not US.
It was Russia who used the policy of scorched earth so they would leave nothing of value for the Germans to salvage.

Stalin had also moved all major manufacturing to the Ural Mountains and allowed the Germans to be drawn into "the Motherland" and a war of attrition.

Do you even history, bro?
It was Russia who used the policy of scorched earth so they would leave nothing of value for the Germans to salvage.

Stalin had also moved all major manufacturing to the Ural Mountains and allowed the Germans to be drawn into "the Motherland" and a war of attrition.

Do you even history, bro?

They did it after the push, they certainly didn`t do it before the push----- ----- Backing off because of an approaching Army is a good idea when you have nothing to fight them with. Do you even think ??

Millions of tons of shipping with war supplies went to Russia because they had too much anyway,....Right ? They needed the extra, Correct ?
They did it after the push, they certainly didn`t do it before the push----- ----- Backing off because of an approaching Army is a good idea when you have nothing to fight them with. Do you even think ??

Millions of tons of shipping with war supplies went to Russia because they had too much anyway,....Right ? They needed the extra, Correct ?
Don`t you have potato`s to peel or something ??
So dumb.

Mother must've been a meth head.
D Day and the invasion of Italy did win the war though. If the Germans were able to move their panzer divisions out of France and divert them to the Eastern Front against the Russian assault it would've ended up very poorly for the Russians. Even though the Russian tank was superior to the German ones initially, the Pzkpfw VIB Tiger II changed this as it was the heaviest tank the Germans introduced and it could knock out any Allied tank, the Russians did not have combined forces down. They would drive giant columns of tanks at the Germans who would then fight them using infantry, anti-tank guns, tanks, and air. The Soviets had ~110,000 tanks and lost ~84,000. For every German tank the Soviets managed to destroy, the Germans managed to destroy 3-4 Soviet tanks.

Also, Germany began Operation Barbarossa Dec. 18, 1940, and declared war on the United States Dec. 11, 1941.

*Edited to add* Well that being said too, if we just invaded via Normandy and Italy without the Russians pushing on the Germans, it could've gone very badly for the Allies too. I don't think any one nation "won" the war. It was definitely an Allied victory, without everyone working together it would've dragged on a lot longer. Even the British and ANZAC helped out tons in the Pacific theater and that's never really taught here in the US either.
The homosexual fellow who reverse engineered the engima machine made D-Day possible. Dday was bad, in many ways. Airforce bombs went way off target. Rangers climbed cliffs only to find fake disguised telephone poles, not tanks.
So dumb.

Mother must've been a meth head.

You still aint supplied that Russian war machine the Germans had no trouble getting by.

Because it was not in existence yet,...enter the US supply line, that`s where it came from. After the attacks began.